Hair loss is a common concern for many individuals, affecting both men and women. While it is often considered a natural part of aging, the emotional and psychological impact of hair loss can be significant. Addressing hair loss early can make a substantial difference in managing and even reversing the condition. Early intervention not only slows down the progression of hair loss but also enhances the effectiveness of treatment options.
The benefits of early intervention include slowing down hair loss progression, it may be recommended to start using topical solutions along with considering prescription medications such as finasteride (Propecia). Another benefit to early intervention is that it may increase the effectiveness of treatments. Hair follicles in the early stages of thinning are more responsive to treatments, increasing the chances of regrowth and thickening of existing hair. This can include topical solutions as well as treatments such as PRP therapy and laser therapy offered by Dr. Amir Yazdan at Modena Hair Institute. Lastly, addressing hair loss early can provide more treatment options. Individuals who seek treatment early have a broader range of options available to them. Non-surgical treatments are more effective in the early stages. For those considering hair transplants, early intervention ensures that there are sufficient donor hairs available for transplantation and helps preserve more native hair to optimize the results of a surgery.
Early intervention strategies include consulting with a hair loss professional, medications, nonsurgical treatments, and possibly a hair transplant surgery. A hair loss provider such as Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute can diagnose the cause of hair loss and recommend appropriate treatments. He offers a full medical management consultation where he will discuss all available options. FDA-approved medications like minoxidil and finasteride can be effective in slowing hair loss and promoting regrowth. These should be used under medical supervision. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and microneedling are non-surgical options that can stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health. For those with significant hair loss, hair transplant surgery can be a viable option, come in to see Dr. Yazdan in Newport Beach, for a surgical consultation to find out which method is best for you.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to our offices at (949) 374-2563 if you’re feeling anxious or unsure about your hair loss. Dr. Yazdan is more than happy to offer guidance, and recommend safe and effective treatments.
Bringing a new life into the world is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. However, amidst the joy of motherhood, many new mothers find themselves facing an unexpected challenge: postpartum hair loss. If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone. Postpartum hair loss, also known as postpartum alopecia, affects a significant number of women after childbirth. Here at Modena Hair Institute we help many new mothers to combat the loss.
Postpartum hair loss typically occurs around three to six months after giving birth. During pregnancy, hormonal changes prolong the hair growth phase, resulting in thicker, fuller hair. However, once your baby arrives, hormone levels plummet, causing the hair to shed as it returns to its normal growth cycle. This shedding phase can be alarming, with clumps of hair seemingly falling out. Dr. Amir Yazdan highly recommends starting his protocol of PRP with Acell treatments which helps reduce shedding and rejuvenate the hair follicles. Another way to cope with postpartum hair loss is to opt for a nourishing, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to promote healthy hair growth such as groMD shampoo which is filled with active ingredients to fight hair loss.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to our offices at (949) 374-2563 if you’re feeling anxious or unsure about your postpartum hair loss. Dr. Yazdan is more than happy to offer guidance, and recommend safe and effective treatments.
Studies have shown that more than half of all women and as high as 83 percent of all men will experience some form of hair loss as they get older.
There’s no doubt that thinning hair can have a negative impact on self esteem, but another aspect of aging that is less talked about is a change to our natural hair color.
As we get older, it’s normal for our hair color to shift—and even people in their teens or 20s may notice a few white hairs from time to time.
This is caused by a loss of pigment cells from the hair follicles.
The most common underlying triggers for hair graying include vitamin deficiencies, genetics, oxidative stress, real life stressors, smoking, and damage from chemical hair dyes or other hair products.
Our team at Modena Hair Institute, providing solutions for hair loss at our Newport Beach, Las Vegas and Los Angeles offices, has some tips for preserving the rest of your existing hair color and delaying premature graying.
Lowering Stress
Although the link between real life stressors and graying of the hair is still being researched, learning about ways to manage stress better may be beneficial. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, daily exercise, and setting aside time for a hobby each week are all ways to lower stress.
Intoxicants and Smoking
Along with contributing to numerous other health problems and accelerated aging of the skin, studies have also shown that smoking, excessive drinking and other substance use may cause loss of pigmentation.
Lack of Nutrients
Since graying hair is often linked to vitamin deficiencies, you can combat it by making changes to your diet. Ensure that you’re getting an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, protein (which is turned into keratin), vitamin B-5, vitamin B-6, folic acid, zinc, vitamin B-12, and vitamin D from your diet or supplements.
Our confidence and self-esteem are often deeply entwined with our personal appearance. This is true for all of us and provides an important motive for carefully monitoring and attending to our health. However, teenage girls in particular often find that hair loss can be a particularly emotionally devastating experience. Hair loss, therefore, at such a critical and formative period of life should be handled promptly and with the utmost seriousness.
It is important to understand that a certain amount of hair loss is entirely natural. It is normal and healthy to shed between 50 to 100 strands per day as your hair goes through an ongoing cycle of growth and rest. New hairs grow back in the same follicle replacing and renewing older hair which are lost.
Dramatic hair loss, while uncommon in the teenage years, can happen.
There are several potential causes that may underlie excessive hair loss in teenage girls. Here at Modena Hair Institute our specialists are well prepared to provide you or your loved ones with a variety of personalized hair loss treatments. After carefully considering the causes of the problem we will be sure to provide an individually tailored course of therapy addressing your specific needs.
Thankfully, hair loss in teens is usually temporary and the hair can be expected to grow back once the underlying causes are addressed. However, in cases of serious hair loss, patients may suffer from thinning, bald patches and clumps of hair falling out; an undoubtedly distressing and uncomfortable experience for the young.
Let’s take a moment to discuss some of the most common causes of hair loss in teenage girls. Vitamin deficiencies can be particularly detrimental to one’s health. If our bodies lack the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to feed and restore our cells hair loss and related complications are likely to occur. Some of the most important vitamins for maintaining healthy hair are B1, B2, C and Iron; a teenager deficient in one or more of these vitamins has an increased likelihood of suffering from hair loss.
