Tag Archives: holistic hair health

Citrus for beautiful, strong, healthy hair

Did you know citrus is good for your hair? The Vitamin C delivering fruits, lemon and lime, pack a punch when it comes to the health of your hair.
The history of citrus fruits and hair
Before expensive medications and unpronounceable ingredients, the ancient Egyptians used lemons as shampoo. The citrus fruit proved effective at removing dirt and grease from their notoriously long locks.
The lemon worked to clean hair because of its astringent and clarifying properties. It was a rather effective cleanser of oily hair. That being said, we don’t recommend it for modern day hair cleaning. It can be a bit harsh and the texture isn’t ideal to remove all the dirt. The ancient Egyptians likely mixed the lemon with clay or another modifier.
So how does citrus fruit create beautiful hair?
It’s all in the properties. Lime contains anti-fungal and anti-septic properties. This keeps dandruff, flakes, redness, acne, and scalp irritation in check. Citrus fruit also contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids. In addition to folate and pantothenic acid.
Anyone who’s frequented the hair growth aisle has likely seen these ingredients in hair-care products. Why use a synthetic product when you can go straight to the source? These citrus ingredients work to strengthen hair by strengthening the follicle.
How to incorporate citrus in your hair-care routine
Use lime juice as a rinse. If you’ve got a lot of buildup and happen to have hard water, a lime juice rinse could be just the thing you need.
Mix lime juice with olive or coconut oil to treat dandruff. Massage into hair and let the citrus work its magic.
Incorporate lime into your diet. Mix it with water for a delicious, refreshing beverage.

The best foods for preventing hair loss

Most of us desire to have thick, healthy, strong, lustrous hair. While there’s plenty of hair care products that claim to do this, and some even do a great job, you can’t beat treating from the inside out.
Nutrients and vitamins found in everyday foods can be super hair savers. These foods naturally contain ingredients often added to shampoos, serums, and over the counter treatments meant to help hair and prevent hair loss.
The foods below are nutrient-dense and have been shown to positively impact hair health and prevent hair loss over time.
Spinach – mineral deficiencies can sometimes be the cause of hair loss. Spinach is rich in iron, omega-3 acids, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. All great for hair health and overall health.
Greek yogurt – this thick, protein-rich yogurt is rich in vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 helps with blood flow throughout the body, which means more bloody supply to the scalp and hair follicles.
Salmon – salmon is full of omega-3’s which are inflammation fighters. In some cases of hair loss, inflammation can be the culprit.
Cinnamon – another anti-inflammatory which also improves circulation. Improved circulation means more oxygen and nutrients reaching your hair follicles.
Oatmeal – this breakfast-favorite is rich in iron, fiber, zinc, and omega-3’s. These nutrients are great for growing hair and improving its health.
Guava – did you know guava contains as much as 5 times more vitamin C than oranges? Vitamin C was proven in a recent double-blind study to help women with thinning hair improve thickness as well as hair growth.
Eggs – eggs are full of biotin which you may recognize from the vitamin aisle. Biotin is great for growing hair as well as strengthening fingernails and softening skin.
If you have been experiencing hair loss for some time, you may need a consultation with hair restoration surgeon to best explore your options. Give us a call today.

Herbs for hair growth

There’s a reason so many body-care products like shampoos, lotions, and soaps contain natural herbs. Herbs are enriched with natural nutrients that are beneficial to our bodies.
Best of all, using natural, organic ingredients in your body and hair-care product reduces the risks and side effects that come with using chemical-filled products.
Herbs can be used to benefit hair specifically by moisturizing, conditioning, restoring, soothing, cleansing, and even stimulating hair growth.
Below, is a list of the most beneficial herbs for your hair and how to implement them in your daily routine.

  • Rosemary – rosemary promotes hair growth and keeps hair healthy. This herb is full of antioxidants which are free-radical fighters. This wards off grey and thinning hair. Rosemary revitalizes hair by increasing shininess, bounciness, and softness. Additional benefits of rosemary are soothing scalp irritation caused by itchiness or dandruff. You can utilize rosemary in your hair care routine by doing a rosemary rinse, making rosemary oil, or using store-bought rosemary serum.
  • Nettle – while itchy when you run into them in the wild, this herb is rich in vitamins A, C, K, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. All of these vitamins and nutrients are great for your hair. Nettle benefits your hair by stimulating the scalp via improved circulation. Additional benefits of nettle is reducing oil-production, adding volume, and increasing the strength of your hair. You can use nettle safely on your hair by making a DIY nettle tea and apple cider vinegar rinse or drinking nettle tea.
  • Fenugreek seeds – fenugreek seeds are full of natural proteins as well as vitamin C. Protein and vitamin C are two nutrients essential to healthy hair and hair growth. The seeds work great as a conditioner due to their viscosity or ‘mucilage.’ Benefits of fenugreek seeds are softer, bouncier hair that is easier to manage. The seeds work great as a rinse, mask, or conditioner.

Is salt water good for your hair and skin?

With summer in full swing, we find ourselves spending more time at the pool and beach. With salt-water pools and naturally salty ocean water, you may be wondering if salt water is good for your hair and skin.
Salt water is full of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are especially beneficial to those with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Salt water has healing properties. Ever heard of taking a salt water bath? Or doing a soak in Epsom salt? Salt water helps to detoxify the skin, treat injuries, and reduce swelling.
The nutrients present in salt water work well at breaking down your hair’s natural oils. So if you’ve got overly oily hair, salt water can help keep your hair’s oil levels balanced.
Salt water opens up your hair’s cuticle which means damage for colored hair. Salt will cause your color to fade and look dull.
Salt water is dehydrating. Because of osmosis, salt water actually pulls water out of your hair’s strands. This will leave hair feeling dry and dehydrated.
In summary:
Pros – salt water is full of vitamins and minerals, has natural healing properties, helps balance out oily hair
Cons – its dehydrating and damages colored hair
What can you do?
Rinse hair with plain water before taking a dip in the ocean
Use a leave in conditioner before and after spending the day at the beach
Use hair products with SPF to protect your strands from harmful sun rays