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Health Health: What is your Hair Telling You?

hair healthYour hair is an important indicator of both external and internal health issues. Whether external skin issues or internal hormonal imbalances, hair thinning or hair loss is a direct sign that something is going on.

You should pay attention to how your hair feels, look and how easy it is to style. Often when hair symptoms point to larger and more prominent problems you shouldn’t avoid or ignore the possibility. 

There is good news, these symptoms often can provide you with an easy view into what’s happening within your body early on which gives you the chance to take action before it gets worse.

One of the signs that something could be wrong is a change in the amount of hair you have. While thinning hair is not uncommon as most people lose from 50 to 100 strands each day, if you should notice your hair is thinning, it may be a good time to examine what may be causing it.

Hair restoration specialists know that one common reason for thinning hair as a symptom may be the presence of a hormone imbalance or autoimmune conditions. When the hormones in your body are not regulated it can affect the growth of your hair and how much hair you shed. Autoimmune diseases occur when your body’s own immune system begins to fight off its own cells. If your hair is thinning or shedding rapidly, it may be due to these key areas of concern.

Your hairs strength is also a good indicator of your health. If your hair is breaking or thinning or perhaps just not growing health strands then that is an indicator that there is an underlying problem. Breakage and thinning occurs when the hair follicles are not getting the nutrients they need to grow properly. The hair you get is less strong and prone to breakage. Why is this happening? There can be several reasons for it. The most common is the nutritional deficiency. What you eat really does have an impact on the way your hair looks and feels. Certain types of nutrients help your hair grow strong and healthy. Vitamins like D and B are necessarily for healthy hair and not getting enough of them can cause your hair to thin.  

Finally, there are times that your hair may be communicating to you that there are very serious health problems going on. Hair loss that is significant can be an indication of high levels of stress, especially if you are losing hair in patches around your scalp. Hair thinning can be an indication of psychological stressors as well. Hair falling out in patches on the scalp may be an indicator for alopecia areata. Take a close look at any changes that occurred over the last couple of weeks or months and see if there is any correlation with things you have changed about your lifestyle, diet or living habits. If so, seeking out advice from a hair loss professional on treatments and therapies for hair loss prevention should be a top priority.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

What is Hairline Lowering Surgery?

While styling can help cover some of the surface area on the temple, the appearance of a large forehead can be a source of anxiety for many people. Having a hairline proportional to one’s facial features creates the most aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical appearance. Conversely, having an excessively broad forehead or a disproportionately high hairline can take a toll on one’s self-esteem.

Several reasons can cause a large forehead or a receding hairline, including heredity, hair loss, or prior surgery. However, the good news is that this condition can be addressed with a procedure commonly known as hairline lowering surgery. 

Guide to Hairline Lowering Surgery 

Hairline lowering surgery is typically performed with local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, and involves making an incision along the hairline and advancing it, lowering it by as much as 1.5 inches or more in a single procedure, removing the excessively high forehead skin. 

The beauty of hairline lowering is in its unique and personal applicability. A new hairline will be tailored to the patient’s preferences and is often wavy to mimic a natural hairline.

The incisions are made in such a manner so that hair regrows through and in front of the eventual hairline scar making it virtually undetectable. 

Am I a Good Candidate?

Most men and women with a high hairline and good skin elasticity can potentially be candidates for hairline lowering procedures. Since general anesthesia is required to complete this surgery, patients must be in good overall health to avoid complications. Individuals who have difficulties with abnormal scarring and wound healing may be encouraged to consider other options. The only way to find out if you are a candidate for forehead reduction surgery is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Amir Yazdan. During your appointment, your surgeon will perform a full medical evaluation, examine your hairline, discuss your concerns, and determine whether hairline lowering is the best option for your needs.

At Modena Hair Institute, we understand that surgical procedures may not be for everyone, and it is paramount to feel confident and comfortable with not only the process, but the surgeon of your choice. Do bountiful research prior making any decisions. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in his Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas clinics, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Male Hair Transplant Repair Success Story – 02/01/2021

A new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories!

Diagnosis: FUE transplant – Age: 33 – Sex: Male – Grafts: 1766

In the following presentation, Dr. Amir Yazdan documents the beautiful cosmetic results of a 33-year-old male undergoing an FUE hair transplantation to reinforce his hairline and add more density.

With the procedure we sought to create a soft natural hairline that richly covered the receding peaks on the temple.


Dr. Yazdan Named One of the Top Hair Transplant Doctors in the World for Third Year

Dr. Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute is honored to once again be numbered among the top hair transplant doctors in the world.

