Transplantation of body hair in to the scalp has been an option to treat extensive cases of baldness with a poor donor scalp. In general, the preferred donor area to extract grafts for hair transplantation is the back of the scalp. Most of us have an abundance of donor hairs in this region – these hairs are also known to be DHT resistant, which is why it is the last area we lose our hair as we age. In some cases, other areas of the body such as the beard or chest, may be used as a source of transplantable hair follicles to accomplish one’s hair restoration goals.
Beard hair and other sources such as the neck, chest, and back are harvested most commonly using a minimally invasive FUE technique. Body hair transplant or BHT – is a reasonable option once your donor supply has been exhausted from the scalp if it is similar enough to your scalps hair to easily blend in – providing you with natural looking results.
Why body hair transplant?
Donor Replenishment – This is for those who have already had a few hair transplants in their lifetime and likely have exhausted most of their scalp donor hair, leaving this area not as dense as it once was. We typically see this in older men who have already had 2 or 3 hair transplants dating back to the old “hair plug” days where groups of 8 or more hairs were transplanted in a single site. Body hair transplant can ‘restock’ the weakened donor area due to previous hair transplant procedures.
Linear Scar Concealment – One of the main reasons Dr. Yazdan performs body hair transplants on patients with extremely weak scalp donors is due to grotesque scarring caused by unskilled or inexperienced doctors using the traditional FUT/Strip hair transplant method. The Strip method is known to leave a linear scar on the back of the scalp where an incision was made to harvest grafts. If you find yourself in the wrong physician’s hands, you could be their next victim like you see in the photo below. Finding a well-qualified physician will most certainly minimize the risk of being butchered on the back of the scalp, however it is inevitable to have some scarring which can easily be disguised if you tend to have a longer hairstyle. Beard or chest hair follicles can be obtained and transplanted into the scar for concealment or repair purposes.
Crown/vertex density – If our scalp donor hair is in short supply, beard hair may be an option and can be harvested and transplanted to the crown or vertex region to give your head of hair some thickness.
As an extreme example, it would be tactical to avoid the use of course, curly body hair for transplantation into the hairline in a patient with thin, straight scalp hair. As you could imagine- this would not look natural. Don’t allow a physician to talk you into this type of procedure for his or her own economic gain. There are plenty of inexperienced physicians out there willing to make you their next victim.
Here at Modena Hair Restoration, we’ve had hundreds of successful repair cases over the years. Keep in mind, body hair transplants require a specific set of skills and tools and isn’t every physicians cup of tea. Most don’t have the proper training or take the time necessary for a successful outcome, so you don’t end up scarred or botched – you wouldn’t want hundreds if not thousands of 1mm scars on your beard or chest, would you? Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest punch sizes available in order to keep scarring at a minimum and performs 1 surgery per day unlike other clinics who shorten their time with each patient in order to push out 2-3 surgeries per day -This certainly isn’t the type of clinic you want to consider for a procedure like this. Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, also advises looking into other options such as PRP, laser hair therapy and scalp micropigmentation for their added benefits.
The takeaway from all this is, even from casual observation, it may be easy to see that beard hair typically does not possess the same exact qualities as your scalp hair. Dissimilarities in texture, curl, caliber, length and even hair growth rates of body hair may be considerably different than scalp hair making this procedure difficult (at best) for many physicians out there. The use of this hair type requires a careful decision made with you and your surgeon of choice. If this seems to be your last and final option- we advise you choose your doctor carefully as this is a tricky procedure in order to make it look as natural as humanly possible. Good technical skill on your physician’s behalf is crucial and should be left only for the professionals.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Tag Archives: modena hair institute
Women and Hair Transplants – Are You a Candidate?
Sorry to break it to you ladies, but females aren’t immune to hair loss either. Even though hair loss is typically thought of as something that only men are burdened with, plenty of women experience their fair share of follicular changes too. In fact, an estimated 40% of hair loss sufferers are indeed female! And by the time they reach 50, roughly half of all women will be dealing with some degree of female pattern hair loss.
Yes – you can blame your mother if you go bald or are starting to thin out. Most people don’t know that heredity plays a significant role in determining if and when you’ll lose your hair. Both your mother’s and father’s genes have a say in whether hair loss is a possibility in your near future, but surprisingly it’s the DNA you inherit from your mom that has the strongest influence! It’s estimated that approximately 30 million women experience hair loss as a direct result of their genetic make-up.
These sufferers have what is called diffuse hair loss, which is thinning in all areas of the head including the sides and the back of the head-which can create a problem as these are the areas that act as the donor site (in men) where the hair is removed and transplanted to the areas in need. Thus, if you try to remove the thinning hair and its accompanying follicles from the donor areas in attempt to transplant them at the recipient site.. these poor follicles won’t survive and will just fall out-making your hair transplant a waste of time and money.
Any doctor who attempts to transplant hair from an ‘unstable’ donor zone is unethical and is just trying to take economic advantage of the patient while they’re in a state of desperation.