The teenage years are a time of change. Puberty in particular is accompanied by hormonal fluctuations. Since the operation of hair follicles is regulated by hormones such fluctuations may affect hair growth. While any hormonal imbalance can be damaging an imbalance of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is particularly related to hair loss. However, the good news is that, with proper treatment, hair should begin to grow again once the hormones are balanced out.
If a hormone imbalance has been ruled out it is important to understand that a patient’s hair loss may signal a border medical issue. In particular, diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, and polycystic ovary syndrome can affect the body’s natural hair production cycle. Teenagers with such conditions are at a much higher risk of developing hair loss. Moreover, high fevers, the recovery period following surgery and PTSD have all been noted to occasionally cause temporary, but significant, hair loss.
Conversely, certain prescription medications used to treat acne, thyroid disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD and also birth control pills have the potential, in certain cases, to cause hair loss.
Chemotherapy drugs are well known to often carry this unfortunate side effect. Consult with your physician before changing any medications if you feel they might be related to your hair loss or that of your child.
Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia as well as extreme or poorly thought out diets can cause significant hair loss. Good nutrition is vital to hair health and the body, deprived of protein, vitamins, and minerals and other important nutrients, will struggle to support and sustain proper hair growth.
Another unfortunate cause of hair loss is the psychological condition of trichotillomania involves a compulsion to pull out one’s own hair. Trichotillomania often leaves sufferers with large bald patches; seeking help from a medical professional is imperative for those struggling with this condition.
Another common cause of loss is often easy to overlook. Styling, straightening, braiding and coloring are fun of course, but all of us must be careful not to damage our hair in the process.
Excessive heat from blow dryers and hot irons as well as the harsh chemical products involved in dying, bleaching, perming and straightening hair can all cause serious damage. Even certain hairstyles like braids and tight ponytails can contribute to hair loss. Excessive force and tension applied to the hair follicles can result in traction alopecia, a serious condition which may cause permanent damage.
Thankfully, there are many easy ways in which teenage girls can prevent or combat hair loss.
Some important guidelines to keep in mind are:
Eating a nutrient rich diet high in protein and essential vitamins, to avoid extreme diets and unscientific dieting trends and to stay hydrated.
Limit the use of harsh chemical hair styling products and dyes. Put the blow dryer away, let your hair air dry instead; brush your hair gently and avoid styling it when wet.
Have yourself checked for vitamin deficiencies and hormone imbalances, do your best to reduce stress and give yourself frequent, but gentle, scalp massages.
Hair loss in teenage girls can have a profound impact on their self-image and general well being. If you or your loved ones experience hair loss, please contact us for a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Name: Morgan Question: I recently went in for a checkup and my doctor’s tests indicated hormonal changes in my body which has led to fluctuating thyroid levels. I found out that low thyroid can cause hair thinning and loss in certain women. I’m very worried I won’t be able to reverse the damage done to my hair by this hormonal imbalance. Answer: Hormones and hormonal changes are often the cause behind hair loss in women. Whether or not your thinning hair is recoverable depends on the nature of your thyroid and other hormonal imbalances. From a genetic predisposition to birth control pills to menopause, there are natural causes of hormone imbalance and preventable ones.
It also may not be the case that your hormonal fluctuations are the only cause of your hair loss – stress or genetics may be playing a factor as well. Women who have excess testosterone (the male hormone) can develop male-pattern type hair loss (as well as other symptoms like deepening of the voice or hair growth on the chin and face).
Consult a board-certified hair restoration specialist if you have hair loss as there are many potential causes and treatments. Blood tests run at our Modena Hair Institute can easily check levels of male and female hormones. Hormonal hair loss can sometimes be treated with spironolactone in women and finasteride in men. These both have potential side effects and should be used only under the supervision of your doctor. Minoxidil (Rogaine) does not address the hormonal causes of hair loss, but may still be useful is stopping hair loss or regrowing hair.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy is also a very popular and effective solution to slowing down hair loss, decelerating hair thinning, or in some cases, causing hair follicles to return.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
A little known treatment, PRP therapy has revolutionized the way hair restoration specialists approach female hair loss. If you’re like many other people out there, you probably tend to associate hair loss with men exclusively. However, you might be surprised to learn that there are far more women suffering from it than you might expect. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, 40% ofwomen end up experiencing it by the age of 50.
Here are some of the many reasons why certain women endure hair loss in their lifetime:
As it is with men, a genetic predisposition to hair loss, referred to in this case as Female Pattern Hair Loss, is the most common cause of thinning & balding in women. Unlike men, though, women will begin to notice this occurring as the center part in the middle of their scalp begins to widen, rather than experiencing thinning in the front.
Telogen Effluvium
This form of hair loss is relatively common as well, and refers to when a large amount of hair follicles shift into the resting phase of their life cycle known as the “telogen” phase. As a result, one tends to experience a dramatic shedding of hair. This can be caused by anything from stress, to trauma, to drug use, to hormonal imbalances & nutritional issues.
Alopecia Areata
In short, this is an autoimmune disorder that can cause varying degrees of patchy hair loss in women, along with men. This can either just amount to scattered thinning, or progress as far as advanced balding with a few patches of hair clinging on.
Scarring Alopecia
As implied by the name, this refers to hair loss that results from scarring on the scalp. This can be caused by tight braiding or other hairstyles that put high stress on your hair, as well as pulling, ripping, and tearing.
This can essentially be described as a compulsion to pluck one’s hair. It might just happen while you’re performing other activities & your mind wanders off, but some also find themselves doing it in habitual patterns. This, of course, causes scarring alopecia over a long period of time, along with permanent hair loss. In this case, before any treatment can be done for the hair, the psychological issue has to be handled.
The varying degrees of female hair loss.
Regardless of how women encounter it, it can be a devastating ordeal for them to suffer through, oftentimes making a significant impact on their self-esteem. Since a lack of confidence can lead to difficulties in many other aspects of life, it’s vital that this issue is tackled head on & in the most effective way possible. For women, we’ve found that the one true way of accomplishing that task is through the use of PRP Hair Regrowth Therapy.
