Tag Archives: medical management

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women
Hair loss and hair shedding in women is a much more common phenomenon than public discourse on the issue lets on. Recent research tells us that approximately twenty-five million women suffer from hair loss in the United States alone. Even more striking, about 40% of women will display some degree of female pattern hair loss by the time they reach age 50. The National Institute of Health reports:
“Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. Female pattern hair loss is the commonest cause of hair loss in women and prevalence increases with advancing age.”
Happily, hair loss prevention and treatment options have greatly grown in popularity, safety, and effectiveness.
There are potentially many causes behind hair loss in women – some of the most common include stress, unhealthy lifestyle choices and consistent usage of chemical sprays and gels. While the aforementioned causes can be found among men as well, certain female-only causes of hair loss may be associated with pregnancy, thyroid disorders and anemia.
Hair loss in women can be devastating for their self-esteem and emotional well-being. The best reaction to sudden or gradual hair loss is not to panic but to start down the road of effective research and proactive inquiry. Ask yourself: have there been any recent changes to my lifestyle that may be having an adverse effect on my hair? Has my diet changed, or perhaps my physical fitness regimen? Diet and exercise are often correlated with hair loss and so careful monitoring of both are important.
Beyond simple self-help methods, it’s highly advisable to visit a local (or non-local) hair loss specialist, as this is the strongest option for those who are unsure about the origin of their female pattern hair loss (also known as androgenetic alopecia), and are wanting expert diagnosis, treatment and medical advice.
A hair restoration physician will help you navigate treatment options and discover whether you suffer from chronic hair shedding exclusively or if there are a mixture of hormonal and genetic factors at play. This is important, because the nature of your physiology and hair loss pattern will determine what kind of treatment you need and to what extent. Beware, however, of inexperienced or poor practitioners, as small diagnostic errors may result in botched projects if one is not careful.
Treating Female Hair Loss
Based on one’s medical diagnosis and consultation with a hair restoration specialist, medical management of hair loss or transplant surgery will be the solution, yet sometimes both are advised. Board certified physician and hair loss specialist, Dr. Amir Yazdan, for example, recommends over-the-counter minoxidil (Rogaine) to be applied in tandem with groMD shampoo and conditioner to patients experiencing thinning of hair.
More drastic hair loss cases where women exhibit balding or a gap widening on the topmost part of their scalp may require more advanced hair restoration treatments such as an FUE or FUT hair transplant. If a hair transplant is chosen as the best treatment option, it is the expert opinion of Dr. Yazdan and others in the know to recommend the FUT method above that of the FUE, because of visibility concerns and graft volume desires.
Check out this easy video presentation, where Dr. Yazdan explains the persuasive advantages of the FUT procedure:

If you’re suffering with hair loss and would like some information on how we might be able to help, please contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or by visiting Modenahair.com.

What is the right age for hair transplant surgery?

Hair loss can affect those of all ages. Men in particular, commonly see hair loss symptoms as early as their early 20’s. Women on the other hand commonly see hair loss symptoms as early as their late 20’s.
Even though the 20’s seem to be a common age to start seeing hair loss symptoms, we sometimes see patients as early as their late teens.
Those who experience hair loss at a young age are often devastated about their symptoms. While most people accept that hair loss comes with aging, it is not as easy to accept when it comes early and unexpectedly.
Younger patients are often able to notice their hair loss symptoms earlier than older patients. This is good news because catching hair loss early on is the best way to prevent it from continuing.
While there is no age cut-off for hair transplant surgery, it is usually not recommended as a first solution for those who are early in their hair loss progression. This is because it is very likely that the hair loss will continue progressing as the patient ages and hair transplant surgery doesn’t prevent future hair loss.
The only way to prevent future hair loss and maintain the current hair is to utilize medical management. Medical management is an ideal first step for younger patients just beginning to lose hair. They can maintain their current hair, possibly reverse the hair loss they have experienced, and prevent future hair loss. All the while planning for their hair transplant surgery later on down the road.
No matter your age, if you’re experiencing hair loss you should schedule a consult with an experienced hair restoration surgeon as soon as possible. They can address the cause of the hair loss and work with you to find a solution that’s right for you. Give us a call today.

I’m only 19, why am I balding?