Another ordinary form of female hair loss is traction alopecia, which is extreme tension or pulling of the hair for extended periods of time. Thus, making the hair follicles becoming weaker and weaker, and eventually falling out. The tension is caused from braids, weaves, hair extensions, wigs and tight hair ties. The bad news is this is a permanent type of hair loss in which the hair can no longer grow back. The good news is, you are highly likely to be a suitable candidate for an FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery. Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest sized punch tools during extractions using precise attention to detail, considerably minimizing the risk of scarring at the donor and recipient sites. Finding a surgeon you can trust is crucial… The last thing you’d want is an unsuccessful hair transplant and bad scarring!
If you fall under the category of diffuse hair loss- Don’t be too discouraged- it’s not hopeless and here at Modena Hair Institute, we have successful alternatives to restore your head of hair. Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan has had positive results treating this form of hair loss in women with advanced treatments such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and laser hair therapy.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
HELP! Hair Loss AFTER a Hair Transplant?
Some hair loss after a hair transplant may sound like a contradiction but no need to worry- it is rare, yet perfectly normal if this happens to you. In terms of hair restoration, shock loss is the shedding of non-transplanted hair and is usually just temporary.
When hairs are moved from the back of the scalp (donor site) into the front of the scalp (recipient site), a proportion of the existing hairs may shed. This phenomenon is called shock hair loss. Shock loss is the loss of non-transplanted hairs after a hair transplant procedure. It most commonly occurs at the recipient areas but can also occur at the donor sites in some patients regardless of the hair transplant method-whether it be an FUE hair transplant or the traditional FUT/Strip method. The good news is… fortunately, shock loss is rare and is almost always temporary with return of the new hair.
The exact cause of shock loss is unknown but there are two main culprits. One is thought to be due to trauma of the scalp. The action of the surgery tools could have something to do with it, especially when trying to transplant amongst hairs where there aren’t sufficient gaps (i.e. the hair loss isn’t relatively bad enough).
The second reason this happens is possibly due to loss of blood flow to the area or the body’s inflammatory reaction to the surgery. Our body views a surgical operation as trauma and tries to repair the damage by attracting various cells and factors to the region, which consequently could affect the existing weaker hairs.
It is important to note that hair shedding after a hair transplant is a normal occurrence and is the body’s way of responding to the trauma it received during the hair transplant procedure. One of best ways to prevent this from happening is by going under finasteride treatment and a hair loss prevention regimen. (Lowering your DHT levels)
Here at Modena, we may recommend a hair maintenance regimen prior to having a hair transplant surgery as this has the potential to reduce the effect of potential shock loss. Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, has a proprietary countermeasure that he instills prior to beginning surgery which minimizes shock loss and the risk associated with trauma to the scalp. It is always important to follow your doctor’s pre-op and post-op instructions carefully. Medical management is highly advised and will improve your end results dramatically.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Is Your Hairstyle Causing Your Hair Loss?
Have you ever undone a ponytail and found your scalp feels sensitive to the touch? Does your scalp itch after you’ve had braids or a weave put in? Have you ever taken painkillers because your hair is secured so tightly it’s giving you a headache?
If you answered yes– these are signs that your hair is under way too much tension. Your head is trying to tell you something…it’s time to listen!
Traction Alopecia (traction hair loss) is a type of hair loss that stems from a variety of factors that lead to the hair being pulled. The constant tension in the affected area either pulls out the hair’s roots completely or causes the hair follicles to become inflamed. As time goes by, the damage to the follicles causes them to be fibrosed…and if you don’t put a stop to this, they will reach the point where they no longer produce hair, leading to permanent hair loss.
Anyone can be affected by traction alopecia – young or old, male or female. However, we do see it more often in certain ethnicities of the population, as they are more likely to use some of these cultural and historical hairstyles. For example, African American women and young girls are more likely to notice the problem due to braids and weaves. Watch Dr. Yazdan help actress Countess Vaughn with traction alopecia on The Doctors in Los Angeles, California.
What Are the Causes of Traction Alopecia?
Traction Alopecia is gradual and happens over time. It’s caused by putting the hair under constant strain or tension and is typically caused by one (or more) of the following:
- Tight ponytails or braids
- Tight cornrows
- Dreadlocks
- Hair extensions
- Hair weaves and wigs attached with glue, clips or tape
- Headbands worn day after day
- Tight headgear such as helmets worn frequently that tend to rub or pull on the same area
- Trichotillomania – an emotional condition of repeated pulling of the hair with hands
If you use or do any of the above, then you may find yourself heading down the road of traction alopecia- if you’re not already there.
Typically, you’ll start to see areas of thinning around the temples, behind the ears and even the crown. You also may start to notice that the part in your hair looks ‘wider’ than it used to be. If that’s the case, you are likely one of the many whom suffer from this type of hair loss.
Can Traction Alopecia be Reversed?
Yes and no.
If traction alopecia is identified soon after the first hairs are lost, then regrowth can often occur-provided the hairstyle that caused the traction is stopped immediately. Sometimes, the hair can grow back entirely on its own, other times you may need to give your hair an extra boost with a treatment such as PRP.