The acronym stands for platelet-rich plasma, and as discussed on the Modena Hair Institute site: “PRP is a concentration of your own autologous platelets which have reservoirs filled with powerful growth factors and healing agents.”
In carrying out the procedure, “It is ‘harvested’ from your own blood. This is done by collecting a small volume of your blood and spinning it down to separate the red blood cells from the platelet cells.” After that process is completed, the extracted plasma goes through activation & gets reintroduced into you through various minor injections into the scalp. In the process, growth & stem cells that are already in the body are called to action to assist in the hair regrowth process.
This procedure has been used since the 1970s across many different medical disciplines, including pain management, sports medicine, cosmetic surgery & dentistry, along with hair restoration. It’s been clinically proven to work across multiple studies, and there’s even specific science behind why it works.
As discussed by Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute:
“The presumed mechanism is that elements within the plasma, such as: platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor beta, fibroblast growth factor, [etc.] help stimulate the immune and endocrine systems to decrease hair loss”
The treatment is often implemented along with hair transplant surgery, but for those who aren’t eligible for those types of procedures, like many women, PRP Hair Regrowth Therapy is an excellent way to get started on the path to a full, luscious head of hair.
There are key factors, however, that we think you should keep in mind when picking out a clinic. For starters, the person performing the procedure needs specialized equipment to fully extract the necessary PRP from the patient’s blood. As discussed in the video above, Dr.Yazdan utilizes a special procedure called the “multiple-spin technique”, along with taking advantage of natural growth factors & activators to maximize the results. As for the final factor, seeing as this is a medical procedure, we can’t stress enough that the only person who should be performing it for you is a licensed physician. We understand that here at Modena Hair Institute, and that’s why Dr. Yazdan, a board-certified hair restoration surgeon & physician, performs these procedures at his Newport, Beverly Hills & Las Vegas locations. Utilizing specialized equipment & years of experience, we’ll have your hair coming back quickly, fully, and naturally.
Learn more about the procedure & the many other services we offer on our website, and make sure you contact us to set up your consultation.
First, you should try to find out what is causing the hair loss. Speaking with a board-certified hair restoration specialist is a great place to start. Also, remember that hair and scalp health are determined by three factors: genetics, environment and lifestyle.
Those are not in order of precedence of course. Many out there will say that some are ‘genetically doomed’ to lose their hair. It is true that we inherit our genes from our parents, but more often than not, we can inherit lifestyle tendencies from them too. So starting with an overall healthy lifestyle is key. Eat plenty of fibrous veggies, quality protein (both local when possible) and keep the junk food in moderation. Be active and outside as much as possible. Overall hygiene is important as a clean scalp is best for growing hair. Look for a sulfate and paraben free shampoo. We recommend the groMD shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray to all of our patients.
Wash your hair daily and especially after working up a sweat as DHT build up on your scalp will promote hair loss. The idea that you shouldn’t wash your hair every day comes from using low quality products. Once you have the basics covered then you can look at things that will build off of them.
At Modena, we always recommend early intervention for all people, young and old, who are suffering from hair loss, as the sooner one begins to treat thinning hair, the stronger hair follicles become and the more resistant one becomes to shedding.
It’s very important for patients with hair loss to use a combination of medical therapies, as they all work together in slowing hair loss. At Modena we may recommend PRP injections mixed with stem cells, alongside a multifaceted program to treat hair thinning and loss. Combining over-the-counter minoxidil treatments (Rogaine) with the groMD’s shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray has shown impressive results in hair regrowth and density in many young patients. GroMD Shampoo, Conditioner, & Follicle Activator Spray PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy is a breakthrough minimally invasive procedure that has been known to stimulate cell regrowth, slow hair shedding, and aid during the hair restoration process. Modena Hair Institute’s highly advanced version of PRP therapy includes fat derived stem cells which aggressively stimulates hair growth cycles, and helps with hair loss by increasing hair count, thickness, and growth speed.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
The New York Times recently shared the story of Lina Telford, a graphic artist, who, after years of failed laser therapies, supplements and hair regrowth snake oils, gave up trying to hide her receding hairline and shaved her head. The sheer emotional distress and social embarrassment of hair loss was overwhelming for Ms. Telford.
Ms. Telford, however, is not a one-off special case, as many women today have opted for expensive wigs or buzzed hairstyles in an attempt to combat hair loss.
Take heart reader, a long-time friend and fellow hair loss sufferer advised Ms. Telford to go in for a hair restoration treatment that has been achieving excellent results for women suffering from temple recession and other hair loss conditions for years – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.
The PRP procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient’s body and processing it in a centrifuge in order to extract a rich plasma serum. This serum is then injected into the recipient site on the top of the scalp of the patient.
PRP is loaded with growth factors that promote rapid angiogenesis, localized cell growth, decrease inflammation and decrease healing time. Quick healing time is important because it allows patients to return to work and their daily activities in a very short period of time.
Board-certified physician, Dr. Amir Yazdan, explains that “with the employment of PRP and added nutrients like Acell, I have seen accelerated healing, reduced swelling and stimulation of thinning hair. I like to use this in every hair restoration surgery because it often gives patients the absolute best results.”
The New York Times reports of one practitioner that the PRP procedure “gets results in 80 percent of patients, more than half of whom are female.”
Since women are traditionally less ideal candidates than men for full hair transplant surgery, given their scattered hair shedding patterns, PRP therapy has become one of the safest, most effective and sought after hair-loss treatments on the market. The National Institutes of Health have described incredible preliminary results from PRP, reporting that a “significant reduction in hair loss was observed between first and fourth injection. Hair count increased from average number of 71 hair follicular units to 93 hair follicular units.”
Ms. Telford is happily “planning to return for follow-up treatments every six months, and has high hopes of ditching wigs and wearing her hair in a pixie.”
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Surprisingly, female hair loss treatments are on the rise in America. The causes behind this trend may be related to the increased stresses of everyday life, increased use of heated appliances when styling, the use of hair extensions and poorly managed diets. Society tells us that we should all aim to have a full head of flowing locks, but unfortunately this isn’t always a given.