The ranking, published by Ape to Gentleman in an article called “The World’s Top 25 Hair Transplant Surgeons: 2021 Edition,” lists the best hair transplant doctors based on, among other factors:

  1. Level of expertise
  2. Years of experience
  3. Level of artistic and technical skill
  4. Patient advocacy

The article highlights the very niche work Dr. Yazdan has done for over a decade on African American, Asian and body hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a highly niche and technical field of aesthetic surgery requiring long and careful experience. We are proud to see our technical accomplishments in the area of ethnic hair transplantation get recognized.

ape to gentleman

The author details that “a crucial element of my recommendations is that all the doctors listed support the message conveyed by the relevant standards and authorities in the field of hair restoration. These guys care about the industry and its ethics, integrity and quality of treatment…”  

As the only IAHRS member in the Orange County and Las Vegas area, Dr. Yazdan’s acceptance into the society means that he has consistently upheld the highest ethical standards, carries exceptional surgical prowess and a visceral commitment to the art and science of hair transplantation.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Male Hair Transplant Repair Success Story

An incredible new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories!

Diagnosis: FUE transplant + Repair – Age: 43 – Sex: Male – Grafts: 1977

In the following presentation, Dr. Amir Yazdan documents the beautiful cosmetic results of a 43-year-old male undergoing an FUE hair transplantation to repair a poorly done previous transplant.

The patient came to Modena Hair Institute with a prior hair transplant that looked inconsistent, withered and sparse. After strategically and artistically placing 1,977 grafts around the scalp you will notice the dramatic cosmetic improvement. Better hair direction, consistent hair growth and a thicker hairline.

Dr. Yazdan is an expert in correcting the appearance of bad hair transplants resulting from poor craftsmanship and sub-optimal techniques. Poorly executed hair transplants are psychologically disastrous for patients. FUE and FUT procedures demand an extremely high level of skill, experience and knowledge on the part of the physician.

Can I Grow My Hair Back Without a Hair Transplant?

PRP Procedure

You’ve read the title – it’s a question we get from time to time from potential patients who might have been told miracle stories or are just generally curious. To get straight to the point, there are very effective and scientifically-backed hair restoration products, such as Rogaine, Propecia and GroMD Shampoo and Conditioner – but these admittedly great products are mainly employed to slow hair loss and stimulate slight growth. 

The short answer is no. There aren’t really any non-surgical options to grow your hair back in a comprehensive and thick way. Hair transplantation – meaning the transplantation of hair grafts from places on your scalp that grow plenty of hair to those balding or thinning spots you worry about – is the only effective way you can permanently combat hair loss. 

This fact, however, doesn’t stop a lot of commercial clinics from trying to sell you on non-invasive hair growth treatments. The market has seized upon the fact that hair loss is a highly sensitive reality for both men and women. Promises of ‘hair growth’ are slapped on to everything from coconut oil to dry shampoo brands.

Patients can often spend thousands of dollars on treatments and products that do little or nothing to stimulate hair growth. Here at the Modena Hair Institute we’ve looked into many of these options and even battle tested a few of them. We are in the business of helping our patients achieve a full head of hair and are willing to try anything new that seems promising. And sometimes, new methods come along that are worth trying out. 

This has been the case with using platelet rich plasma injections (PRP). We have seen incredible results in offering PRP to our hair transplant patients. Ultimately we believe nothing compares to a hair transplant performed by an experienced specialist. Most patients who try other options eventually arrive at the same conclusion. Why waste thousands of dollars trying to take what seems to be an ‘easier’ route if it results in greater hardship? It breaks our heart to hear patients tell us how they feel they were misled. How thousands of dollars that were wasted could have been spent on permanent restoration instead.  

Perhaps part of the problem is that the word ‘surgery’ is not quite the right term when it comes to medical hair restoration. It’s not even close to being a surgery in the sense that most people imagine it. There are no hospital gowns, no doctors in scrubs, no scalpels or (visible) scars. Your hair restoration procedure, while lengthy, feels more like a long stay at your hair salon than a medical procedure. You recline, you watch TV, you chat with your surgeon and otherwise pass the time. Every once in a while, you change position depending on what area is being worked on. After all this, you go home and spend a few days watching some more TV, taking care not to disturb your new hair grafts. That’s it. The rest is just a bit of patience until your new hair grows in. 

Your recovery takes one or two days at most, although some people take time off from work for a week to ten days so as not to invite any questions about the small red dots on their scalp. Once these miniature dots scab over and fall off, no one will see that you had anything done. Over the next few months the change will be so gradual that no one will realize what happened. Except that you will start hearing that you look great.

Save yourself the time and money and disappointment of trying to coax your hair into growing with lotions, potions, and other miracle cures. Instead of trying non-surgical hair loss treatments that don’t work, find out if you’re a candidate for hair transplantation and go straight to the solution that works. To get started, see our virtual consultation module.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

The Six Most Common Causes of Hair Loss (and their treatments)

hair loss treatmentMale-pattern baldness – ie. genetics – may be the most talked about and dreaded of hair loss types, but there are many other causes that lead to hair loss.

Board-certified Southern California hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Amir Yazdan, regularly sees patients who suffer from many different types of hair loss, and it’s not uncommon for patients to be surprised at their diagnoses. The internet can be a rich source of opinion and information – but it can never accurately assess and diagnose a unique and personal hair loss situation. To get to the root of one’s hair loss problem, you need the expert eyes and technical prowess of a specialist in person.

