Tag Archives: fue hair surgery

FUE Transplant: Step by Step

*This blog is a transcription of a video covering a Modena Hair Institute patient who saw Dr. Yazdan for a FUE hair transplant procedure, also known as follicular unit extraction. We’ve included the video itself here as well*

Mark, an international business entrepreneur from Scottsdale, Arizona, has arrived in Modena Hair Transplant Center in Las Vegas for his first hair transplant surgery. As he tells it, over a year beforehand, his brother came to this same office to have his own FUE transplant surgery done, and he wants to find out what Dr. Yazdan can do with his own receding hairline, which has been steadily getting worse over the past 5-10 years.

In his office, Dr. Yazdan examines Mark’s hair to determine factors such as the condition of his follicles, the density of his hair, and viability; it’s necessary to plan the transplant in extensive detail to ensure the best possible results.

As Dr. Yazdan explains, “In aging patients with typical male pattern baldness & a receding hairline, it’s necessary to restore the hairline in the angles. I think it’ll be sufficient to fill the temporal area & lower the hairline.” Speaking to Mark, he says, “Your hair looks healthy, and your donor zone is perfect. It will take approximately 1,500 grafts to lower your hairline and fill in the sides & temporal area. We’ll use the FUE method, we’ll begin at 8:00 AM, and by 5:00 PM we’ll be finished.” From there, Dr. Yazdan carefully measures & reconstructs the patient’s ideal hairline; it is of the utmost importance to make this hairline natural & optimally dense. 

It is not necessary to cut the patient’s hair before hair transplant surgery using the strip (FUT, or follicular unit transplantation) method, but with Mark it was decided there would be follicular unit extraction, which requires the donor area to be shaved before the procedure begins.

After the patient has undergone anesthesia, the doctor extracts the grafts from the patient’s existing hair. Dr. Yazdan has also developed a unique process for anesthesia. The patient feels no pain during the course of the surgery or after, and the area is also not subject to the post-procedure swelling typical at outside clinics. 

Mark’s procedure in progress.

Now we see how the extraction of hair takes place. Separate grafts are extracted from the donor zone, one at a time, and accuracy is essential, as is the experience of the surgeon & the tools available. It is crucial to ensure that the grafts are not damaged in the process of extraction. The surgeon’s technique & use of a tiny plug (measuring 0.7mm in diameter), ensure virtually no visible scarring. There are no stitches, and the wound heals within 3-4 days after the procedure.

It’s not only the quality of graft extraction that is essential for a successful hair transplant, but also the quality of their processing. The longer a hair remains out of the human body, it experiences increasingly greater stress, and the likelihood of successful settling goes down. At Modena, to ensure the grafts are processed quickly & professionally, between 3-5 assistants work on graft processing for each surgery. This is a substantially large number of support staff compared to the majority of other clinics, and it enables large procedures to be carried out in a very short period of time, guaranteeing an almost 100% graft survival rate in turn. Grafts are processed by highly skilled personnel with the use of state-of-the-art microscopes. While the surgeon extracts the follicles, the rest of the team works to process the grafts. It’s an extremely laborious task, requiring attention to detail and modern magnifying equipment. 

As that happens, Mark takes a break & prepares for the next stage: implantation of the hair. Once the extraction process is completed, the area already looks presentable. The donor zone shows little to no sign of bleeding & is covered by the surrounding hair. In the meantime, the surgeon starts to prepare apertures for the grafts in the recipient zone. At this stage, it’s also important for the surgeon to take the direction of hair growth into account. At Modena, we use the latest precision tools which enable the transplant of grafts in the minimal possible time & the preservation of the direction of hair growth set by the surgeon during aperture creation. Furthermore, their small diameter ensure the natural density of hair in the transplant zone. The hairline, the direction of growth, and the hair density are all carefully calibrated to ensure an authentic, natural look. 

Each aperture is counted by a special device, which displays the figures on a monitor & enables the surgeon to check on the accuracy of the apertures in real time. As the procedure is actively carried out, Mark is able to speak clearly to the camera & discuss what’s happening, showing no signs of discomfort or pain. It’s well worth noting that in the course of the procedure, lasting many hours, there is virtually no blood. 4-5 people work to transplant the grafts, as it is of significant importance to keep operating time to a minimum. 

On the day after the surgery, during a follow-up appointment, it’s impossible to tell that he had undergone hair transplant surgery the day before. Modena’s techniques also virtually eliminate the risk for an allergic reaction. On the second day, mark comes to the clinic again. Our personnel wash his head, the doctor offers post-care recommendations, and Mark says goodbye to the team.