Beyond the controllable factors of stress and diet, one of the most common conditions affecting women is Female Pattern Hair Loss, or Androgenetic Alopecia. This hereditary condition causes thinning hair which can be found around the top of the head and crown area, while the density of the hair from the sides and back of the scalp will remain unaffected. As first signs of hair loss women may notice more shedding than usual, and their parting becoming wider. Female hair loss may also cause a receding hairline, where hair thins around the temples.
At Modena Hair Institute we deal with as many ways as possible to counteract every element that causes women’s hair loss.
So what can be done? If you’re suffering from female hair loss then there are a great many options available to you.
Hair Growth Products – There are some quality hair restoration products we are able to recommend that will help reduce female hair loss. These include stimulants to encourage hair growth and topical solutions which can be used to thicken your hair.
Shampoo & Conditioner: Designed for every hair type, GroMD™ has specially formulated shampoos and conditioners to help maintain one’s hair and scalp in a healthy and vibrant state. Their shampoo and conditioner is equipped with Argan oil, Biotin, Niacinamide and other essential elements to protect and nourish for a healthy scalp. You can also work the GroMD™ follicle activator spray through the ends of your still damp hair. This will have the added effect of keeping hair supple and shiny.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy: A breakthrough in non-surgical hair restoration, PRP has been known to stimulate cell regrowth, slow hair shedding, and aid during the hair restoration process. Acell enhanced PRP injections from Modena help patients with thinning hair by increasing their hair count, thickness, and growth speed.
Laser Therapy:Low level laser therapy, or LLLT, can help to promote hair loss stabilization and regrowth and is particularly beneficial when used as part of a combination treatment course consisting of the primary medications for hair loss. With laser hair therapy, patients enjoy a safe, proven, and effective hair loss treatment known to improve hair volume by more than 50% in the very first year.
Hair Replacement Treatments – Surgical hair replacement is the most tried and true solution for filling in areas of thinning hair or baldness. This has been our area of specialization for over a decade and we have helped numerous patients with women’s hair transplants. The two most popular procedures are FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction).
FUT is the more classic procedure, which involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the scalp and removing the hair follicles to insert into another area of the scalp. At Modena we usually find this procedure works best.
FUE involves removing hair follicles directly from the scalp for transplantation to other areas using a specialized punch less than 1mm in diameter.
Until recently many people believed hair transplants were only available for men, but with the steady increase in female hair loss in America, hair transplants among women have become more common.
When you visit Modena Hair Institute, board-certified physician Dr. Amir Yazdan will recommend the most suitable and effective treatment course components for your particular condition, based on factors including your medical profile, hair loss condition, and stage of shedding.
When following a Modena hair loss treatment course – whether laser therapy or hair transplantation – it’s important to keep in contact with one of our centers, so our specialists can ensure your hair is being treated as safely and successfully as possible.
As you continue on your hair restoration journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Hair loss and hair shedding in women is a much more common phenomenon than public discourse on the issue lets on. Recent research tells us that approximately twenty-five million women suffer from hair loss in the United States alone. Even more striking, about 40% of women will display some degree of female pattern hair loss by the time they reach age 50. The National Institute of Health reports: “Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. Female pattern hair loss is the commonest cause of hair loss in women and prevalence increases with advancing age.”
Happily, hair loss prevention and treatment options have greatly grown in popularity, safety, and effectiveness.
There are potentially many causes behind hair loss in women – some of the most common include stress, unhealthy lifestyle choices and consistent usage of chemical sprays and gels. While the aforementioned causes can be found among men as well, certain female-only causes of hair loss may be associated with pregnancy, thyroid disorders and anemia.
Hair loss in women can be devastating for their self-esteem and emotional well-being. The best reaction to sudden or gradual hair loss is not to panic but to start down the road of effective research and proactive inquiry. Ask yourself: have there been any recent changes to my lifestyle that may be having an adverse effect on my hair? Has my diet changed, or perhaps my physical fitness regimen? Diet and exercise are often correlated with hair loss and so careful monitoring of both are important.
Beyond simple self-help methods, it’s highly advisable to visit a local (or non-local) hair loss specialist, as this is the strongest option for those who are unsure about the origin of their female pattern hair loss (also known as androgenetic alopecia), and are wanting expert diagnosis, treatment and medical advice.
A hair restoration physician will help you navigate treatment options and discover whether you suffer from chronic hair shedding exclusively or if there are a mixture of hormonal and genetic factors at play. This is important, because the nature of your physiology and hair loss pattern will determine what kind of treatment you need and to what extent. Beware, however, of inexperienced or poor practitioners, as small diagnostic errors may result in botched projects if one is not careful. Treating Female Hair Loss
Based on one’s medical diagnosis and consultation with a hair restoration specialist, medical management of hair loss or transplant surgery will be the solution, yet sometimes both are advised. Board certified physician and hair loss specialist, Dr. Amir Yazdan, for example, recommends over-the-counter minoxidil (Rogaine) to be applied in tandem with groMD shampoo and conditioner to patients experiencing thinning of hair.
More drastic hair loss cases where women exhibit balding or a gap widening on the topmost part of their scalp may require more advanced hair restoration treatments such as an FUE or FUT hair transplant. If a hair transplant is chosen as the best treatment option, it is the expert opinion of Dr. Yazdan and others in the know to recommend the FUT method above that of the FUE, because of visibility concerns and graft volume desires.
Check out this easy video presentation, where Dr. Yazdan explains the persuasive advantages of the FUT procedure:
If you’re suffering with hair loss and would like some information on how we might be able to help, please contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or by visiting
The internet is an unparalleled resource for checking surgical reputations and verifying medical truth claims. Medical practices the world over have recognized this shift in patient knowledge capabilities and sought to give the public unfiltered access to their purported talents, surgical history, and client testimony through reputable online forums.