The most complained about cause of hair loss is male pattern baldness, also known as hereditary hair loss or androgenic alopecia, as it frequently causes visible signs of loss and impacts about 70 percent of all men in the United States. But there are also five more to watch for if you’re wondering what is causing your hair loss.

  • Androgenic alopecia: This cause is typically identified by its predictable pattern of progression. In men, loss appears as a receding hairline and a bare patch on the back of the head. Women typically experience increasing overall thinning. A hair transplant that gathers healthy grafts from loss-resistant areas of the scalp and fills in areas where too much skin is showing is a common and effective method for combatting this problem.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Major fluctuations in body chemistry can trigger hair loss, and many of them have to do with significant life events, such as getting pregnant, giving birth, or entering menopause. While those are all women-focused hormone shifts, men go through a transition known as andropause. Fortunately, a shift may be due to something as simple as diet. Unfortunately, testosterone, estrogen, and other chemicals may be off-kilter due to any of a variety of medical conditions, including thyroid problems.
  • Medical conditions: Autoimmune diseases like lupus can account for hair loss, making a medical diagnosis particularly important in many cases. Most hair-loss-causing health conditions, such as diabetes, also have other symptoms, so a doctor should consider the patient as a whole when determining the cause of loss.
  • Infections: Ringworm – a fungal infection that doesn’t actually involve worms – can cause hair to fall out if it develops on the scalp, and it’s not the only skin condition that can lead to bald patches. In the case of infections, usually no hair transplant is needed, a good antibiotic will do the trick.
  • Medications: Chemotherapy is the most obvious example in this category. Natural growth typically resumes after the treatments resolve, whether they’re regular doses of chemicals to fight cancer or herbal remedies intended to help with pain.
  • Traction alopecia: Hair that is styled in a harsh way. Most common among African American men and women who tie their hair into tight braids. Men who have hair long enough to put into a ponytail or wear a similarly pulled-back style may lose hair to the act of gathering the hair together and tugging it tight into a band.

Treatments (for each type of hair loss)

For androgenic alopecia, non-invasive therapies may slow the progression of hair loss, but only a hair transplant will provide permanent (ie. decades) coverage and relief. FUE or FUT are the gold standard. In hair transplantation, hair follicles are taken from areas of the scalp that are resistant to androgen and transplanted into areas that are androgen dependent.

Remember (!): The aesthetic effectiveness of the hair transplant varies depending on the expertise, experience and ability of the surgeon.

For hormonal imbalances, infections and medications invasive surgery is usually not needed, as when the imbalance clears up so does the robustness of the hair growth cycle. Instead, topical treatments like Rogaine or orally ingested Propecia are two non-surgical methods of treatment that help slow the rate of hair loss and to promote fuller hair growth. 

For traction alopecia, choosing the right treatment plan will depend on whether or not the damage to the hair follicles is reversible. Upon first noticing the effects of traction alopecia it is necessary to put into practice looser hair styling practices. It is at this stage that we recommend a potent cocktail of Minoxidil and GroMD shampoo and conditioner.  Both of these potent medical therapies serve to block DHT (the hair follicle killer) and enhance blood flow to the scalp.  Minoxidil is an over-the-counter topical medication.

Research has indicated that the majority of men who use the medicine consistently demonstrate a deceleration in hair loss and a re-growth of miniaturized follicles.

GroMD products are also boosted with Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle and Licorice Root Extract, all DHT blockers found in nature. This product also contains caffeine and menthol to dilate the blood vessels around each hair follicle for improved circulation. Ultimately this therapeutic program will stimulate dormant follicles and allow vital nutrients to reach every hair strand. 

If hair follicles are permanently damaged, however, they will no longer be able to grow new hair. At this point, hair transplant surgery will be the best way to restore normal coverage.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Global Hair Loss Summit 2020

Despite the heavy public and professional restrictions caused by the Covid-19 virus, research in aesthetic surgery has not slowed down. Distinguished surgeons, professors and research scientists working in the field of hair restoration have gathered this month for the Global Hair Loss Summit to communicate findings and discuss technical and scientific revelations. The gathering was held virtually – with practitioners from over a dozen countries tuning in.

The goal of the Global Hair Loss Summit is to bring together the best of the best in the world of surgical hair restoration. The summit seeks to contribute to the education and improvement of physicians and other practitioners who currently work in surgical hair transplantation or are seeking to.

global hair loss summit

As part of the founding faculty of the Global Hair Loss Summit, Dr. Yazdan was invited to deliver a lecture on Botched FUE and Robotic Device Repair (as seen above). The purpose of the lecture is to educate doctors on the technical details and processes involved in what is considered to be the gold standard of modern surgical hair transplantation – to clarify misconceptions and codify best practices.

Moreover, robotic device repair is a topic that our institute has covered a number of times in the recent past, as it continues to be one of the most pressing controversies in the field of contemporary hair transplantation. Over harvesting, unnatural-looking results, permanent damage to the scalp or donor area – these devastating outcomes happen more often than people assume. The two major drivers behind the robotic FUE hair transplant boom, we believe, is the great financial incentive that it can bring to an aesthetic clinic and the lack of experience needed to operate the machinery.