Mark, immediately after his FUE procedure.

Mark’s story is just one of many in the history of Modena, and you can be the next to reclaim your hairline. We have locations in Las Vegas, Beverly Hills & Newport, and we’re willing to help you make the journey to gain back your confidence. Visit our website to schedule a free consultation, learn about the different services we offer, & feel free to call us at any time during our business hours.

Are You a Candidate for a FUE Transplant?

In the modern era of hair transplants, there have been few innovations as exciting & vital as the development of hair transplants using the FUE method, with the acronym being short for follicular unit extraction. Even though the traditional FUT (follicular unit transplantation) procedure only leaves minimal scarring, those who wear their hair shorter are hesitant toward it, and for a long time it was their only option. As FUE has become increasingly popular, though, peoples’ desire to get a hair transplant has skyrocketed, and keeping people informed about it has become nothing short of vital. 

There are quite a few differences between it & the traditional procedure, but the most distinct differences involve how the follicles are taken from the donor area. With the FUT transplant procedure, also known as the strip procedure, a strip of skin with the donor follicles is removed from the back of the head. From there, they’re extracted from the strip & carefully placed into the donor area. With the FUE transplant, however, no strip is required, as follicles are removed directly from the back of the head & placed into the transplant area. While it’s not a “scar-free” procedure, the scars are essentially undetectable by the human eye due to the small diameter of the punch Dr. Yazdan uses during the procedure. Even those who wear their hair in a trimmed buzzcut would show no visible signs of a procedure having taken place.

Understandably, your next question might have to do with whether you’re eligible for a FUE transplant. Luckily, the criteria have become wider & wider as the process has become more refined, but there are still a few to keep in mind. It depends on some key factors, such as how you wear your hair (as we discussed earlier) & what the progression of your hair loss looks like. For someone who’s caught their hair loss early & just needs certain small sections touched up, FUE might be an excellent option.

For example, Dr. Amir Yazdan’s patients at Modena Hair Institute (located in Beverly Hills, Las Vegas & Newport Beach) can have about 2500 or so transplanted follicles at most with the FUE method. The limit is set here due to the patients overall donor density and spacing of follicular units. However, with FUT, that acceptable number can go past 3000 & beyond, allowed for by the removal of the aforementioned strip from the back of the head.

Before & after a successful FUE procedure performed at Modena Hair Institute.

There was also a time when FUE would be restricted to white patients & those with similar hair types. However, with the extent the technology has developed, as well as the proprietary tools Dr. Yazdan has developed, African American patients have also become able to reap the benefits of this revolutionary procedure. With those restrictions out of the way, it just comes down to what you’ve got on your head already & how you want to look afterward. 

No matter what you’re looking for in that regard, however, you can come into a Modena clinic & receive world-class treatment from one of the most renowned hair restoration surgeons in the industry. Dr. Yazdan, who personally performs every hair transplant procedure at our clinics, is assisted by the same team of assistants that’s worked with him for years, and we utilize some of the most specialized & advanced technology on the market to make sure your hair transplant is done right the first time around. Learn more about both FUE & FUT procedures on our website, and schedule your consultation to see what we can do to help you reclaim your hairline.

Who is Qualified to Perform Hair Transplantion?