On the flip side – if the hair follicles have been so badly traumatized over a long period of time, no need to load up on the Biotin pills or Minoxidil because unfortunately, the hair will not be able to grow back. The reason for this is when you’re in the advanced stages of traction alopecia it is associated with the formation of scar tissue under the scalp. In this case, you’ll need to start thinking about a surgical hair restoration. Look for a board-certified surgeon specializing in hair transplants to discuss the options available to you as you may be an excellent candidate for an FUE or FUT/Strip transplant procedure in order to restore your hair to a healthy state. You and your hair are worth it!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Medical Negligence on Physicians Behalf
More and more people are falling prey to the problem of rapid hair loss. This has long drawn adverse effects like psychological problems and can lead to poor self-esteem. In case you fall in this category – we can understand how desperate or eager you may be to get the problem treated sooner rather than later by doing just about anything to have anyone fix your frazzled hair.
If you land in the hands of an experienced doctor, your hair transplant can show some impeccable results. On the flip side-landing in the hands of an uneducated inexperienced doctor, your hair transplant can show some grotesque results such as some of the ones in this article…
FUE involves randomly punching on the scalp area to extract the grafts, one by one. It is a time consuming and a lengthy procedure. Today we discovered some interesting videos via the internet of physicians putting out these ludicrous advertisements for hair transplant procedures. So, what happens if you choose the wrong hair transplant surgeon? Qualified, board-certified surgeons stress the important measures that must be taken into consideration when choosing the best doctor for you and your needs.
The fact that this doctor used a punch almost twice the size necessary is simply negligence and is certainly a violation of the standard most skilled doctors frown upon. Patients like this will come to us in order to fix the previous doctors botched work. Yes, every medical procedure has its risks. However, it’s your responsibility to do plenty of research when finding a doctor with an excellent reputation to minimize these risks and the complications that can manifest with an incompetent doctor.
At Modena we strive for the highest quality in hair transplants using punches and sites of some of the lowest sizes. As you can see in the image below, Beverly Hills hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan- creates sites and extracts hair follicles with such precision using some of the smallest punches. Additionally, Dr. Yazdan creates an artistically designed hairline that is best suited to your style.
But before you go in for a hair transplantation, it is important you check the credentials and competence of the hair transplantation surgeon. Dr. Yazdan performs all of his transplant procedures-unlike other clinics, you might see the doctor for a short period of time meanwhile technicians are doing most of the work! Dr. Yazdan also only performs 1 surgery per day, taking the time it requires for a successful and natural looking result. Don’t fall victim of a bad hair transplant- once the damage is done, it is very tricky to reverse.
More possible risks and complications include the following:
- Infection
- Persistent Numbness from Nerve Damage
- Bleeding
- Poor Growth
- Unnatural Look/ Unnatural Hairline
With this said, most skilled hair transplant physicians will try to minimize the risk and complications, so these risks aren’t much of a factor for the qualified surgeons out there. Yet some people just want to find the cheapest or nearest hair restoration clinic or want to travel abroad for surgery due to the decrease in cost without thinking of these risks.
Any form of medical or surgical procedure entitles the patient to have full transparency coming from his or her doctor. We advise you to take the time to do your research and choose your doctor wisely. (Questions to ask at your consultation)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Botched Hair Transplant: Careless Mistake
More men and women are turning to hair transplant surgeries to correct their male or female pattern baldness. While there are medications and such designed to treat hair loss, many people are opting for a more permanent solution to the problem.
The idea of knocking decades off their appearance or possibly out of sheer desperation- patients will ‘jump the gun’ and go for the closest or cheapest clinic to help restore their youth, regrettably all they walk away with is an empty pocket book and more problems than what they started with. Take this gentleman for example, who went to a nearby hair transplant clinic in Colorado for an FUE procedure and without doing extensive research on the physician- ended up paying double the cost in the end to have a skilled reconstructive surgeon fix the previous clinics mistakes.
In this patient’s case, the size of the punch used is far larger than what a skilled hair transplant doctor would have used, resulting in oversized wounds covering his hairline as well as the donor site (back of the scalp). Once healed, these can become hundreds if not thousands of tiny scars surrounding what’s left of your hair. We often see doctors using these larger punch sizes because they prefer it for its ease of use, as its much faster and untroublesome for physicians with the lack of experience and skill – all at the patient’s expense. Additionally, we see botched hair transplants from clinics using robotic machines such as the ARTAS that can only perform with a punch size of 1.2mm or greater and are also being utilized for hair transplant surgeries by inexperienced doctors considering it’s not as demanding or taxing for them. And unfortunately, these machines still cannot be as precise as a hand-held punch.
One of the main reasons patients opt for an FUE hair transplant (rather than the traditional Strip method) is for it’s minimal risk of visible scarring. However, using a 1.0mm punch or greater negates the entire concept of being less invasive with minimal scarring.
Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest punches possible staying between 0.7mm-0.8mm and based on our experience, there are very few doctors willing to use a 0.8mm punch or smaller. Typically, an unskilled physician would never discuss the size of the punch in front of the patient, so they’ll label their punch tools “A & B” during surgery so the patient doesn’t know the size they’re using and have no way of measuring the punch.
Dr. Yazdan creates his own punches meticulously by hand and sharpens them with a laser. “I know the exact inside and outside diameter of my punches and I’m happy to measure them for patients” says Dr. Yazdan.
Helpful Tip:
At the time of your consultation, take a caliper measuring device (which can be found on Amazon for $15) and ask the doctor to measure his punch size. We can assure you many doctors “0.8mm” punch size turns into a 1.3mm punch real quick!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Are You Balding? Avoid a Botched Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation is a new and popular trend for disguising hair loss and hair thinning. Yet if done incorrectly, can have you looking like a character from “The Lego Movie” – leaving you with extremely unnatural and aesthetically displeasing results. The goal of this non-surgical procedure is to camouflage your hair loss or thinning concerns, not make them more prominent and noticeable.
Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as SMP is used to fill in between thinning hairs or to add the impression of more hair between transplanted hair, not as an alternative to a hair transplant!
If you are indeed receding at the hairline, a better option may be to go with an FUE or Strip method hair transplant followed by SMP in the coming months once your new hairs start to grow in. The hair transplant will give you the real 3D hairs while scalp micropigmentation gives you an even fuller and thicker looking appearance for optimal results. By just placing numerous dots of pigment to create a frontal hairline will not look natural so please – don’t try this at home or with your local tattoo artist.
While SMP is a procedure similar to a tattoo, it should not be performed by a tattoo artist or a clinic technician. The procedure requires specialized training and should be performed by a certified physician who understands and takes into account your hair loss issues. It is considered a non-surgical procedure, however, SMP is performed by hair restoration surgeons and staff who are specially trained in a clinical setting – Not in your friend’s garage.
SMP is a combination of art work and technical skill. And as you can see, not every artist can pull off a realistic look. In addition, always make sure to ask your specialist what type of ink (pigment) they are using, many will buy their ink from China or use India inks and these often carry heavy metals in them. Dr. Yazdan only uses organic pigments that carry no hard metals or arsenic – ensuring the safety of our patients is first and foremost.
If you decide to go with a SMP or in combination with a hair transplant, it is important to be on a preventive regimen to slow further hairline recession. GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo rapidly reduces the shedding of hair in as little as the first four weeks. We’ve seen impeccable results with continuous use. (GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo)
Make sure to consult with an experienced, certified micropigmentation specialist prior to making any treatment decisions. (more on scalp micropigmentation)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Is a Hair Transplant Permanent?
This is an excellent question. If you suffer from androgenetic alopecia or common male pattern baldness…Welcome to the club! You officially account for the 95% of hair loss in men. You may now be a legitimate candidate for the most beneficial way of restoring your appearance and self-assurance – a hair transplant!
The remarkable thing about a hair transplant is that the results are in fact, permanent. Transplanted hair retains its own texture, color, growth rate, and curl after transplantation and once regrowth takes effect, it takes about 3-4 months to see growth of your new hair and will continue to grow 1-2 years after the procedure, lasting a lifetime.
The hair that is taken from the donor zone (i.e. back of the scalp) lasts beyond shadow of a doubt. How so? If you find yourself an experienced surgeon to do your hair restoration procedure, he or she will carefully remove and dissect hair follicles from the back of the head. This area is called the ‘safe donor zone’. The hair from the donor zone is resistant to DHT – which is the main culprit responsible for male pattern hair loss. (More info on DHT)
The hairs that are used from the donor zone are typically not affected by DHT and thus, are not prone to miniaturization and loss. With that said, understand that as you age, it’s natural to continue to lose some hair (in the non-transplanted areas). It’s important you take the correct steps to minimize further thinning or balding, as new areas may show up in the future. There are many medical management solutions to solidify the transplanted hair follicles as well as aiding in slowing the loss of hair from follicles that were not transplanted. Such management may include laser therapy, PRP treatments, and Propecia. Here at Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan has designed a proper medical management index for each of his patients to ensure high quality, maximum results!
Yes, as with many things in life – there is always maintenance that should be taken into consideration. Have you ever ordered a smoothie from a health juice bar and the hired hand asks you if you’d like to add an immunity booster to your drink? Think of your hair maintenance or medical management as an added boost to your new head of hair. This will only further your desired results.
Remember, no doctor is created equal and each should be able to tell you his or her own success rate per transplanted graft. Make sure to find yourself a doctor who is caring and compassionate towards your concerns and needs, takes the time to listen to you and is willing to educate you by bridging the gap between his or her knowledge and yours. And most importantly, has built a reputation of excellence in the hair restoration industry based on their results. (Modena Before & After Photos)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Turkey Hair Transplant Gone Terribly Wrong
Before you embark on a hair transplant in Turkey or anywhere oversees for that matter there are some fundamental questions you need to be asking yourself.