Surgical hair transplantation, as with any kind of serious and invasive surgery, requires years of training and experience to master. And even with many years of experience, not every FUE specialist can rise to the highest caliber of precision and artistry necessary – that demands complete devotion and technical study married to consistent results and a deep understanding.

The ultimate end and aim of a hair transplant is a natural looking hairline. When it comes to graft extraction and placement, the operating surgeon must accurately reproduce what nature produces. Robotic devices are not yet capable of reproducing nature in the way a human hand is. Such devices are often used in ‘assembly line’ clinics that simply do not meet the personalized gold standard of FUE and FUT procedures. The highest levels of FUE surgery demand keen handwork and true artistry, requiring a type of subtly that a robotic mechanism is inherently incapable of producing. 

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Transgender Hair Transplants

What does it mean to transition? It is a journey that often seems to have a hazy “starting point” and an end point that can feel like a moving target. Familiarizing yourself with your options is a good way to make the process feel less daunting. 

Transitioning often entails significant changes in many different areas of one’s life – social, medical and legal. In the physical sense, however, the process reaches its zenith with transgender hair restoration. Correcting the hairline is the crowning mark of either the feminization or masculinization of the individual. The hairline is the first and most striking detail others notice, so it’s important that a hair transplant surgeon of the highest level of artistry and technique design and execute that scheme.

Every transition is unique. For male-to-female (MTF) transgender patients, the central objective is often rebuilding a thinning hairline or maintaining existing hair using transgender hair transplants and non-surgical treatment options. A typical feminine hairline is lower, flatter, and rounder than a natural masculine hairline. Dr. Amir Yazdan can perform a transgender hair transplant and recreate the shape of a female hairline using the same surgical techniques and technology as any other hair restoration procedure – FUE and FUT being the most commonly employed.

For MTF transgender patients who have already suffered significant hair loss, Dr. Yazdan can fill in bald spots and create thicker hair while also producing a more feminine hairline during a comprehensive transgender hair transplant procedure. Once patients have achieved their desired look using hair transplantation surgery, Dr. Yazdan offers a variety of hair loss prevention methods designed to help his patients keep their hair for years to come. 

Unfortunately, patients who receive hair transplants are not immune to future hair loss and MTF transgender patients will need to utilize a multi-faceted restoration approach to ensure they maintain their fuller, thicker hair. With platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) or low-level laser therapy (LLLT), as well as the use of prescription medications like Rogaine and Propecia, Dr. Yazdan can help his MTF transgender patients incorporate a daily routine that combats the effects of baldness for beautiful, thick, natural hair.

PRP Procedure

On the other hand, female-to-male (FTM) transgender hair restoration is usually much less involved and tend not to require hair transplantation surgery to achieve a more masculine appearance since they are not as susceptible to hair loss, although Dr. Yazdan can certainly perform the procedure as needed. Minimally invasive hair loss prevention treatments and hair loss medication are the main recommended options for FTM transgender patients who want to ensure they maintain their natural hair well into the future. For FTM transgender patients, obtaining a defined and full beard is often the main focus of their treatment.

Modena Patient – Beard Hair Restoration

We offer facial hair transplants to help our patients supplement the results of their hormone therapy by thickening mustaches, filling in beards and improving sideburns. During facial hair transplant surgery, Dr. Yazdan uses the FUE approach to only remove as many follicular units as are necessary to achieve the patient’s desired look. Dr. Yazdan chooses the source of the grafts with precision to ensure they can accurately replicate and match the look of the existing facial hair growth for truly seamless results. Another warning to the consumer-patient, a great amount of technical and artistic skill is needed during facial hair transplants to accurately sculpt a realistic beard, so choosing a highly qualified specialist is imperative.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

What to Expect After an FUE Hair Transplant

Patients can always expect successful results from an FUE transplant procedure when performed by an expert hair transplant specialistPatients can always expect successful results from an FUE transplant procedure when performed by an expert hair transplant specialist, but it takes some time for the results to be obvious.  During the early stages of FUE recovery, patients may notice that hair is actually lost from the treatment site. This is a normal process called shock loss. Although hair may fall out, the follicles remain in place and new hair will eventually grow. Most of our patients notice the first signs of new hair growth about three months after their FUE hair transplant. About three months post-surgery, patients can expect the hair to have grown to about a quarter of an inch. Although this hair is thinner and shorter than it will ultimately grow to be, it should make a significant difference in a person’s appearance. Finally, the patience and investment saved up for months has paid off. The scalp starts to thicken. 

Hair growth at three months provides our patients with a pretty good glimpse at the new shape of their hairline, but it is still only a hint at the final results of treatment. Beyond three months, the hair will continue to grow longer and the texture of the hair should also improve. By three months into FUE hair transplant recovery, incision sites should be completely healed. Patients should no longer have any scabbing or obvious signs of inflammation or irritation. Our patients can expect FUE hair transplant to result in some scarring, but the scars are so small that they will hardly be noticeable. Even with the hair being as short as it is three months into recovery, it is highly unlikely that anyone would look at an FUE hair transplant patient and be able to distinguish their scars.