One of the most popular and reputable online forums used by patients and cosmetic practitioners worldwide is the website RealSelf. Listed as one of the top doctors on, board-certified physician Dr. Amir Yazdan, stresses the importance of patient-physician research when he says: “online consumer review forums like RealSelf are a quick and excellent way for patients to verify a physician’s truth claims. Don’t be seduced by doctors who label themselves as ‘experts’, ‘visionaries’, or ‘leaders in their field’, make sure to check their customer reviews, Q&As, transplant success rate, and most of all, whether they specialize exclusively in hair transplant procedures.”
Sites like RealSelf allows users to ask doctors questions, write treatment reviews, and share photos of their experiences.
Finding the best FUE hair transplant surgeon in your area (although sometimes a non-local option will serve you much better) really comes down to effectively researching the hair restoration practice and asking critically relevant questions concerning their procedure, method, and history. A fuller list of questions to ask your hair transplant physician will follow.
At many hair restoration clinics, it’s the technicians or physicians’ assistants who will do most of the actual extraction and transplanting work. This effectively means that patients act as guinea pigs for trainees who are still learning all the particular and complex aspects of the hair restoration craft. Operations of the aforementioned kind often result in aesthetically imperfect, botched, or unnatural-looking hairlines.
Asking critically relevant questions of the different hair restoration practices you survey is the first major step towards weeding out superficial offers. The key questions to ask a hair restoration surgeon are:
Do you specialize in hair transplant surgery?
How many years of specialized experience do you have performing FUE and FUT surgeries?
How much actual work is done by you during the hair transplanting process?
Are you certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons?
Choosing the right hair transplant surgeon comes down to feeling safe and secure with a specialist who has outlined and executed your surgical design thousands of times. Unique assessment of every patient and total oversight during the entire procedure are also imperative. Top RealSelf doctor Amir Yazdan, for example, oversees the entire hair transplant procedure to guarantee proper graft orientation, prevent hair graft loss, and ensure natural hair grouping design.
Go from a place of understanding less to a place of understanding more, check out RealSelf Q&A with Amir Yazdan, MD as well as Dr. Yazdan’s RealSelf Patient Reviews.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
The problem with online research and online hair ‘experts’ is how often misleading and false their information is. Many hair restoration practices will wax knowledgeable about the who, what, and where of proper hair transplant procedures, often urging you to contact one of their ‘hair loss specialists’ for guidance. Very often this is a rhetorical ruse, employed to give the illusion of impeccable expertise and time-honored success. The reality is much less spectacular.
Whenever you’re urged to contact a crew of hair loss specialists, beware, plurality signals a lack of expertise. The best hair care treatment you can possibly receive will come from an individualized and personalized consultation with a veteran hair transplant physician or surgeon.
For example, at Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, inquiring clients always meet with board certified physician and specialized hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Amir Yazdan, for a personal solution to their hair loss troubles. A successful FUE procedure at Modena starts with a detailed examination and technical analysis of the patient. Such important background factors as the genetic endowment of the individual, health history, and health of donor site are examined. Dr. Yazdan discusses Traction Alopecia with Countess Vaughn on The Doctor’s TV Show.
The safety of FUE transplant procedures, therefore, heavily depends on the experience and expertise of the guiding physician, their operating method, and the nature of their instrumentation. For increased precision and minimal incision marks, Dr. Yazdan will use a micropunch as small as .7mm diameter in order to extract follicular units out of the donor area and implant them into the hairline gently and with perfect artistry.
Although FUE procedures are known as the safest and least invasive of existing surgical restoration options, tragedy can strike if surgical misapplication and misjudgment caused by poor operative care occurs.
What are the risks associated with having a hair transplant operation done by unlicensed technicians, physicians assistants, or inexperienced FUE surgeons? This list covers only a few:
Hair loss
Botched appearance
Wrong direction of hair growth
Plugged graft look
Unnatural looking hair
FUE hair transplantation is usually sought after for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, but can be a treatment option for many types of hair loss. Follicular unit extraction (FUE), when performed by a master physician skilled in hand-crafted precision instrumentation – not major surgical instruments or automated robots – is a completely safe and confidence-boosting procedure.
Make sure that you do your research, follow the guidelines set out above, and ask critically relevant questions of every hair restoration clinic you survey.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
A cheap hair transplant may prove to be exactly that – a cheap substitute for a very specialized procedure carried out by a suitably experienced and skillful hair loss physician.
The hair restoration industry is growing like wild fire as more and more men and women seek assistance with their hair loss concerns. As the demand for services like hair transplants, PRP therapy, and scalp micropigmentation rises, so does the number of “businesses” offering such services. Some clinics even offer hair transplants and other hair restoration procedures at a bargain, and let us warn you – you don’t’ want to be shopping for a low-cost hair restoration procedure or treatment of any type that’s easier on the pocketbook unless you’re prepared for the unruly results that comes with it that even your top hair transplant surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan are unable to fix – this isn’t the case always but many times, patients with a botched hair transplant must be turned away due to several factors including insufficient donor hair remaining.
Think about it. For most people suffering from hair loss, the decision to undergo a hair transplant surgery is one of the biggest you will ever make. It can change your life for the good – or it can change it for the bad. It’s your responsibility to do your homework and find a reputable surgeon with a dedicated surgical team. For many, a hair transplant procedure is positive and is an extremely rewarding experience. For others that choose to ‘get a bang for their buck,’ well… this can lead to heartache and misery. There are plenty of hair loss forums, videos and threads out there proving this.