People come in droves because while a hair transplant can cost up to $20,000 in the US, in Istanbul, it ranges from $600-$2,000. Too good to be true? You’ve heard the saying- YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
Yes, your hair restoration procedure will most likely be considerably cheaper than the US but there are reasons for that. Having a surgical procedure shouldn’t be taken lightly as there are many CRITICAL risk factors involved. Let’s discuss the facts and questions you should be asking yourself before buying a plane ticket to Turkey.
- Springing up like rabbits-There are over 500 Hair Transplant clinics in Turkey and of those 500 – only 32 of them are members of the ISHRS-International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery – of those 32, about half are qualified and real hair transplant surgeons. The rest are just “technician clinics” performing your hair transplant despite LEGAL requirements that all transplant operations are performed by a doctor. Not a good sign. (more info on the importance of surgeons being an ISHRS member)
- These clinics will stack upward of 15 hair transplant patients in a single room all being operated on at once. Your risk of infection now plummets through the roof. This would never be tolerated in the United States. A Hair transplant requires concentration, focus and attention to detail-how is this possible with 15 other surgeries happening right next to you?
- If you’re part of the majority that’s being operated on by under-qualified technicians, your risk of a botched operation increases significantly. Risks include (but certainly not limited to)
- Skin infections
- Disastrous scarring on both front and back of the head
- Ingrown grafts which will require another operation for removal
- Unnatural results due to inexperience of graft placement and angle
- Low graft survival rate
- Zero results
If you are you okay with subjecting your body to these grim risks and the unknown.. then Turkey may just be the place for you, but it is very unlikely.
As you can see in the photo above, this is a fitting example of a gentleman that went oversees to Turkey for ‘what he thought’ was going to be a cheap hair transplant. Only to get back to the states with excessively large ingrown grafts deeply burrowed under the skin at his hairline. How is this caused? By someone that’s inexperienced making recipient sites far too deep resulting in one graft getting placed on top of one another. Now you have a double ingrown hair growing out of one incision. The site depth must always match the length of the hair graft. Finally, you’ve now learned your lesson (unfortunately after the matter) and you’re ready to make an appointment with a board-certified experienced hair transplant surgeon in order to successfully remove the cyst formations. You’ll need to be put under another local anesthetic while your physician makes an incision into the scalp to remove the infected cysts. You are then stitched back up even furthering your chances of more scarring in front of the hairline which leads to even more complications.
Over the years, Dr. Yazdan has seen and fixed countless botched patients coming to him and his qualified peers for reconstructive surgeries to fix the operation Turkey’s clinics have mishandled. Unfortunately, many reconstructive hair transplant doctors have slowed down accepting patients due to several factors. After a patient has been neglected, it’s extremely hard to repair once the damage has been done and while your reconstructive results may help, its likely you’ll still be less than satisfied with your overall outcome. As professionals in the field, we highly recommend staying within the US, finding an experienced and successful doctor that’s easily researchable via the internet with excellent reviews, before and after photos and is a member of the ISHRS.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
STOP Hair Loss in it’s Tracks: How to Lower Your DHT Levels
A whopping 66% of men experience hair loss by age 35 and a quarter of those men will begin losing their hair by age 21! The best thing you can do to keep your head of hair is to take action as soon as you notice the signs of hair loss. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to reverse this telltale sign of aging.
What is DHT?
DHT also known as dihydrotestosterone, is a natural yet POWERFUL metabolite of the human body and the main factor causing hair loss. It is the clear-cut enemy of hair follicles to your head. The enzyme ‘5-alpha reductase’ is discovered in the oil glands of your hair follicles and it is used to convert testosterone into DHT. DHT binds to receptors inside the hair follicles, and too much DHT causes the follicles to decrease, making it impossible for healthy hair to live to tell the tale. It can have serious negative effects in adult life and is the #1 reason men (and women too) are losing their hair to male or female pattern baldness.
With that said, yes, there are several other determining factors that can contribute to your hair loss. However, this guide will focus on the most effective and fastest ways to reduce your body’s own DHT levels, so your hair finally has a chance at survival!
Let’s dive into 3 the best ways we can fight DHT in desire of slowing, stopping or reversing pattern hair loss.
- Finasteride– The use of Finasteride also called Propecia, blocks androgen production at its source and therefore lowers local scalp DHT. This is likely the ‘gold standard’ in delaying true genetic pattern hair loss. And unsurprisingly, it’s clinically proven to help slow, stop, or even partially reverse pattern loss and hair thinning. The additional use of vasodilators like topical Minoxidil and low-level light therapy and even stem cell therapy such as PRP may be assistive in stimulating growth of dormant hairs. (PRP: Fertilizer for Your Hair)
- Rogaine– designed with an active ingredient called Minoxidil, works by widening the hair follicle, causing a thicker strand of hair, and by prolonging the anagen phase of hair growth which results in longer and a higher number of hair strands.