Once our patients are three months into their recovery process, it is easy to care for the scalp and hair. At this point, the hair can be washed as normal. Any physical activities that were restricted during the early stages of recovery will have been lifted by now. The only precaution that continues to be important is protecting the skin from harsh UV rays. We advise patients to wear a hat or sunscreen to protect the scalp whenever they are outdoors.  

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Shedding Hair After a Hair Transplant

As you’ve probably learned by now, the newly implanted grafts a hair transplant patient receives will typically shed between two weeks and two months after the procedure. The follicles on the scalp will be in what is called a ‘resting phase’, appearing dormant and minuscule, so patience is required. Aesthetic splendor is only a few months ahead. Also known as “shock loss”, it is perfectly normal to shed your transplanted hair following an FUE hair transplant. New hairs will quickly grow in their place over the coming months. Why does hair shed after surgery? Hairs have a growth cycle, split into 3 stages – growth, transition and resting phases. The resting phase is the time when the roots shed their hairs. Hairs can move into the resting phase following the trauma of surgery. The main traumatic events the hairs goes through during the course of hair transplant surgery are: the hair follicle being cut away and disconnected from blood supply, the hair follicle being re-implanted back into the scalp, and lastly, the surrounding hairs being affected by incisions and anesthetic.

After a hair transplant, the implanted follicles and the attached hairs will stay in their new place for 1- 2 weeks. The follicles in this period will start to switch into a resting phase and will then begin to shed their hair. This shock loss can start as early as 10 days following transplantation. It can last up to 12 weeks. This process of hair shedding is expected and does not represent the scalp “rejecting” the implanted hairs.

Some patients may notice that hairs that haven’t been transplanted can shed after a hair transplant. The risk of shedding non-transplanted hairs is increased if someone has a large number of thin or miniaturized hairs that sit in-between newly implanted hairs. Like transplanted hairs, these native non-transplanted hairs shed because their follicles also move into a resting phase following the trauma of surgery. Shock loss of non-transplanted hair can occur from 2 weeks following surgery but can also occur months later. This process, although rare, self-resolves. And all hair that has shed should regrow.

Unfortunately, there is no proven way to reduce the risk of shock loss following surgery. However, patients can safeguard against future loss via topical or medical management. The two most popular and proven non-surgical hair restoration modalities are Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil. Propecia significantly reduces DHT, a key cause of hair loss, by inhibiting the formation of DHT in your scalp. This prevents hair loss and thickens hair in many men. Minoxidil is a solution or a foam you can apply to thicken areas of thin hair. It also helps to prevent hair loss and can be used to help quicken the growth of hairs that have shed during shock loss. You can read more about these two modalities in our medical hair loss treatments section.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Dandruff or Dry Scalp?

dandruff or dry scalpLast week a young man with a thick head of hair, aged 23, came into our hair restoration clinic in Orange County desperately seeking clinical help. The problem? Although he had a beautifully full head of hair, it was riddled with white flakes. He said he didn’t know where else to turn. That he is in extremely good physical and mental shape, minds his fruits and vegetables, and always practices good hygiene. His personal and professional life cause him no undue stress and he rarely, if ever, doesn’t get a full nights rest. At first he thought he suffered from a temporary bout of dandruff, but as the weeks turned into months turned into years, the presence of white flakes only grew larger and more numerous. Giving up on styling his hair because it would result in chunks of white flakes clumping up on the top and sides of his head, he turned to wearing baseball caps and beanies almost everyday. 

It’s clear: the problem our young friend suffers from is dry scalp.

While both dandruff and dry scalp display similar symptoms, they are very different in nature, and require different treatments. Dry scalp usually stems from a lack of moisture in the air. Colder and drier climates often cause the scalp to suffer as such. From there, your scalp becomes irritated, causing skin to flake and shed. If your scalp is dry, skin on other areas of your body may be as well. Dandruff, conversely, is caused by excess oil which causes skin cells to build up and, overtime, shed – or flake off.

Combating Dry Scalp with a DHT-Blocking Shampoo

The first and immediate response to combating dry scalp is to wash your hair daily with a gentle, natural and DHT-blocking shampoo/conditioner mix that 

  1. Reduces the oil build up on the scalp
  2. Heals inflammation and redness
  3. Fights follicle miniaturization

The shampoo we stand behind and recommend is GroMD. When using GroMD’s patented DHT-blocking shampoo, the process of washing your hair is a bit different. The powerful ingredients in the shampoo need time to absorb into your hair and scalp, so it is important to let the lather sit for several minutes before you rinse out. In addition, GroMD’s DHT-blocking shampoo also acts as a conditioner. Using a DHT-blocking shampoo and conditioner is one of the best ways to deal with dry scalp, and when combined with minoxidil, pattern hair loss as well.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Is Donor Hair Stronger and More Permanent or Will it Thin?

donor hair hair transplantYou’ve plunged into online research about hair transplantation and have come to understand that transplanted follicles are taken from what is known as the safe donor area (SDA). But is my donor hair any different from regular hair? If I’m losing my regular hair – on the top and crown areas – won’t my donor hair also shrink and fall out? Well, by a miracle of nature, the hair that grows on the sides of head and by the nape of the neck are practically permanent follicular units, immune to the miniaturizing effects of DHT.

