Tag Archives: fue hair loss

Jamaal’s Celebrity Hair Transplant (Case Study)

hair transplant thinning

An architectural designer who frequented celebrity parties with stars such as Bill Maher and Lady Gaga has told us how he overcame crippling low self-esteem with a hair transplant at Modena Hair Institute with our double board certified Dr. Amir Yazdan.

Jamaal spent his working life mixing with top designers and musicians who graced the pages of the Los Angeles Times. But behind the party smiles he was a hiding a secret agony over his thinning hair which he disguised with a hat in many of his most public photos.

The bald patch around his crown grew so much he was jokingly called ‘Big Red’ by friends at work where he was under pressure to stay looking young. Jamaal, 44, turned his life around with the a hair transplant procedure from a doctor he trusted with heart. Jamaal knew two friends who Dr. Yazdan helped with personalized hair restoration options.

Jamaal had about 2,000 hairs transplanted into the temples at the side of his scalp, his hairline and right across his bald crown. With the transplanted hair now fully grown back, he now has a full head of hair again and says: “It’s been an absolute life changer. I look eight years younger.” 

Jamaal explained: “I turned 40 and I had recently went through a divorce. I was in a job that put me in alot of exclusive social situations, where I was mixing with stars and business magnates and there was a pressure on me to look good, but I was losing my hair fast and having to wear a hat all the time to cover up my baldness. 

“I guess you could say I was having a mid-life crisis. I didn’t realize at the time just how much my baldness was contributing to my lack of self-confidence but I knew it was a factor. I was partying with all these A-list stars while worrying about my thinning hair.”

I knew I needed to do something drastic to kick-start my life and I had hair transplanted to all my bald spots by Dr. Yazdan. “It has been amazing watching the new hair grow back over the last year and now I finally have a full head of hair again.” 

“I can go out and meet my favorite friends and coworkers without wearing a hat,” he joked. “In fact, I do need to wear a hat when I’m walking my dog because my hair is so big and it helps to keep it all in one place!” 

Jamaal had a follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure with Dr. Yazdan at Modena Hair Institute in Beverly Hills.

Hair grafts are taken from the back and side of the scalp and replanted in the balding areas by a highly skilled and experienced specialist like Dr. Yazdan. The advantage of this method is the scarring is minimal with patients having some red pin pricks from where the hair is extracted and replanted which go away after a few days. Jamaal said: “I was worried about the pain but the operation was fine. I was joking with staff while watching TV on the monitors at the clinic!”

“The new hair grew back gradually over the year and by the end of it I had the full head of hair I hadn’t had since I was a teenager. “I didn’t realize just how much I was lacking in confidence till I had hair again and I felt so much better.” 

Jamaal, from Boston, Massachusetts, had first started losing his hair in his early 20s – first from his hairline and then his crown – just as he embarking on a career in architecture. 

He was a big success at work and eight years ago landed his dream job as editor of one of Los Angeles’ largest firms.

“The only solution for my aging look and wispy hair was having a transplant and I am so glad that I did. The techniques have improved so much and the transplanted hair blends naturally with your existing hair. The new transplanted hair will last for the rest of my life.” 

Our own Dr. Yazdan has seen a 25% rise in patients at Modena Hair Institute – in part due to the lack of stigma associated with hair loss. Increasing numbers of young men following their favorite stars who have had hair transplants in the past.

Dr. Yazdan said: “Jamaal has got a great result and it is especially satisfying to hear how his new hair has boosted his self-confidence. It’s no exaggeration to say that a hair transplant can completely transform your life. We see it everyday.”

Is Hair Loss Reversible?