- DHT Blocking Shampoo– Since the scalp is where hair loss takes place, its best to localize your DHT-fighting efforts around this area, making your results relatively rapid. GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo includes a powerful proprietary blend of DHT Blockers, along with Biotin, Caffeine, Niacin, Argan and Tea Tree Oils, ending notes with a tantalizing tingling sensation as this cocktail of active ingredients penetrates deep into the scalp. These ingredients have been clinically proven to stop future hair loss in its tracks, revitalizes and thickens existing hair follicles, and promotes healthy regrowth making it the ultimate TRIPLE threat. (GroMD Shampoo pre-sale order)
It is important to understand the proper use of these products and with just about anything, it’s all about maintenance and treatment must be continued indefinitely to maintain optimal and transforming results.
You may have heard of homeopathic ways to help reduce this feisty little hormone. While the right workout and healthy eating plan could potentially lower DHT tiers, in order to appreciably lower your levels, you’ll possibly need to take a DHT decreasing supplement (i.e. finasteride) in combination with a DHT Blocker (i.e. GroMD shampoo).
The key takeaway here is DHT plays a significant role in male and female pattern hair loss. If you feel you are at the progressive stages of hair loss and hair thinning, talk with an experienced hair restoration surgeon about more aggressive options-you may be a great candidate for an FUE or FUT hair transplant. At Modena Hair Transplant, Dr. Yazdan specializes in hair loss including medical management for both men and women as well as hair restoration surgeries. He takes great pride in restoring patient’s hair while restoring their confidence!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Public Education Warning: Unlicensed Practitioners Illegally Performing Hair Transplants
While we are already aware that this is, and has been happening since the beginning of hair transplants, we continue to hear of more hair restoration surgery patients being operated on and harmed by non-licensed doctors. Prevention of this happening to you or someone you know is paramount and needs to be taken very seriously.
The good news is some governments and regulators are starting to take action to curb this potentially dangerous paradigm. Now occurring in some countries, prosecution is taking place for unlicensed practice of medicine by “non-doctors” which we are very pleased to see.
The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, also known as ISHRS is the most reliable source for bona fide information and material in the world. They are known to be the global and leading Hair Restoration Surgery society, and in effort to unify the field, in 2003 the ISHRS Board of Governors approved the formation of an ISHRS “Global Council of Hair Restoration Surgery Societies.” The ISHRS has issued what are believed to be the best practices in hair restoration surgery. They have made their best efforts in educating its members and the public on the dangers posed by physician delegation to non-licensed personnel and that this dangerous risk may constitute as practicing medicine without a license under relevant laws.
ISHRS has come out to say that their efforts to educate the public on the serious nature of non-physicians performing hair transplants has gone unaccepted in some countries and some organizations have gone as far as opposing the ISHRS’s efforts of education. Why would some of these ‘organizations’ not be in favor of the warnings? Because some ‘organizers’ of these meetings are themselves inappropriately delegating hair transplant surgeries to their technicians!
Furthermore, new counterfeit societies are taking form, that are NOT bona fide non-profit groups, but rather corporate entities disguised as non-profits which is completely deceptive to patients and meeting attendees. We can’t stress enough how harmful and damaging it is to these patients and new physicians in the hair restoration industry to be getting a narrow, skewed perspective without full acknowledgment and understanding. It’s very unfortunate that these attendees do not realize the information being taught to them is not extensive, nor thorough enough. We’ve heard often times at these meetings that the content being provided only presents an extremely limited viewpoint and technique so when attendees walk away, they think they’re a book of hair restoration knowledge, but in fact, are walking away being ill-informed with incomplete information. In addition, you should always look out for places that say “scarless surgery,” “no incision,” or “pain free” as these terms can often be misleading and are considered Fake News.
Dr. Yazdan has been a longstanding member and educational speaker for the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and highly recommends that newer physicians do their due diligence when selecting which hair restoration surgery meetings to attend and speak at.
The ISHRS along with Dr. Yazdan are proud supporters of hair restoration surgery meetings of member societies of the Global Council of Hair Restoration Surgery Societies. (
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Hair Transplant: Will My Hairline Look Natural??
The hairline is one of the first things people see, therefore it needs to be 100% natural looking and undetectable for a hair transplant to appear flawless!
Primarily, the main factor in getting a natural looking head of hair depends on the skill and the artistic ability of the surgeon performing your hair transplant as there are many different styles and techniques used, each physician has their own way of navigating through the procedure. What makes Dr. Yazdan truly stand out in the field is his precision and attention to detail; Dr. Yazdan only commits himself to 1 surgery per day-giving all his concentration to that patient and that patient only.
Furthermore, it is important that the surgeon-NOT technicians or assistants are determining the design of the hairline, the density at which the hair is transplanted at, as well as the angle and direction of the grafts. These are fundamental components that need to be considered when achieving optimal results. Many patients are too focused on the harvesting method or the latest and ‘greatest’ or lack of, rather, technology (i.e. ARTAS, NeoGraft) that they’re forgetting the most important part of a successful hair transplant surgery is simply, hairline and design. Making the two as natural as one can get without anyone noticing that you had a transplant. Stop basing your decision on any “hyped” piece of medical technology and start basing it off the surgeon.
