Tag Archives: medical management hair loss

Covid-19 and Hair Loss

covid-19 and hair lossSince the COVID-19 pandemic reached the shores of the United States, more and more Americans are claiming to experience, where they have never before, a rapid increase in hair loss. The question has been raised in medical offices and institutions around the states, whether this could be a symptom of the virus or whether it is peripheral and unrelated? More likely than not, a spike in individuals experiencing hair loss is due to the stresses and strains of living through a pandemic, and NOT as a direct result or symptom of the virus. 

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other medical research facilities have not recognized hair loss as a symptom of COVID-19, yet more than 27% of 1,100 poll respondents in a coronavirus survivor online group reported hair loss. What explains the relationship between hair loss and Covid-19 then? Speaking to USA Today, Dr. Michele S. Green, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, describes how “there’s been an influx of patients seeking treatment for hair loss during quarantine.” Simply put, it is the shock to the physical systems of the body related to high fever, imbalance of hormones and muscle fatigue that is likely causing the hair loss. 

Hair loss related to stresses put upon the body is called Telogen Effluvium, and is usually a self correcting condition, meaning it can resolve itself in 3-6 months. Once the triggers of stress, diet or hormonal imbalances are normalized, telogen effluvium can be cured.

Remedial Treatments

Still, preventative measures for managing and mitigating hair loss are always advised since hair loss is in everyone’s future. Zach from the Try Guys, a popular internet entertainment group, recently underwent a follicular unit extraction at the age of 30. His detailed expose on the transplant process and the reasons for undergoing the treatment are explained in a recent popular video here.

Although dashingly handsome and youthful by all accounts, Zach’s discomfort and unhappiness with an ever more wispy head of hair drove him to seek a strong and permanent aesthetic solution. At Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, we encounter patients with the same exact story every day. Whether it’s something more permanent and dramatic like an FUE hair transplant or topical hair treatment to slow balding, we examine the scalp and perform tests to determine which course of treatments will best destroy the nightmare of hair loss.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Weight Gain and Hair Health

weight gain and hair lossAt Modena Hair Institute, we always strive to ensure that our patients receive only the highest standard of personalized care. A large part of that process is ensuring that we properly diagnose the cause of your hair loss so that we may be prepared to provide you with the best and most effective treatment available for your specific case.
Now, we all know that genetic factors can lead to hair loss, but there are other less obvious potential causes of hair loss which may surprise you. Some of our patients have expressed their concern regarding a possible correlation between hair loss and weight gain. The fact of the matter is, surprising as it may seem, hair loss and weight gain can indeed be correlated. The body is an almost infinitely complicated natural wonder; a negative change in any one part of the body’s system can easily yield unexpected results in another, superficially distinct, part of that same system. Often, weight gain can trigger a host of serious health and wellness issues and, as we have discussed in our previous posts, an unwell body is more likely to suffer from hair loss.
However, the good news about hair loss caused by health and lifestyle problems is that surgical hair restoration treatment is rarely required. In such cases, lifestyle changes and the medical treatment of preexisting conditions are often sufficient to restore one’s hair to its former state.
Let’s talk about some of these common health issues which may lead to weight gain and hair loss. There is a strong connection between our mental health and our physical well being. Therefore,  it is not surprising that depression has sometimes been shown to be linked with hormonal imbalances. Whether such imbalances are the cause or the result of depression, the fact remains that hormonal state and hair health are deeply connected.
While depression alone can constitute a sufficient cause for hair loss, lack of physical activity can also have a detrimental effect on both general wellness and hair health. Besides potentially leading to depression, a lack of exercise is often the cause of weight gain and obesity, both of which can be damaging to the body and lead to hair loss.
Diet and exercise, as you’ve no doubt heard, are key. If you are not eating a well balanced diet, this can have a severe negative impact on your overall health,wellness and mental state. Eating too much ‘junk food’, particularity foods containing high fructose corn syrup, can be extremely taxing in the body. Strive to eat a well balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables. The high antioxidant content of white and green teas can work wonders for promoting general health, maintaining healthy gut flora and flushing the body of toxins and impurities. A body deprived of the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to function will inevitably break down, the effects of which may very well become manifest in an accompanying decline in hair health.
Certain pre-existing conditions like diabetes may, over time, lead to a decline in hair health. Diabetes (Type I and II) can lead to damaged blood vessels including those of the scalp. Hair follicles, if deprived of the oxygen needed to nourish and support their well being, are more likely to become damaged in ways that will manifest as noticeable hair loss. As mentioned above hormonal imbalances can lead to hair loss, in particular the condition of  hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism describes a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce the necessary quantity of certain essential hormones. There are a large number of potential causes among which congenital disorders and autoimmune diseases, the side effects of certain medications, the after effects of thyroid surgery or radiation therapy, Iodine deficiency and/or old age may all play a significant role. Whatever the cause, such hormone imbalances in turn have a negative effect on the metabolism. Hormones regulate a host of important bodily functions and conditions like hypothyroidism often result in unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain, depression, fatigue, dry skin, and, of course, hair loss. Hypothyroidism is best treated with medications that specifically target and restore proper hormone levels in the body which, in time, may help to reverse the adverse symptoms of the condition.
As we have mentioned above, lifestyle is key; not only for healthy hair, but for your general well being and state of mind. Our synergistic bodily processes must be maintained by a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, by engaging in mentally stimulating activities and by avoiding bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Often, the first and most crucial step to healthier and thicker hair is almost always a lifestyle change. By improving your habits and lifestyle you may very well save yourself  the trouble of pursuing a surgical course of treatment as your hair loss may reverse course and mend itself within the course of a few months. However, if your hair loss should continue after healthy lifestyle changes have been implemented, then it is time for a meeting or digital consultation with one of our experienced hair restoration specialists.
For more information about different types of hair loss and their treatment, or about the role of general health as it relates to hair loss be sure to contact our hair restoration surgery center today. We always strive to provide our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. Our specialists are eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Is Hair Loss Reversible?