Don’t Let Them Take Advantage of Your Sensitive Problem
Hair loss is an extremely sensitive problem for both men and women and people become desperate to get back the hair they once had. They worry about whether or not they can afford such treatments and there are plenty of low-cost “bargain” clinics waiting to take advantage of this. We understand, it takes a lot of courage to seek help when it comes to balding, hair loss, or your hair thinning concerns – these cheap clinics do too, by luring people in with discount hair restoration solutions. Low-cost hair loss clinics are often being ran by immoral or inexperienced individuals who are not licensed or do not have the experience or qualifications to treat patients properly. They can offer cheap hair loss solutions because they cut corners and jeopardize the safety of patients. The Risky Business
Putting all your trust – and your hair – in one of these unethical clinics is a risky business. There is no way of knowing whether or not an unlicensed or inexperienced physician meets hygiene and safety standards…until its too late and you’re being treated for a scalp infection. Not only that, but your hair restoration treatment often can make you look worse than you did before. Board certified hair restoration specialist and ISHRS member, Dr. Yazdan, has had countless inquiries on hair transplant repairs because of these shameless clinics and we are alarmed by the number of patients we’ve seen who’ve had inferior quality hair transplants performed at outside budget clinics. Whether it’s been odd angling and position of the hair due to bad graft placement, terrible infections, or atrocious scars from an FUT/Strip surgery. INVEST IN YOURSELF
It may be tempting to jump on a good deal that comes across your computer screen when researching hair restoration surgery, however, be wise and stay far away from these. The last thing you want is to end up looking worse with an uneven hairline or a patchy crown due to physicians cutting corners at the expense of you! Consider a hair transplant as an investment in yourself and opt for a licensed and reputable surgeon who specializes in solely, hair restoration.
At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan is a board certified cosmetic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. You may have seen him consult and perform hair loss treatments on shows such as Dr. Phil, The Doctors, and is also a RealSelf top hair restoration surgeon. Put your ‘scalp’ in the hands of the professionals and you will get the results you desire and deserve. You’ve heard the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Hair loss and thinning can have a dramatic impact on a women’s confidence and self-assurance. While it’s easy for females to feel alone in suffering from hair loss, it is actually quite common. It’s most common in women during and post-menopause, however, it can begin as early as a woman’s 20’s.
The key is to begin treatment or a hair loss regimen the moment you start noticing thinning, as most medications are shown to be most effective at the earliest stages of hair loss – Rogaine is one of them. Women’s Rogaine has the same formula as the men’s, the difference is the percentage of minoxidil (active ingredient) and recommended dosages to accommodate the differences in male and female sensitivity to the product. The American Hair Loss Institute has shown that minoxidil is often much more effective in women than in men – contrary to widespread belief. This means women need less to see growth. Women may also be more vulnerable to the side effects, which necessitate the smaller dosages. Thankfully, side effects are minor, and we will get more into that below. What does Rogaine do for Women?
The active ingredient in Rogaine for women (and men, essentially) is Minoxidil. Minoxidil widens the blood vessels and opens potassium channels, sending more oxygen, blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles. This will stimulate the hair follicles, promoting new growth and strengthening the hair. It is most effective at the onset stages of female-pattern hair loss, so try to start treatment as soon as you notice yourself starting to lose more hair than normal or if you start to see parts of the scalp due to the thinning of hair follicles AKA follicle miniaturization. What is the Active Ingredient in Rogaine?
Minoxidil was originally a drug in pill form called Loniten – used to treat high blood pressure. Patients who were prescribed this medication noticed increased hair growth. By turning minoxidil into a topical solution to be applied directly on the scalp and being introduced in Rogaine in 1992, the product has become FDA approved for over-the-counter use and is now even more potent and effective. It is also the only FDA approved drug for women’s hair loss, also known as female-pattern baldness or female-pattern hair loss. Rogaine Side Effects
Another popular belief about Rogaine for Women is that you’re going to grow hair in all the wrong places – this is exaggerated to say the least. Yes, some women have stated that they’ve grown unwarranted baby hairs past the hairline or on some parts of the face, but this is very rare and is most likely caused by improper distribution of the product, allowing it to drip down the face while applying onto the scalp. At Modena Hair Institute, we recommend wearing gloves while being very cautious as to where you are applying, only allowing it to reach the scalp and nowhere else, so just be careful. Although rare – other side effects include a dry scalp and minimal temporary shedding of the hair. Before you stop reading, don’t be alarmed… this isn’t only normal, but means it’s working! As the thin lifeless hair falls out, new healthy strands of hair begin to grow in place. Most female consumers find the benefits of having a thick head of hair outweigh the cons or minor side effects that come along with Rogaine. So, if you can withstand 2 weeks of some possible shedding, you’re in for a lifetime of Rogaine’s powerful benefits.
As with most things in life, consistency is crucial for optimal results. We like to tell our patients – it’s like brushing your teeth every day, you do it to maintain healthy teeth and gums, right? For most of us that will experience some form of hair loss and/or thinning in our lifetime, we must maintain a hair care regimen for a healthy head of hair!
Please note – while Rogaine works wonders for many women suffering from genetic hair loss, this product is not meant for treatment of other causes of hair loss (i.e. hair loss due to an underlying illness). We don’t want you to waste money on a product that may not be right for you – we highly recommend seeing a hair restoration specialist to have an evaluation prior to using Rogaine. This will ensure your hair loss is in fact hereditary and just part of the ageing process rather than something more serious.
Still not sure if Rogaine is right for you? Luckily, there are other treatments for women that suffer from hair loss. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan offers treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), Low-Level Laser therapy, and GroMD’s haircare system including a DHT blocking Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray.
*Hair Tip: For optimal results and to get your hair back without feeling self-conscious about throwing your hair up in a quick pony-tail – mixing Rogaine with GroMD’s Follicle Activator Spray has worked wonders for both men and women hair loss sufferers.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
If you’ve been sliding down a slope of thinning hair or a balding crown and have begun your hunt into hair restoration and ways to revamp your tresses, you may realize just how daunting of a subject it can be. Between all the ‘medical’ terminology and companies trying to sell miracle cures, figuring out what really works can feel like looking for a diamond in the rough!
So, what actually works? Are products like Rogaine the answer to all my problems, or is a more natural means to regrow hair viable through vitamins? And how do these methods compare with actual procedures for hair loss such as a hair transplant? If you’re feeling adrift when it comes to hair loss – no need to call a search-and-rescue, Dr. Yazdan and his team of experts at Modena Hair Restoration are here to help. Hair Growth Products
Despite what you may have read online, there is no “magic pill” for hair growth. Increasing your vitamin intake into your diet or using products like snake oil to cure your balding issues simply have not shown enough proof of their effectiveness quite yet. If stopping hair loss was as simple as taking a vitamin, everyone would have a full head of hair; hair thinning women and balding men walking down the street would be virtually obsolete.