Of course, your own hair characteristics and the quality of hair being transplanted will play a role as well. Yet, the skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeon should be capable of adapting to produce the best-looking results possible. Truly what it boils down to above all- is the artistry and design technique of the individual hair transplant doctor.
Helpful Tip #1
Make sure to study your physician’s website, look at their previous patients and the results they received. Modena Before & After Photos
Helpful Tip #2
Check out YouTube or their website and see if their clinic has any videos of procedures or educational material to help educate potential hair transplant patients. Modena Hair Transplant Videos
Helpful Tip #3
When headed out to your consultation appointment, bring in a previous photo of yourself with a full head of hair. This can help the doctor immensely in recreating your previous natural look.
Do your research and view as many examples as possible before picking the right doctor and you will feel much more at ease going into such an exciting and dramatic transformation!
“The best-looking hair transplants are the ones that go unnoticed” says Dr. Yazdan.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Case Study – Punch Size Matters
The FUE method is considered the new breakthrough in hair transplant surgeries today and is growing in popularity.
In this article we’ll show you what could go wrong if your surgeon doesn’t use the correct punch size in a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant.
If you’ve started your homework on hair transplant procedures, you’re probably well aware of the term “punch size”. Punch size refers to the size of the tool used in order to extract the hair follicles and replant them in the desired recipient area.
There are several reasons why patients choose to have an FUE transplant as opposed to the older Strip (FUT) method however, the main reason most patients opt for the FUE technique is because they’d rather avoid the long linear scar on the back of the scalp that Strip tends to leave. It is a great alternative if you like to keep a short hairstyle. Now does this mean FUE is entirely scarless? Let’s discuss the factors that can influence whether an FUE procedure will leave scars and how aesthetically unpleasing those scars can look.
The main determinant of scar size in an FUE hair transplant is the size of the punch used to extract the hair follicles. These punches typically range between 0.6mm-1.4mm in diameter. In general, a small punch size will result in a smaller FUE scar and with a good surgeon it will likely be invisible to the naked eye. Likewise, a larger punch can lead to larger scars. If a large punch tool is used, the follicles can be extracted more easily and there is less risk that the follicle will be damaged by the punch as it penetrates the skin since the punch covers a larger area around the follicle. For this reason, less skilled doctors tend to use larger sized punches to perform FUE without letting patients know the difference.
The punch size used differs from surgeon to surgeon. However, it is a common understanding amongst most board-certified physicians that the larger the punch size the higher the risk of scarring. Here at Modena Hair Transplant, Doctor Yazdan prefers to titter between a 0.7mm and a 0.8mm punch to extract grafts which greatly reduces the risk of scarring and can easily remove 3 hair-follicular units in tact and unscathed.
Some doctors will tell you they prefer to use a larger punch in order to have room to extract 3-4 hairs although more than likely, these doctors don’t have the experience and skill it requires to extract the follicles containing multiple hairs using a smaller tool. “This isn’t something learned overnight and it takes years to optimize the technique” Dr. Yazdan adds.
A larger punch makes it much easier for the doctor to extract and they’re able to perform several surgeries a day. At Modena, Doctor Yazdan never performs more than 1 surgery per day, giving every last bit of his attention to the patient so he can take his time to give you the best results possible.
Many consider FUE minimally invasive because a small punch is used to harvest single hair grafts one at a time. The result is hundreds if not thousands of tiny round “holes” where the donor hair follicles are taken. You’re also seeing more doctors overharvesting the donor zone because they’re promising patients these ludicrous graft numbers that are just unrealistic leaving you with more scars and less hair. While it’s true the FUE technique won’t leave you with one large linear scar, it can leave you with thousands of ‘tiny’ round scars if not done properly. Dr. Yazdan prides himself in his technique- never using large punches and never overharvesting so there’s no damage to the donor area.
You’re also seeing more and more doctors dabbling in the use of robotic devices to assist in extraction, yet these machines are only capable of using larger punches (1.2mm) and to date haven’t yet advanced to the point of using smaller punches. Unfortunately, these robots still don’t have the capability for precision like the human hand does. At our clinic, Dr. Yazdan himself always does the procedures- no robots over here!
The photos above pretty much speak for themselves. The photo on the left was done by a previous doctor at another clinic using a much larger punch size probably around a 1.0mm punch. The photo on the right shows Dr. Yazdan’s work using a 0.7mm punch, notice any difference? Well you should! Just a few millimeters larger of a punch in an FUE procedure can make a huge impact on the skin and on your ego!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
The Future of Hair Restoration: PRP + Mesenchymal (Fat) Stem Cells
This breakthrough new procedure using Adult Stem Cells with PRP has the ability to increase hair growth and decrease hair loss!
Always staying ahead of the curve, Dr. Yazdan uses the latest scientific advances in hair regenerative treatment combined with PRP for optimal results as a non-surgical treatment option for his patients.
Hair loss and hair thinning can be overwhelming and destructive to your personal life and even your career. It can have a significant impact on one’s appearance and self-esteem. Fortunately, there is now an easy and painless, yet highly effective treatment.