is hair loss reversable
It depends. Certain causes of hair loss such as stress (telogen effluvium) and hormonal changes during pregnancy are reversible and easily treatable.
However, certain genetic conditions like male and female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) are not reversible without surgical intervention. However, if detected early enough, certain medications, such as minoxidil and finasteride, or potent DHT-blocking shampoos like groMD, can help halt the progression of thinning hair.
Non-Reversible Types of Hair Loss: Pattern Baldness
Male and female pattern baldness is an inherited, genetic condition thought to be caused by changes in the levels of hormones, notably androgens, that affect hair growth. While men develop thinning hair around the crown and a receding hairline, women most often notice thinning around the part or near the very top of the scalp.
Though there are ways to treat its effects, hair loss from androgenic alopecia is permanent. For people who want to tackle pattern baldness with a permanent solution, hair transplant surgery is the only real option. During hair transplantation, hair follicles will be grafted or transplanted to thinning areas of the scalp to encourage healthy hair growth.
Reversible Types of Hair Loss
There are several other types of hair loss. Many types of hair loss are reversible in certain situations. In the sections below, we will explore these types of hair loss and how patients can reverse the effects.
Telogen Effluvium (Stress-Related Hair Loss)
This common type of hair loss occurs when the body has a shock response. For example, this condition can be the result of a crash diet, pregnancy, or another physically taxing event. It can also occur during a particularly emotional or stressful time.
Telogen effluvium causes the hair to temporarily stop growing and enter a resting state. When these hairs shed in a few months’ time, the results are typically quite noticeable. Fortunately, this condition can be reversed by eliminating its culprit.
Many women experience mild hair loss following pregnancy. Most people who suffer from this type of hair loss only experience temporary hair loss and their hair will usually resume its normal growth cycle once they alleviate the cause of their stress. Once you have gotten rid of your stress, you should notice significant improvements in your overall health, in addition to your hair growth.
Traction Alopecia (Styling and Tension-Related Hair Loss)
Traction alopecia is a loss of hair caused by repeated tension or stress on the hair and its follicles. This type of hair loss is most often the result of styling one’s hair using tight weaves, cornrows, ponytails and braids.
It’s estimated that that traction alopecia affects roughly one-third of women of African descent.
It is, however, important to note that traction alopecia can happen to anyone regardless of their ethnicity or age. For example, it’s quite common among Caucasian gymnasts and ballet dancers as well as other sports professionals who have to wear tight ponytails or buns for lengthy durations.
Giving your hair a break from any style that might cause tension is the primary treatment for traction alopecia. Individuals should also avoid exposing the affected parts of your scalp and hair to excessive heat and chemicals.
Alopecia Areata (Patchy Hair Loss)
Individuals with alopecia areata develop hair loss as a symptom of autoimmune disease. In fact, this condition occurs because the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Though treatment can be dependent on the overall health of the individual, many patients see considerable regrowth after PRP therapy or strategic medical management.
Contact Modena Hair Institute Today
No matter what type of hair loss you have, our clinic can help address the problem. We offer a wide range of hair restoration treatments, from medications to surgery. During a consultation at our practice, we can help determine a personalized treatment plan that is right for you. To learn more or to schedule an appointment contact us online or give us a call at (949) 374-2563.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Read This Before You Have a Hair Transplant