For reasons not totally understood, hair taken from the donor zone is resistant to the degenerative changes related to pattern baldness. Hair follicles taken from the SDA do not miniaturize in response to DHT exposure, unlike the rest of the scalp, the basic reason for this has to do with the sensitivity of androgen protein receptors found on the follicles. The permanent nature of the grafts from the safe donor area is the reason why these hair follicles are used in hair transplant surgery, as they rarely thin or fall out due to age. 

Most Men Will Reach Norwood 6 or 7 (Severe Baldness)

The hair growth and loss cycle of every man will depend on their genetic makeup, most clearly forecasted on the scalp by a person’s late 20’s and early 30’s. It’s very useful to see where you are on the Norwood Scale – a classification system that illustrates progressive hair loss patterns in males – because you’ll know how many hair restoration therapies you’ll need to invest in. Since recession at the temples or near the crown is visible on 20-30% of men by the time they reach their 20s, the risk of continued hair loss (becoming a Norwood 6 or 7) is very likely every year preventative action is not taken.

Transplanting thick and strong donor hair into the receding parts of the scalp will stop the progression of hair loss dead in its tracks (or at least for 20 or 30 years). By opting for a skilled hair transplant you will turn back the clock on your looks. Chances are, if you’re visiting websites devoted to hair transplantation, you are worried about your hair loss or the potential for loss. The sooner you address your situation the greater the odds are that you will keep the hair you have.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Covid-19 and Hair Loss

covid-19 and hair lossSince the COVID-19 pandemic reached the shores of the United States, more and more Americans are claiming to experience, where they have never before, a rapid increase in hair loss. The question has been raised in medical offices and institutions around the states, whether this could be a symptom of the virus or whether it is peripheral and unrelated? More likely than not, a spike in individuals experiencing hair loss is due to the stresses and strains of living through a pandemic, and NOT as a direct result or symptom of the virus. 

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other medical research facilities have not recognized hair loss as a symptom of COVID-19, yet more than 27% of 1,100 poll respondents in a coronavirus survivor online group reported hair loss. What explains the relationship between hair loss and Covid-19 then? Speaking to USA Today, Dr. Michele S. Green, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, describes how “there’s been an influx of patients seeking treatment for hair loss during quarantine.” Simply put, it is the shock to the physical systems of the body related to high fever, imbalance of hormones and muscle fatigue that is likely causing the hair loss. 

Hair loss related to stresses put upon the body is called Telogen Effluvium, and is usually a self correcting condition, meaning it can resolve itself in 3-6 months. Once the triggers of stress, diet or hormonal imbalances are normalized, telogen effluvium can be cured.

Remedial Treatments

Still, preventative measures for managing and mitigating hair loss are always advised since hair loss is in everyone’s future. Zach from the Try Guys, a popular internet entertainment group, recently underwent a follicular unit extraction at the age of 30. His detailed expose on the transplant process and the reasons for undergoing the treatment are explained in a recent popular video here.

Although dashingly handsome and youthful by all accounts, Zach’s discomfort and unhappiness with an ever more wispy head of hair drove him to seek a strong and permanent aesthetic solution. At Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, we encounter patients with the same exact story every day. Whether it’s something more permanent and dramatic like an FUE hair transplant or topical hair treatment to slow balding, we examine the scalp and perform tests to determine which course of treatments will best destroy the nightmare of hair loss.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Rogaine: Uses and Limitations

Your hair is falling out and you want to stop it. What should you do? Many men in this position turn to drugs like Rogaine for hair restoration. However, does Rogaine actually work? What is to be gained from Rogaine?

Rogaine is the trade name of the drug Minoxidil which was developed in 1963 by the Upjohn Company as a vasodilator. One of its side effects was discovered to be hair growth. Hair growth was a side effect of Minoxidil, but not in all cases.  A recent study in the ‘American Pharmacist’ has shown that Rogaine only works in about half of all cases. Moreover, any hair regrowth affected through the use of Rogaine is often swiftly lost again if the drug is discontinued.

 As nice as it would be to simply be able to rub some foam onto your scalp and then suddenly regrow a full and youthful head of hair – Rogaine has proved to be ineffective for treating hair loss in isolation, without supplementary restoration aids.

Technically speaking – Rogaine’s properties as an anagen agonist may increase the rate and thickness at which new hairs grow back, however increased DHT circulation to the scalp due to the drug’s vasodilation properties, quite often results in men losing more of their hair than the drug is capable of restoring.

