In the modern era of hair transplants, there have been few innovations as exciting & vital as the development of hair transplants using the FUE method, with the acronym being short for follicular unit extraction. Even though the traditional FUT (follicular unit transplantation) procedure only leaves minimal scarring, those who wear their hair shorter are hesitant toward it, and for a long time it was their only option. As FUE has become increasingly popular, though, peoples’ desire to get a hair transplant has skyrocketed, and keeping people informed about it has become nothing short of vital.
There are quite a few differences between it & the traditional procedure, but the most distinct differences involve how the follicles are taken from the donor area. With the FUT transplant procedure, also known as the strip procedure, a strip of skin with the donor follicles is removed from the back of the head. From there, they’re extracted from the strip & carefully placed into the donor area. With the FUE transplant, however, no strip is required, as follicles are removed directly from the back of the head & placed into the transplant area. While it’s not a “scar-free” procedure, the scars are essentially undetectable by the human eye due to the small diameter of the punch Dr. Yazdan uses during the procedure. Even those who wear their hair in a trimmed buzzcut would show no visible signs of a procedure having taken place.
Understandably, your next question might have to do with whether you’re eligible for a FUE transplant. Luckily, the criteria have become wider & wider as the process has become more refined, but there are still a few to keep in mind. It depends on some key factors, such as how you wear your hair (as we discussed earlier) & what the progression of your hair loss looks like. For someone who’s caught their hair loss early & just needs certain small sections touched up, FUE might be an excellent option.
For example, Dr. Amir Yazdan’s patients at Modena Hair Institute (located in Beverly Hills, Las Vegas & Newport Beach) can have about 2500 or so transplanted follicles at most with the FUE method. The limit is set here due to the patients overall donor density and spacing of follicular units. However, with FUT, that acceptable number can go past 3000 & beyond, allowed for by the removal of the aforementioned strip from the back of the head.

There was also a time when FUE would be restricted to white patients & those with similar hair types. However, with the extent the technology has developed, as well as the proprietary tools Dr. Yazdan has developed, African American patients have also become able to reap the benefits of this revolutionary procedure. With those restrictions out of the way, it just comes down to what you’ve got on your head already & how you want to look afterward.
No matter what you’re looking for in that regard, however, you can come into a Modena clinic & receive world-class treatment from one of the most renowned hair restoration surgeons in the industry. Dr. Yazdan, who personally performs every hair transplant procedure at our clinics, is assisted by the same team of assistants that’s worked with him for years, and we utilize some of the most specialized & advanced technology on the market to make sure your hair transplant is done right the first time around. Learn more about both FUE & FUT procedures on our website, and schedule your consultation to see what we can do to help you reclaim your hairline.