Men and women who are currently suffering from hair loss, balding and thinning may have ‘thought’ about hair transplantation at one point or another, however, few people have the heart of a lion to undergo such treatment. Despite latest research showing that the hair transplantation market is growing rapidly, many still have false notions about the procedure. This has prevented many balding men and hair thinning women to take the initial steps to restoring their hair and self-confidence. Read on as world-renowned Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, reveals 6 common myths and the opposing facts related to a hair transplant.
Myth #1: A Hair Transplant is not affordable.
Fact: The cost of a hair transplant depends on numerous factors and some surgeons will charge by the number of grafts transplanted – hence why the price can vary. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan doesn’t believe in this approach and charges by case. Though a hair transplant can be a little costly, its certainly affordable and can change your life and the way you perceive yourself forever.
Myth #2: The results are unnatural.
Fact: Yes, in the beginning of times hair transplants did not look so natural with the use of “Hair Plugs” however, we have come so far in cosmetic surgery over the past few decades. In the hair transplant industry today, your results are determined by the artistic skill and experience from your hair restoration surgeon. A skillful surgeon can determine the proper angle and location to create the best plausible artistic outcome. Read how to avoid unnatural results here.
Myth #3: The larger number of grafts transplanted in a single session, the better your results.
Fact: While the goal may be to move as many hairs as possible in one session, “Mega-Sessions” however, are not advised because of certain risks. Mega-sessions that are too large run the risk of sub-optimal growth and scarring. Read our article on the risk of mega hair transplant sessions here. It’s important to have a consultation with skilled hair restoration specialist to determine the cause of hair loss and whether or not you are a candidate for a hair transplant procedure.
Myth #4: Its better have a hair transplant at the initial stages of hair loss, not when you’re older.
Fact: Generally speaking, there is a greater chance of having a successful hair transplant outcome when a patient is a little older rather than younger. It’s common for men to start seeing hair loss and even a receding hairline in their early to mid-twenties. At this time, the pattern of hair loss is still unpredictable, and the hair loss has a greater chance of being extensive in the future and may require more surgeries in the years to come. Read more about Hair Transplant Age here.
Myth #5: Robots such as the ARTAS or NeoGraft give you better results than the human-hand.
Fact: Although many people see newer technology as being “state of the art” this is by far the truth in this case. A laser hair transplant done by a robot or mechanical device is not the route you want to go and are not generally used by the most experienced hair transplant surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan. In fact, they were created to assist or guide inexperienced or “green” physicians from grimly mistakes yet, both the ARTAS and NeoGraft have their fair share of grimly risks as well including poor graft growth as a result from the laser damaging the tissue and concerns of the NeoGraft’s suction tears the tiny graft from the connecting fat tissue which leads to transection of the grafts and significantly impacts graft hair growth. You can read more about the use and dangers of robotic machines doing hair transplants here.
Myth #6: FUT is the better method than the opposed FUE method for hair transplantation.
Fact: Any qualified & educated surgeon who has both FUE and FUT/Strip technologies available at their clinic will not necessarily favor one method over another. Each method is patient specific and is employed based on the requirement of the patient. Sometimes even a combination of the two is used in order to achieve the best possible long-term results.
Still have more doubts? No need to worry – a transparent and confidential consultation with a top hair restoration surgeon can evaluate the health of your hair and scalp to give you your specific treatment options of both surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to give you peace of mind. A good surgeon will carefully access the donor area, check if the new hair in your scalp will grow after treatment and will match the texture & quality of your existing hair and then decide whether you are suitable for the surgery or not.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link