Read before you get a hair transplant
We have more hair transplant clinics today in 2018 than we have ever had before. Yet, modern hair transplant patients are receiving some of the worst results the industry has ever seen. We don’t need to remind you that quantity does not entail quality. In this article we will explore why, with the great proliferation of hair restoration clinics across the nation and the world, has there been a rise in botched jobs and damaged hairlines.
As hair transplants and hair restoration practices grow in popularity and accessibility there has sprung up a dangerous class of hair transplant practitioners and technicians. For many this comes as a shock, that in 2018, with all of the scientific and technological advancements taking place in medical care, the hair transplant industry can be so infested with shady malpractice.
For one thing, as witnessed with pharmaceutical and other major industries, innovation and advancement of product inevitably means there will be those trying sell knockoffs and cheap substitutes.
This dangerous and greedy class of hair technicians seek to capitalize on a service so many people genuinely desire and need. Using flowery marketing tactics and savvy sales campaigns, these inexperienced and unskilled physicians lure in customers for cheap and faulty operations. Many crooked hair transplant clinics will sucker clients in with seductive-looking technology and highly scientific sounding brochures. An obvious fallacy, as we all know that having the best stereoscopic dissecting microscope or other fancy instrumentation does not confer ability or experience on the operating physician or technician. Yet most people often cannot help wanting to take advantage of a seemingly good deal and are thus caught in the trap.
British celebrity and MTV star, Kyle Christie, notoriously underwent an embarrassing and cosmetically gross hair transplant. A devastated but hopeful Christie now speaks about the importance of finding a proper physician who is ethically and technically pure.

kyle christie hair
Christie’s unappealing, pointy, and pluggy looking hairline

Media personality, Yousef Erakat (stage name Fousey), who began experiencing male pattern baldness in his early 20s sought to recover his healthy hair look with scalp micropigmentation (SMP), but also suffered at the hands of an inexperienced and unethical clinic. After his scalp procedure, Yousef rushed to book another appointment at a different clinic to salvage what had been needlessly lost. In an interview following the incident Yousef’s words are an urgent reminder: “I made an appointment [but] I didn’t do any research, I didn’t check any reviews, I didn’t think about it.”
Fouseytube Hair tattoo
Yousef removes head tattoo immediately after getting it

This abuse of hair restoration promises has crushed the spirit and confidence of so many people that it is causing industry outrage. The emotional toll and psychological repercussions of inexperienced and faulty hair transplant work has caused many men (and women) to spiral into a constant battle of obsessive perfectionism and low self-esteem.
Kyle Christie and Yousef Erakat suffered under bad clinics residing in America and the UK, but many who seek a cheaper alternative overseas are even more likely to experience dissatisfaction. Many individuals have been seduced by low prices and sweet promises by foreign hair transplant clinics as well: Turkey Hair Transplant Gone Wrong.
Perhaps most importantly, however, these surgical abuses and empty promises seriously impact and undermine the brilliant hair transplant work performed by ethical and leading hair care physicians.
The hallmarks of a bad hair transplant procedure are always coarse, scarred, uneven, and fake looking hair. The hallmarks of a good hair transplant, however, are much harder to spot, because the best physicians will give clients the most natural-looking hair possible. A seasoned hair transplant surgeon will consistently produce ultra-refined, dense, and natural looking hairlines. Expert clinics and expert physicians are rare, but they’re worth the research to find.
The best hair transplant doctors will also work tirelessly over many years to perfect their FUE and FUT method. Board certified physician Dr. Amir Yazdan, for example, developed his own propriety FUE extraction method and personalized set of instruments over the course of a decade. With every operation he continually refined and improved his method in order to provide patients with the greatest possible aesthetic outcome.
The Doctors TV show
Dr. Yazdan on ‘The Doctors’ TV show