As of today, there are only two products approved by the FDA for treating hair loss; Yes, Minoxidil or better known as Rogaine is one of them and can be found over-the-counter. The second FDA-approved hair growth product is Propecia or its generic name – Finasteride which can be prescribed by a reputable hair restoration specialist, alike Dr. Yazdan. When used in conjunction, these two products are clinically proven to combat thinning hair, prevent future hair loss and are even proven to regrow those luscious locks you once had.
Propecia has shown its effectiveness in many clinical trials to regrow hair in men and some women, while Rogaine can significantly slow down hair loss and can encourage the growth of new hairs. When combined, Propecia and Rogaine can make a noticeable difference for those experiencing mild to moderate hair loss. For those experiencing more severe hair loss or looking for a more permanent solution, hair restoration procedures such as an FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant may be a better solution depending on your needs and desires to have a thick and full head of hair.
Another product that has shown its effectiveness in fighting off hair loss and even regrowth is GroMD’s DHT blocking Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray. No need to add any additional steps in your hair care regimen with this one as the DHT fighting ingredients come in the form of a product we already use daily – shampoo. Read more here on how elevated levels of DHT are the #1 culprit to men and women’s hair loss today. Hair Restoration Procedures
Opposed to hair growth products, hair restoration procedures including hair transplants do not seek to solve or target the underlying causes of hair loss. Rather, a hair restoration surgery takes your own healthy donor hair – natural hair from the back and sides of the scalp and transplants them in receding hairlines and bald spots of concern. If done correctly and by a highly skilled hair restoration surgeon such as Dr. Yazdan, the results are natural-looking hair that blends in unnoticeably with your surrounding hair. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are the two most advanced hair restoration methods to date. Dr. Yazdan routinely performs both FUE and FUT/Strip procedures yielding truly transformative results for those experiencing hair loss and in need of a self-confidence boost!
Other options like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) have also been shown to make a compelling difference in hair loss and balding in both men and women. Dr. Yazdan performs both PRP and LLLT daily as they have both shown and proven to be two powerful and effective hair loss fighting options without going ‘under the knife.’
How Do They Compare?
In a sense, comparing products vs. procedures is like comparing apples to oranges. They have different effects and solutions in treating hair loss. Hair growth products like Minoxidil/Rogaine, Propecia and GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray can make an impact as you start to notice your hair thinning. The main goals with these 3 products are to STOP and PREVENT hair loss in its earlier stages. These 3 are considered great hair loss regimens. For best results, you’ll want to begin treatment at the onset of hair loss to stop it in its tracks! Hair restoration procedures can restore lost hair by harvesting and transplanting healthy follicles from elsewhere on the scalp but won’t do anything to prevent further hair loss. Both hair growth products and hair restoration procedures are advantageous options for those combating hair loss, but the perfect option for you truly depends on your individual hair loss and your desires. Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Even though the common belief is that the world of hair restoration began in the Unites States, it didn’t. The roots of modern day surgical hair restoration were actually cultivated in Japan in the late 1930’s. It was in 1939 that Japanese physician, Dr. Okuda described in detail his groundbreaking work in surgical hair restoration for burn victims. He created a grafting technique also known as the “punch” technique to harvest round sections of hair-bearing skin (tissue), which were then transplanted into small round holes at the recipient site. The use of this method was used in order to regrow hair in burn victims and the holes were prepared in the scared or burned areas of the scalps of his patients. After the skin grafts healed, they continued to yield hair in the previously bald areas of scalp.
Another Japanese doctor, Dr. Tamura lessened the size of the grafts to 1-3 hairs for better results. Unfortunately, this technique was lost during World War II, but they were soon rediscovered and used in the West.
The issue of baldness has affected humanity as recorded history has made notes about peoples’ lack of hair. No longer did we have to go bald and do nothing about it! 1950’s: A New York physician by the name of Dr. Norman Orentreich performed the first known hair transplant in the US on a man suffering with male pattern baldness (MPB). It was that day that Dr. Orentreich essentially reinvented modern-day hair transplantation. His work demonstrated that the hair from the back and the sides of a patient’s scalp was for the most part – resistant to the balding process. This is called the donor zone and is known to be DHT resistant, these hairs are essentially “protected” and are considered the holy grail for any type of hair transplantation.
According to the research of donor dominance, it was a principle that expressed why transplanted hair would continue to present the characteristics of the hair from where it was taken. If taken from the side of the scalp, the hair will continue to grow as hair from the side of the scalp, but it would continue to grow in areas of the scalp that were thinning or completely bald. 1960’s: The decade that the industry of surgical hair transplantation had forever found a place in cosmetic surgery! The new views of baldness created a holistic treatment as the complete issue was beginning to be understood in the 1960’s. Surgical techniques focused on moving hair-bearing flaps to bald areas, using tissue expanders to help scalp reconstruction in bald areas and finally using bald reduction scalp surgery to remove part of the bald scalp and replace it with hair bearing scalp tissue. However, these techniques still could not have the desired natural look. 1970’s: Large grafts were used during this era and became known as “hair-plugs.” Hair plugs gave a negative view on hair transplants. Limitations on technology and procedure had drastic, sometimes crude results for Orentreich’s patients, and this created a social stigma associated with hair transplants. 1980’s: By the early 80’s micro-grafts used smaller grafts rather than one long strip resulting in a more natural look. Moving away from easily detected plug transplants, these techniques set the foundations for modern surgical practices that focus on safety and natural looking results. Micro-grafts were an improvement, but they still were not perfect. 1990’s: It wasn’t until the mid-1990’s that surgical hair restoration came out of the dark ages to produce credited and natural looking results. Alas! The advent of follicular unit transplantation (FUT) requires follicular units dissected from a donor strip (i.e. the back of the scalp) for a better result but requires more time and surgical skill.