The use of various inactive ingredients such as preservatives, binding agents, texturisers, colors and scents also lead to many of Rogaine’s unfortunate side effects such as itchy scalp, irritation, and aggravated hair loss to name some of the most common.

Rogaine and other Minoxidil derivatives can be more effective when taken alongside other vitamin rich and DHT blocking formulas. A premier hair growth shampoo like groMD regenerates hair growth with a special formula containing rich vitamins, oils, minerals and fats. The use of hair growth shampoo on hair helps to reduce protein loss in both damaged as well as undamaged hair. GroMD is rich in lauric acid and has a high affinity for hair protein and easily penetrates inside the hair shaft, which is due to its low molecular weight. 

Moreover, if true hair restoration is sought, Rogaine simply can not match the effectiveness, comprehensiveness and permanency of a hair transplant. A hair transplant may seem more intimidating than the ease of treatment offered by Rogaine, but, as the old adage goes – you get what you pay for. Investment in a quality hair transplant is never wasted and the results are yours for life.

If you want to explore a hair loss solution with a near 100% effectiveness rate or if you have any questions or concerns regarding the merits of different hair loss treatments, please contact us at Modena Hair Institute today for more information. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. Dr. Yazdan is eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Traction Alopecia: The Basics

Hair loss is preventable. While male pattern baldness is genetically predetermined traction alopecia is not. But what is traction alopecia? Quite simply, traction alopecia is hair loss caused by excessive pulling or traction on the hair follicle and, if caught early, is fully reversible. Aggravated traction alopecia, however, can lead to irreversibly damaged hair follicles and permanent balding.

Who is at risk for traction alopecia? The simple truth is: anybody with hair. When hair is pulled in the same way for a long time the resulting stress may cause damage to the underlying follicles. Repeated pulling and strain on hair follicles will damage then and cause strands of hair to fall out. Typically, receding receding hair begins  around the forehead, temples, or nape of the neck. Early signs include a widening of the hair parting and patches of thin or broken hair in places where the hair has been under strain and abrasive patches of scarred skin in more advanced cases along with redness, itching, ulcers and/or infections.

Anyone who wears their hair pulled back tightly, in a ponytail, in braids, dreadlocks, cornrows  ect. is at risk. Hair extensions, which are glued or tightly tied to the base of the hair, may cause tension at the hair roots and consequent traction hair loss. Moreover, traction alopecia can also occur when tight headwear or sports helmets are used on a daily basis. Occasionally wearing tight hairstyles should not prove problematic. A certain degree of daily hair loss is normal – between 50 and 100 hairs in a 24 hour period, which are usually replaced by new hair growth in healthy individuals.

Unlike other forms of hair loss traction alopecia is not caused by genetic or immune factors. It is a common condition among ballet dancers and sports professionals who wear tight buns or ponytails for long periods of time and may affect both children and adults. However, it is more common in older individuals whose hair follicles have naturally weakened over time.

The good news is that, if caught early enough, treatment for traction alopecia can be as simple as changing your hairstyle. Avoid tight hairstyles whenever possible.

Avoid or limit harsh chemical products which may further weaken hair follicles.

If  hair has not  regrown after a few months of reduced strain, the hair follicles may be damaged. If there is substantial scarring visible, the hair may be permanently damaged and unable to grow back. In severe cases, hair transplants are the only option.

If you fear that you may be suffering from traction alopecia or if you have any questions or concerns regarding the nature of your hair loss, please contact us at Modena Hair Institute today for more information. about restoring your hairline or to discuss any questions you may have regarding our available procedures. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. We are open for in person or digital consultations. Contact us today!

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

5 Simple Secrets for Healthier, Fuller-Looking Hair

The looming threat of hair loss is a concerning prospect. Aging and genetics can both cause hair loss and the underlying cause of hair loss affects what treatments will be most effective. The good news is, however, that not only is hair loss easily reversible through transplant therapy by a skilled physician, but there are also many easily amenable lifestyle choices that can help you maintain a thick and healthy head of hair.

Eat plenty of protein – A 2017 study found that participants suffered from hair when placed on a diet low in protein and amino acids. Lean meats like fish can be a rich source of protein and other essential nutrients. Vegetarians and vegans must be especially careful to provide themselves with a viable non-meat protein source, like soy, to replenish essential amino acids- your lock will thank you!

Take a multivitamin – Numerous scientific studies have strongly suggested that vitamins may help to prevent hair loss in human subjects. A monograph in ‘Dermatology and Therapy’ examining the role of various dietary supplements suggested that vitamin deficiencies may be a risk factor for hair loss. While the precise relationship of vitamins deficiencies and hair loss still remains somewhat unclear some vitamin and mineral supplements that may help include:

  1. selenium
  2. vitamin B
  3. zinc
  4. vitamin D
  5. iron
  6. vitamin A
  7. vitamin C
  8. vitamin E

Anyone considering taking a multivitamin supplement should consult with their personal physician first. The best multivitamin products available on the market today contain all or nearly all of the recommended daily amounts of each vitamin and mineral in a single dose.