Dr. Yazdan also oversees the entire hair transplant procedure to guarantee proper graft orientation, prevent hair graft loss, and ensure natural hair grouping design. Dr. Yazdan, like other top doctors in the industry, adamantly promote the ‘doctor only’ model of hair transplantation, and stress the importance of expert oversight from start to finish and even during post op.
True veteran hair transplant doctors will carefully assesses hair density, hair angle variance, hairline shape, hair grouping design, and other key elements in order to determine exact graft selection and placement sites.
Luckily, there are strong ways of separating the experts from the imitators. Highly reputable medical forums and review boards such as realself.com are indispensable.
realself website
Read our breakdown on how to vet hair transplant physicians and what to ask them: Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Surgeon
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

What is the Norwood Scale?

If you’ve been researching hair transplants you’ve likely heard of the Norwood scale.
The Norwood scale is a tool that was developed to help diagnose the progression of hair loss. It was developed in the 1950’s and has been revised several times since.
The scale has approximately 8-12 stages depending on the version of the scale used. While there are many different variants of hair loss (much more than 12), the Norwood scale illustrates the most common ones.
Over time, as hair loss progresses, an individual may move to a different number on the scale. Similarly, a hair transplant changes the individual’s number on the scale as well.
Knowing your number on the scale allows you to keep track of your hair loss over time. This is particularly useful for those utilizing medical management. Medical management helps to maintain your current hair and prevent continued and future hair loss.
This tool not only helps you diagnose the progression of your hair loss but also helps in communicating with physicians and surgeons. Having an agreed upon scale allows everyone to be on the same page. This is particularly important when having a hair transplant surgery.
How to determine your level on the Norwood Scale
The 8 level Norwood scale follows the hair loss progression below:
Type I. Minimal hair loss.
Type II. Insignificant hair loss at temples.
Type III. The first stage that requires treatment.
Type III Vertex. Receding hairline and thinning hair on vertex.
Type IV. Bigger pattern on the vertex and hairline.
Type V. Patterns at both sites are bigger but a thin division line is still present.
Type VI. The bridge is gone but several strands of short fine hair may remain.
Type VII. The most severe form of hair loss. Little hair on the front or top of the head.
To determine your exact degree of baldness utilizing the scale, you should meet with a certified hair restoration surgeon. They will analyze your hair and give you a level and quote during a consultation.
If you’d like to determine your Norwood level, give us a call for a consultation today.

What you need to know about Rogaine

What is Rogaine?
Rogaine or Minoxidil as it’s known generically, is a topical medication used to treat hair loss caused by androgen alopecia. Androgen alopecia is also known as male or female pattern baldness. It occurs due to many factors such as age and genetics.
Minoxidil works by widening hair follicles. This creates a thicker hair strand which gives a fuller, denser look to your hair. It also lengthens the time your hair is in the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle. During the anagen phase, your hair develops in the follicle and grows longer. A prolonged anagen phase means more and longer hair growth.
What you need to know about Rogaine:
Rogaine is effective in approximately 40%-60% of individuals who use it. In order to see these results you must use the medication as instructed, daily and consistently.
Rogaine must be used indefinitely to keep up results. It is not a cure to hair loss, rather a treatment method. This means that you must continue using it, even after seeing your desired results, in order to keep your hair from reverting back to previous or worsened hair loss.
While adverse or allergic reactions are rare, they are a potential risk factor. Side effects include itching, burning, redness, and irritation. Some individuals have reported an increase in hair loss symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms after using Rogaine, discontinue use immediately. But in general, minoxidil is safe and effective when used properly.
Minoxidil is a great tool, but don’t expect a miracle. Rogaine is a great tool when it comes to maintaining hair, preventing future hair loss, promoting hair growth, as part of a medical management of hair loss plan, recovering from hair transplant surgery, or reversing recent hair loss. But, it is not going to regrow or reverse years of hair loss. Once a hair follicle has died, there is no bringing it back to life. If you have been experiencing hair loss for some time, Rogaine on its own is not going to treat your hair loss. You most likely will need a more aggressive approach to restoring your hair. It is often beneficial when coupled with hair loss medications, hair transplant surgery, and alternative methods of hair restoration such as PRP and laser therapy.