This is a common question we receive here at Modena Hair Center. Many individuals, men in particular, wonder why they are experiencing balding in their teenage years or early 20’s.
Balding at an early age can cause confusion and embarrassment. While most men experience balding as they mature into their 30’s and 40’s, it is not uncommon for men to experience balding as soon as they become adults.
The age at which men experience balding is highly influenced by genetic factors. If the men in your family experienced early balding, you are likely to suffer the same fate.
While genetics play a big role, it is still possible for you to bald at an early age without having a family history of the trend.
Luckily, noticing your hair loss early on is beneficial. Men are more likely to notice and deal with their hair loss if it impacts them at an earlier age. Dealing with hair loss at the first sight of symptoms is the best way to reverse hair loss while also preventing continued and future hair loss.
Dealing with hair loss in the early stages
When hair loss is noticed in the early stages, it is more likely to be reversed. Additionally, the individual’s effort is more likely to prove successful at warding off future hair loss.
When you notice hair loss right away, you have likely caught the condition before the hair follicles have died. This is great news because once a hair follicle dies there is no bringing it back to life. That means that once that hair follicle dies, that hair loss is permanent.
If you catch the hair follicles before they have died, you can utilize medical management methods to restore your hair, reversing the hair loss. Examples of effective medical management tools are medication, topical solutions, specialized shampoos, laser therapy, and PRP therapy.
These medical management tools can not only help to reverse recent hair loss, but will prevent future hair loss as well. This prevention will be the key to maintaining and protecting your hair.
If you’re experiencing hair loss and would like to find out more about your options, give us a call for a consultation today.

Are you a candidate for hair transplant surgery?

Hair loss effects over 80% of men over their lifetime and over 50% of women over their lifetime. This common ailment used to have no recourse of solution.
But, thanks to modern advancements in medicine and science, hair transplants are helping men and women all around the world regain their hair.
This life-changing procedure involves extracting grafts from a ‘donor’ area (such as the back of the scalp) and transplanting the grafts into the ‘recipient’ area (aka area of hair loss).
While this procedure has helped so many not only get their hair back, but their confidence and youthfulness as well, unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for hair transplantation.
So, how do you know if you’re a candidate for hair transplant surgery or not?
Many factors play a role in determining your candidacy for hair transplantation. Below, are a few of the most prevalent reasons individuals are not ideal candidates for hair transplantation.

  • Gender – while this factor isn’t exclusive (we’ve done many successful female hair transplants), in general, most women are not ideal hair transplant candidates. This is due to the type of hair loss that most women experience. Most women experience diffuse thinning hair loss. While hair transplants can still be successful on patients with diffuse thinning hair loss, it can be more difficult on women due to the length and coverage of the hair.
  • Early stages of hair loss – if you are in the very early stages of hair loss, it may not be best for you to get a hair transplant just yet. Hair transplants don’t treat hair loss. That means you’re your hair loss will continue as you age. You will most likely need another hair transplant to make up for new hair loss. There are many ways to medically manage hair loss and even reverse it in the early stages. Right now, you may be a better candidate for laser therapy or PRP. You can save hair transplantation for later on down the road.
  • A weak donor area – hair transplants require a healthy, full donor area to extract grafts from. If your donor area is weak, this may cause you to not be a good candidate for surgery. The good news is, there are other donor areas besides the back of the scalp that grafts can be extracted from. We have conducted many successful body hair transplants for those with a weak scalp donor area.

Please keep in mind that to determine your actual candidacy for hair transplantation, you should meet with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. If you are not a candidate for surgery at this time, but are experiencing hair loss, make sure to schedule a medical management consultation so you can maintain your hair and ward off hair loss as long as possible.

Hair loss caused by PCOS

Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a medical condition that effects women. This common condition effects 1 in 10 women. A woman that has PCOS has enlarged ovaries and follicular cysts.
Unfortunately, the cause of PCOS is not known. We do know there is a genetic hereditary component, as well as a connection to high insulin levels in the body.
PCOS has many side effects. The most prominent are irregular menstruation, acne, problems conceiving, weight gain, unwanted hair growth, and hair loss.
Weight gain occurs because PCOS causes a resistance to insulin. This resistance causes more insulin to be produced which causes more testosterone to be produced which causes weight gain. Increased weight causes increased insulin and the vicious cycle continues.
Hair growth occurs in unwanted places such as the face, chest, and stomach. Simultaneously, hair loss occurs on the scalp. This symptom of PCOS is a result of the increased androgen in the body and is known as hirsutism.
When there is an excess amount of testosterone in the body, it is converted to DHT. DHT causes hair follicles to shrink. This shrinkage or miniaturization causes the hair to become finer and eventually stop growing altogether.
There is no single test to test for PCOS. But a blood test, hormone test, and ultrasound may be used in conjunction with positive symptoms to diagnose the condition.
If PCOS goes untreated it can cause diabetes and heart disease. PCOS can be managed by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Avoiding foods high in carbohydrates and fats, and consuming high amounts of protein can help ward off weight gain and the effects of high insulin.
Additionally, certain medications can help in treating PCOS symptoms. Contraceptives can help regulate hormones while Propecia and Rogaine can help halt hair loss.
If you think you may have PCOS you should schedule an appointment with your physician to get tested. If you have hair loss caused by PCOS, you should meet with a hair restoration surgeon who specializes in the medical management of hair loss.
Give us a call for a medical management consult today and put an end to your hair loss.