is hair loss reversable
It depends. Certain causes of hair loss such as stress (telogen effluvium) and hormonal changes during pregnancy are reversible and easily treatable.
However, certain genetic conditions like male and female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) are not reversible without surgical intervention. However, if detected early enough, certain medications, such as minoxidil and finasteride, or potent DHT-blocking shampoos like groMD, can help halt the progression of thinning hair.
Non-Reversible Types of Hair Loss: Pattern Baldness
Male and female pattern baldness is an inherited, genetic condition thought to be caused by changes in the levels of hormones, notably androgens, that affect hair growth. While men develop thinning hair around the crown and a receding hairline, women most often notice thinning around the part or near the very top of the scalp.
Though there are ways to treat its effects, hair loss from androgenic alopecia is permanent. For people who want to tackle pattern baldness with a permanent solution, hair transplant surgery is the only real option. During hair transplantation, hair follicles will be grafted or transplanted to thinning areas of the scalp to encourage healthy hair growth.
Reversible Types of Hair Loss
There are several other types of hair loss. Many types of hair loss are reversible in certain situations. In the sections below, we will explore these types of hair loss and how patients can reverse the effects.
Telogen Effluvium (Stress-Related Hair Loss)
This common type of hair loss occurs when the body has a shock response. For example, this condition can be the result of a crash diet, pregnancy, or another physically taxing event. It can also occur during a particularly emotional or stressful time.
Telogen effluvium causes the hair to temporarily stop growing and enter a resting state. When these hairs shed in a few months’ time, the results are typically quite noticeable. Fortunately, this condition can be reversed by eliminating its culprit.
Many women experience mild hair loss following pregnancy. Most people who suffer from this type of hair loss only experience temporary hair loss and their hair will usually resume its normal growth cycle once they alleviate the cause of their stress. Once you have gotten rid of your stress, you should notice significant improvements in your overall health, in addition to your hair growth.
Traction Alopecia (Styling and Tension-Related Hair Loss)
Traction alopecia is a loss of hair caused by repeated tension or stress on the hair and its follicles. This type of hair loss is most often the result of styling one’s hair using tight weaves, cornrows, ponytails and braids.
It’s estimated that that traction alopecia affects roughly one-third of women of African descent.
It is, however, important to note that traction alopecia can happen to anyone regardless of their ethnicity or age. For example, it’s quite common among Caucasian gymnasts and ballet dancers as well as other sports professionals who have to wear tight ponytails or buns for lengthy durations.
Giving your hair a break from any style that might cause tension is the primary treatment for traction alopecia. Individuals should also avoid exposing the affected parts of your scalp and hair to excessive heat and chemicals.
Alopecia Areata (Patchy Hair Loss)
Individuals with alopecia areata develop hair loss as a symptom of autoimmune disease. In fact, this condition occurs because the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Though treatment can be dependent on the overall health of the individual, many patients see considerable regrowth after PRP therapy or strategic medical management.
Contact Modena Hair Institute Today
No matter what type of hair loss you have, our clinic can help address the problem. We offer a wide range of hair restoration treatments, from medications to surgery. During a consultation at our practice, we can help determine a personalized treatment plan that is right for you. To learn more or to schedule an appointment contact us online or give us a call at (949) 374-2563.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Can I Lose My Hair After a Hair Transplant?

hair loss after transplant
Many potential hair transplant patients wonder about the possibility of hair loss following a hair transplant. Specifically, whether their transplanted hair will remain permanently implanted and secure in their scalp.

The answer to this all-too-important concern is: it depends on the caliber and expertise of the surgeon.

If the transplant was performed by an experienced board-certified hair restoration specialist, the chances of post-surgical hair loss is exceedingly rare. Apart from shock loss, which will be discussed later, post-surgical hair loss can occur due to poorly executed surgical work. If the operating surgeon is not using the most advanced surgical techniques, such as a small needle and blade, or creates poor and misaligned recipient sites, then the chances of follicular injury and impermanence run high.

There are many reports of patients from overseas clinics or local clinics using robotics and untrained technicians that show botched scalps and implants with excessive tissue and graft damage.
When you partner with a board-certified hair transplant specialist using state-of-the-art hand-held devices (with very small punch sizes, .7-8mm), scalp incisions will be virtually scar less and invisible to naked eye. More specifically, such a trained surgeon will take care to never damage transplanted follicle and the surrounding tissue.

Apart from poor surgical work, which can result in permanent hair loss and a falling out or deterioration of transplanted hair, patients may experience shock loss. Shock loss is common and effects the native hairs surrounding the area of the transplant (not the newly transplanted grafts). There are many underlying causes for shock loss but ultimately the hair loss is caused by the hair follicles becoming ‘shocked’ or ‘traumatized’ by the surgical event. Any type of invasive procedure or drastic change in environment can cause a shock or trauma reaction in the body. In the case of shock loss, the hair follicles become shocked and fall out.

There are two types of shock loss – temporary and permanent. Temporary shock loss means the hairs are likely to come back during the next hair growth cycle, after a brief recovery time for the hairs. Permanent shock loss means the hairs are not likely to come back. This is often the case when the hairs were very weak prior to surgery, and were likely to fall out soon on their own regardless.
If you’d like to learn more about hair transplantation and see if you’re a candidate, give us call today.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.