Medical Management of Hair Loss

What is the medical management of hair loss?
Medical management of hair loss refers to utilizing various methods and tools to maintain your current hair and even potentially re-growing hair for those who are experiencing recent mild hair loss.
While most individuals who are experiencing hair loss are concerned mainly with the areas of hair loss, there’s one very important reason you should be just as concerned with maintaining the areas you still have hair: PREVENTION.
If you’re not actively working to prevent future hair loss, your hair loss will continue and worsen as you age. Dr. Yazdan believes proactively fighting hair loss is the only way to stall the hair loss process and protect the hairs you have now. The best way to do that: medical management.
Medical management methods and tools range from more aggressive methods like PRP therapy and laser therapy, to more prolonged and maintenance-minded methods like prescription medications such as finasteride, topical products such as minoxidil, and shampoos such as nizoral.
The great thing about these medical management tools is that many can be used in conjunction with each other and even with hair transplant surgery. In fact, utilizing multiple methods or adding them to your surgery can increase the efficacy of each method and your overall results tremendously.
But before you can get started, you should first see if you’re a candidate for medical management. While most individuals experiencing hair loss can benefit from medically managing their hair, it won’t help everyone reach their specific goals.
You should meet with an experienced and certified hair restoration surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for medical management and what methods specifically would help you reach your goals.
Here at Modena, in addition to specializing in FUE and FUT/Strip methods of hair transplant surgery, we also specialize in various methods of medically managing hair loss.
If you’d like to learn more, give us a call today.

Men: Restore your hair – Restore your confidence

According to recent research by Psychology Today, hair loss is a major concern for the majority of men. Even though the study showed that almost 90% of women didn’t care about hair loss in men, men estimated over 50% of women wouldn’t find a balding man attractive.
This same study found that overall, men are more concerned with losing their hair than losing their sanity. Considering the seriousness of mental illness, this statement allows us to see just how important and relevant hair loss is to men today.
Most men develop their confidence and self-esteem in their early 20’s, when most men happen to still have a full head of hair. As men age and lose their hair, that confidence plummets.
The tricky thing with confidence is that its about being comfortable in your own skin. Regardless of the issue, not feeling comfortable or like yourself can wreak havoc on your self-esteem.
Our hair plays a big role in our overall appearance. If you look at two pictures of an individual one with hair and one without, they would hardly look like the same person. A full head of hair equals youth, health, and confidence.
Interestingly enough, it’s been found that just attempting to do something to resolve hair loss positively effects self-esteem and confidence.
Luckily, thanks to advancements in hair restoration, there are many options available to help men restore their hair and in turn, restore their confidence.
Here at Modena, we specialize in the medical management of hair loss, alternative methods to re-growing hair, as well as FUE and FUT/Strip methods of hair transplant surgery. If your hair loss has caused your confidence to dip, do something about it today and schedule a hair loss consultation. The road to restoring your confidence is closer than you think.

Nizoral (Ketoconazole) shampoo – can it help your hair loss?

Nizoral (also known as Ketoconazole) is a shampoo used to treat hair loss and other scalp conditions such as dandruff and dermatitis. The shampoo works by reducing inflammation around the follicles.
Ketoconazole is actually an antifungal drug. So why does it help with hair loss? Ketoconazole competes with DHT to bind to hair follicles (for more on how DHT relates to hair loss, click here). The less DHT on your hair follicles, the less hair follicles are being inhibited to grow.
In addition to aiding in hair loss, Nizoral shampoo also helps treat dandruff. The anti-fungal properties inhibit the fungi from producing the necessary nutrients to keep it alive. The less surviving fungi, the less dandruff.
Nizoral shampoo has no known side effects. It should be noted that while the shampoo has shown benefits to hair loss, the oral version of the medication has not.
Dr. Yazdan recommends using a shampoo that has at least 1% Ketoconazole in it. Studies have shown that 1-2% has been successful at treating hair loss caused by inflammation of hair follicles.
Here at Modena, we specialize in the medical management of hair loss. Not everyone is ready for a hair transplant surgery, and we understand that. In addition to offering alternative methods to restoring hair such as PRP therapy and laser therapy, we also offer and prescribe medications for those patients who are candidates.
If you are interested in learning more about Nizoral as hair loss treatment option, give us a call for a medical management hair loss consultation.