qualified hair transplant surgeon
Due to a lack of sufficient regulation in the hair transplant industry, clients must be very careful. When talking with different clinics, look at the doctors experience, make sure you look at before and after pictures, talk with actual patients and find out about the experience of the technicians that will be assisting the doctor. In fact, on this last point, the importance of an experienced and technically masterful clinical team cannot be understated.
An Expert Hair Transplant Needs an Expert Team
Hair restoration requires a high level of specialized skill on the part of both the surgeon and the assistant team. Recipient-site problems can manifest from either surgeon or assistant error. The surgeon can create an unnatural hairline due to lack of knowledge of natural hair-loss patterns or badly executed recipient sites. He must also be cognizant of how hairs naturally are angled on the scalp to re-create a pattern that appears natural when making recipient sites. Assistants can also greatly contribute to the success or failure of surgery in their task of graft dissection and graft placement.
As hair restoration procedures grow in popularity and accessibility, there has sprung up a dangerous class of doctors and clinics who have no business even approaching a patient’s scalp. These clinics simply hire poorly trained or unlicensed technicians to perform substantial aspects of hair restoration surgery – this is both unethical and dangerous.
Unlike almost any other cosmetic procedure, an excellent hair transplant requires an excellent team. The surgeon is part of the equation, but he or she is not the sole player in the game. The surgeon is part of a dedicated and specialized team. At Modena Hair Institute in Newport Beach, Dr. Amir Yazdan is responsible for hairline design, donor harvesting and closure, and recipient site creation; Dr. Yazdan’s team, however, is responsible for graft dissection and placement. Having an excellent team is mandatory.
Almost any surgeon or physician can claim to do hair restoration, but very few do it well. An expert hair transplant surgeon will know if the client is a proper candidate for such a transplant, he or she will be very discerning about how to do the surgery, what will suit the natural structure of the face, and more. Knowing as much about safety regarding when to transplant and when not to is very important. We believe that good judgment must involve both understanding the medical aspects of hair loss (types of hair loss that you can’t operate on, medical management, etc.) as well as surgical expertise (artistry and technical skills). Finally, ethics is key.
Beware of False Advertising
Too many clinics have hard driving salesmen to push you to do a case that the surgeon might otherwise think is dangerous or inappropriate. Ethical judgment on when not to operate is very important. Some clinics will prop up an eloquent sales campaign and web presence to sell consumers a trap. Over the years we’ve sadly received many patients seeking to repair and correct the damage done by bad hair transplant procedures.
Understanding What You Need
At Modena we recommend being evaluated by a board-certified transplant surgeon like Dr. Yazdan to discuss your medical and family history to better understand the nature of your hair loss and possible treatment options. A careful and experienced hair transplant doctor will scrupulously plan, design and execute on coverage options which you will find most pleasing and attractive.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

How Many FUE Grafts Do I Need For My Hair Transplant Surgery?

This is a very common question asked by potential hair transplant patients, but one which is impossible to answer without a physician’s direct assessment of the situation. A viable candidate for an FUE procedure may need only 900 grafts transplanted while another may need 3,500.
FUE gratfs
As you can see from the above graphic, patient number three many only need 1,000 grafts, while patient number five will need a few thousand.
Various factors influence the number of grafts to be transplanted.

  • The stage of hair loss the patient currently faces
  • The quality of the donor area
  • Follicle strength
  • The number of follicles that can be received from the donor area
  • The aesthetic goals of the patient
  • The physiology and medical history of the patient

During a first consultation, the physician will evaluate the patient’s scalp and consider the aforementioned factors and develop an estimated graft count for surgery. While the cost of the surgery is not directly correlated to the graft count, the number of grafts to be transplanted does significantly determine overall price.
An additional factor to keep in mind for inquisitive patients is that hair goals differ from patient to patient. What makes one patient happy may not make another patient happy. These aesthetic goals play a pivotal role in the amount of grafts needed. Does the patient desire a bell curve design or a round design? These and other crucial questions play a role in graft count.
A veteran physician will work with the patient to produce a properly designed hairline that will establish a suitable frame to the face and create a frame as well for the remainder of the hair transplant work. The physician and the patient must contemplate how that hairline will properly fit a person’s facial features, stage of hair loss, and shape of the existing temple hairline.
Modena Hair Institute’s own board-certified physician, Dr. Amir Yazdan, has specialized in this bespoke style of FUT and FUE transplantation for nearly a decade.
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

I’m not happy with my hair transplant results. What are my options?

We get many patients who come for consultations from other hair transplant offices seeking second or third opinions on their hair transplant results.
These individuals are often unhappy with their results and want to know what their options are for fixing their hair and restoring their happiness and confidence.
The first step in evaluating your hair transplant results, is to establish a timeline.
How long ago was the surgery?
Timeline plays a big role in hair transplant recovery and being able to determine the results.
The next step is to establish a history.
How many grafts were transplanted? Where are the donor and recipient zones? What were the goals of the hair transplant surgery?
This information is crucial to gauging what, if any goals were met.
Once you have this important information, you can begin discussing and exploring options.
If the surgery was botched, meaning you have undesirable results such as bad scarring, no graft survival, or increased hair loss, you may need another hair transplant surgery. While this isn’t something anyone wants to hear who just spent thousands of dollars on a hair transplant surgery, this may be what is required in order to fix your botched surgery and provide you with a satisfactory and acceptable appearance.
If it’s too soon to tell, you may need to hang tight and wait a few more months. Sometimes, after just a couple of months, individuals feel that they are not experiencing the growth they should be given the circumstances of their surgery. While this may be the case, hair growth cycles differ person to person, and it may be too soon to tell if your surgery was indeed botched or if your hair is just taking a little longer to grow.
If you are concerned about the results of your hair transplant surgery, and want to get a second or third opinion to explore your options, give us a call for a consultation.