Mid-2000’s:Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) became the current method of hair transplants that used a very tiny punch from a donor strip until the proper number of follicles were obtained. FUE became more widely used as it made hair transplantation a virtually undetectable, viable option for many hair loss sufferers. While technology ‘advanced’ that doesn’t necessarily mean ‘improved’ technology, the Robotic FUE method using an ARTAS Robot has seen more harm than good. FUE performed by the human-hand has made hair transplantation a virtually undetectable, viable option for many hair loss sufferers.
Hair transplants have also been coupled with new medications like Propecia/Finasteride and OTC Minoxidil/Rogaine in order to slow or even stop hair loss for optimal results. In the past 30 years, tremendous advances have been made in stopping hair loss and regrowing hair back.
At Modena Hair Restoration, we want you to make an informed decision when choosing not only the right method that suits your specific needs, in addition – the right surgeon is just as important, so we’ve added a few quick pointers to help you choose a clinic and physician for your next hair restoration procedure.
The surgeon specializes in Hair Transplant surgeries with extensive expertise
The surgeon performing your procedure is a member of the ISHRS
The surgeon only performs 1 surgery per day
The surgeon performs the surgery – not allowing his or her technicians to take over
The surgeon extracts by hand – not a mechanical robot such as the Artas or NeoGraft
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
Remember, while a hair transplant is considered minimally invasive, this is still a surgical procedure that takes many years of skill and artistry to make it look natural and undetected by the naked eye. For more information regarding helpful tips, read our blog topic – Hair Transplant: Consultation Questions to Ask Your Surgeon.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Undergoing a hair transplant procedure can be nerve-racking and even daunting for some patients. While most men and women who undergo a hair restoration surgery with a world-renowned hair transplant surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan are very happy once their results grow in, dealing with the first few months can make patients anxious, especially if you work in an office environment. So how does one manage and maintain privacy at work during the first several months post-surgery? In this article, we will discuss 3 solutions for maintaining or resolving any concerns over public attention. Option 1 – Partial shave or full buzz cut:
In many cases, Dr. Yazdan’s hair transplant patients can conceal any signs of a hair transplant surgery simply by partially shaving the recipient area and keeping the rest of the hair untouched. When styling your hair a certain way, most (if not all) signs of surgery can be effectively camouflaged. Two fitting examples of a style that could be used would be a “side sweep” or “side part”. Not every hair restoration patient is able to grow their hair out and, in this case, some patients choose to completely shave their head and let all their hair grow out in unison. Option 2 – Topical hair loss concealer:
Depending on how long the patient has before they return to work, there are a few different types of hair loss concealers on the market today that we recommend trying out while waiting ever-so-patiently for your new locks to grow out. One solution we recommend at Modena Hair Institute is hair fibers. Hair fibers are magnetically charged and attach to miniaturized hairs and the fibers bind to each follicle, creating the appearance of added fullness. The other type of hair loss concealer we recommend is a hard-packed powder formula – also known as “hair-shadow”. Hair-shadow matches the color of an individual’s hair to their scalp and minimizes the contrast between scalp and hair. This provides an ‘illusion’ of denser looking hair. If you went with an all over buzz cut, hair shadow will be your best friend while going through the transformation. If you decide to keep your hair at a longer length, sprinkling hair fibers on the scalp is a great solution in concealing your hair transplant. Both hair fibers and hair-shadow are easy to use and washes out in the shower. Option 3 – Be Honest:
This option may be the least favored but certainly the least troublesome. Being honest and upfront with co-workers and friends highlights a real concern that men and women around the world go through each day; and that is hair loss! Most people have their own issues and insecurities that cause them to be self-conscious. In general, a hair transplant patient may get a few questions regarding their experience. After a period, people will move on and likely forget it all together. Being honest can be very liberating and with so many men and even women suffering with hair loss each day, taking an honest approach about your hair transplant may be enough to inspire a change in someone else’s life!
At Modena Hair Institute, we understand that surgical procedures may not be for everyone, and it is paramount to feel confident and comfortable with not only the process, but the surgeon of your choice. Do bountiful research prior to jumping the gun and making any decisions. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
You may have heard the term “graft” if you’ve been considering a hair transplant surgery. But how does that pertain to hair since ultimately, that is what you’re trying to obtain with this procedure?
A hair “graft” is just a scientific term for a single hair or group of hairs conjoined together in a single unit with the assistance of scalp tissue. For example, in today’s gold standard, follicular units come in groups of 1, 2, 3, and sometimes 4 hairs. Yet, a 4 haired follicular unit is still a “graft” as is a one haired follicular unit graft. In yester years, follicular units could reach upwards of 15 hairs per graft. These were called “plug” hair transplants. Thankfully, todays modern technology has allowed us to harvest much smaller grafts to be transplanted, yielding a much more natural look if done correctly. This can be accomplished using either FUE or FUT/strip hair transplant methods.
Each hair per graft consists of a single follicle below the scalp. When the hair begins to shed after a surgical hair restoration, the follicle remains behind and goes dormant for several months. Three to five months following, those follicles begin producing new hairs that grow just like your natural hair does.
It’s important to note, that waiting until a greater portion of your hair has transferred from your head to down the drain is not the best idea. The average hair transplant patient has an available donor on the back of the scalp of approximately 5,000-8,000 follicular unit grafts. It wouldn’t be possible for patients with a Norwood class 5 or higher to be a suitable candidate for a full hair restoration as there wouldn’t be enough density.
We don’t have an endless supply of donor hair as some may think. Thus, donor hair must be used and transplanted strategically and artistically using the skill and experience of your hair restoration surgeon. An experienced surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan can cover the most ground and add density to your most critical areas. Critical areas typically include reconfiguring a natural looking hairline and the immediate areas behind it along with other areas as defined by the patient’s goals and desires.
Ultimately, patients and hair restoration physicians should discuss all these things prior and work out a suitable hair-game plan the patient will be satisfied with. Short and long-term goals should be discussed, especially since male pattern baldness (MPB) is progressive and subsequent procedures may be desired or needed to meet all existing and future goals.
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve. For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link