Mediterranean diet – This one is easy, just have a Greek salad or some nice bruschetta! The Archives of Dermatological Research published a 2017 study which connected the herbs and vegetables commonly associated with the Mediterranean diet and a decreased risk of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Bon Appetit!

Coconut Oil – A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition titled ‘Health Effects of Coconut Oil—A Narrative Review of Current Evidence’ suggests that applying coconut oil to the scalp and hair may stimulate hair regrowth and repair hair damaged and weakened from excess heat or color treatment. Give it a try, if nothing else you’ll smell great!

Proper scalp care – Shampoo your hair excessively, brushing over vigorously, and using harsh chemical products or dyes can all make your hair brittle and more prone to fall out. Brush your hair gently and give yourself a daily scalp massage, wear a hat in harsh sunlight and avoid washing your hair with very hot water in the shower. Using a sensitive doctor-developed shampoo and conditioner like GroMD will restore and rejuvenate dry hair follicles.

While the above mentioned lifestyle changes are all commendable habits which may lead to a healthier and happier life the fact remains- if you have hair loss hardwired into your genetics then you will lose your hair. Thankfully here at Modena Hair institute Dr. Yazdan specializes in the only proven method of permanent hair restoration – transplant surgery. Both the FUE and FUT transplant procedures are capable of producing beautiful and dramatic results in even the most hopeless seeming cases. Again, your scalp will thank you! 

If you or a loved one is worried about their hair health, please contact us at Modena Hair Institute today for more information about restoring your hairline or to discuss any questions you may have regarding our available procedures. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. Dr. Yazdan is eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

How to Choose a Hair Transplant Clinic

You’ve made the decision to get a hair transplant, congratulations! In no time at all your dreams of having immaculately restored youthful locks will become reality. But wait… you need to pick a hair clinic first…
It’s important to note right off the bat that this article concerns how to choose a clinic and not just a hair transplant doctor. As the old adage goes, ‘no man is an island’ and even the most spectacularly gifted hair transplant doctor on the planet cannot provide effective treatment without his or her experienced staff and a well-equipped, state of the art facility.
Let the buyer beware!
An unfortunate fact that must be noted is that the field of hair transplant surgery is rife with inexperienced doctors. Certain practitioners advertise hair transplant surgery solely with an eye toward adding another potential billable service to their practices and are in no way specialized hair restoration surgeons. The widespread incompetence and shoddy workmanship of these types in the past led to hair transplants being looked upon as the stuff of comedy through the 1960s to the 1980s.
It was only in the late 80s that highly dedicated hair transplant clinics arose and hair restoration procedures began to attain the finesse and consistency which have led to their general acceptance as one of today’s most highly effective and aesthetically satisfying cosmetic procedures.
When searching for a qualified hair transplant surgeon one simple question can save you a world of trouble:
“Are hair transplants all you do?” If the answer is ‘no’, walk away; or better yet, run for it.
If you’re still there, a good follow up question would be: “Is your clinic solely dedicated to hair transplants?”. If it isn’t then that’s another red flag and you ought to high-tail it out of there just as fast. Naturally, the finest results come from clinics that are dedicated solely to hair transplants. Unfortunately most facilities are not dedicated to hair transplants as a specialty and instead perform them as a sideline to scrounge up a bit of extra cash. Surgeons who only dip their toes in the hair transplant pool can hardly be expected to deliver the sort of consistent results that a discerning patient would rightly demand.
Still there? Now ask your potential doctor if their staff work full-time for you as hair transplant technicians. Be careful of noncommittal answers. You want a professional surgeon AND a professional surgical team operating on you. The doctor can’t do everything. His or her assistants are invaluable assets in performing a seamless procedure. Keep in mind that there is currently NO government regulation regarding the training and experience of staff members assisting in a hair transplant procedure, so it certainly pays to inquire into the matter on your own.
Next, ask to see NUMEROUS successful examples of your prospective surgeons work. If you are only shown one or two examples then you should probably not trust them to operate on you; such a low number of examples indicates either a lack of experience or presentable results. Practitioners who can easily furnish you with 100s of before/after photos of their work have likely refined their technique to that effortless precision and finesse that is the hallmark of great craftsmanship, care, and maturity. You deserve only the best – accept no substitutes.
Some final remarks. Hair transplantation can not and should not be performed by just anybody with a medical degree. Seek out an experienced team led by an experienced doctor housed in a specially designated clinic. Research the background of any clinic you are considering; try to find one that’s been in business for more than five years and offers extensive examples of their finished product. Dedication and specialization are the key qualities to look for in a potential hair transplant doctor; his or her office should be sizable, solely perform hair transplants and have a full time, professionally trained staff of at least five individuals if not more. And lastly, don’t be afraid to speak up! Ask hard questions, challenge your doctor, settle for nothing but the best; it’s your hair after all and your hair deserves nothing less.
For more information about restoring your hairline at any age or to discuss any questions you may have regarding our available procedures, be sure to contact our hair restoration center today. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. Our specialists are eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.