You may have heard of stem cells which are used to treat many diseases and conditions in the medical industry including, embryonic, umbilical and adult stem cells. Stem Cells have come a long way yet unfortunately still hold a stigma when using embryonic stem cells. However, here at Modena Institute we only use Adult Stem Cells which are derived from the patient’s own body fat cells.
For years Dr. Yazdan has pioneered cosmetic surgery techniques and treatments that has consistently produced impressive results for his patients.
What are adult stem cells and how can they help regrow hair?
A stem cell is any cell that can both replicate and differentiate. This means that a stem cell by definition, does not only multiply, it can also turn in to different types of tissues. And while there are different types of stem cells in our body, “mesenchymal” stem cells are able to form new blood vessels which aids greatly in the regeneration of hair follicles.
What is PRP and how can it help regrow my hair?
PRP also known as Platelet Rich Plasma is a product of your own blood. A centrifuge system is used to spin and produce a clear to yellow tinge solution rich in platelets, growth factors and stem cells. PRP is then combined with large quantities of your very own mesenchymal Stem Cells.
What is to be expected in a PRP + Stem Cell Therapy?
Dr. Yazdan’s unique PRP method helps patients with hair loss by increasing the hair diameter, reducing shedding and revitalizing the hair follicles. The first step to a PRP + Fat Stem Cell procedure is to draw your blood. Once your blood has been extracted, your surgeon will prepare the site for extraction of fat cells using sterile technique. Fat cells are extracted using a special cannula device under a local anesthetic which allows for the collection of an abundance of stem cells. Dr. Yazdan uses special equipment configured by himself to process and isolate stem cells as well as growth factors and healing proteins from PRP to create a unique formulation which harvest your own bodies cellular therapy to help reverse the hair loss process. The surgeon will then prepare the scalp with local anesthesia. This is a critical step as care needs to be taken not to damage the hair follicles during the injections. A small needle is used at minimum depth to reduce trauma. The final step is to inject the formulation. Special blunt needles are used in a fanning technique to deliver the PRP and stem cells to the areas of hair loss. Care is again taken to inject at the correct angle and depth to maximize the effectiveness of the procedure while reducing trauma to the patients existing hair. Once the injection is complete, the scalp is massaged, cleaned thoroughly, and the patient is sent home!
Is there any downtime?
This treatment only consists of micro-lipo to harvest adipose stem cells from a small amount of unwanted body fat and scalp injections. You are able to resume all activities on the same day you have treatment.
Is the treatment painful?
A local anesthetic is used at the site of lipo as well as the scalp. As you can see in our video, you can expect to feel little (if any) discomfort during this procedure. If needed, Dr. Yazdan can prescribe a light sedative to calm any nerves and help you relax during the treatment.
Recently there has been a wide focus on the therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in cases of tendon lesions for the acute treatment injuries of tendons. PRP is also a popular treatment for many professional athletes such as baseball and football players in order to speed up the wound healing process and is becoming a very effective treatment.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Save Your Hair Transplant for the ‘REAL’ Professionals
If you’ve been researching hair transplants and the different methods and tools used to get those luscious locks restored, it is plausible you have heard of the ARTAS robot. However, you may want to spare yourself the pain, expense and disappointment.
Yes! The future is here. There is now a mechanical robot that is able to assist physicians in harvesting and dissecting hair follicles for hair transplantations! This advanced technology sounds pretty intriguing, right? Well here’s the 411 on the robot, the botched outcomes we’ve seen, and why it is so important in finding a well-qualified doctor that has many years of experience in performing hair restoration surgeries…
While the ARTAS is just a tool, and a tool is only as good as the hand that wields it; Unfortunately, the technology of this robotic device still can’t match the quality, precision, and the results that the human hand can in performing an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure. There is risk vs reward that should be measured.
Scarring is one of the major risk factors in an FUE procedure performed by the ARTAS. This mechanical robot can only use an extraction instrument or “punch size” on the larger scale- almost doubling the size of what the human hand is able to accomplish. Like the ARTAS, there are similar complications with another tool physicians are using called NeoGraft that vacuum sucks the grafts out, yet, also can only extract grafts with larger punch sizes.
“NeoGraft puts additional stress on the follicles during the vacuum phase and while sitting in the graft chamber vs extraction manually with forceps. I personally prefer to extract the grafts manually and place them immediately in hypothermosol solution chilled at 4 degrees Celsius” says Yazdan.
Both NeoGraft and ARTAS run a much higher risk of hundreds if not thousands of permanent tiny round scars at the donor site (I.E. the back of the scalp). This creates problems if you plan on keeping your hair short or have future plans to have a shorter hairstyle as scars are not exactly aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Unlike the ARTAS needing to use larger punch sizes, Dr. Yazdan only fluctuates back and forth between some of the smallest punch sizes without compromising the grafts. Thus, minimizing scarring and leaves him with much smaller grafts which can be transplanted closer to each other, giving a much more natural look and density. This takes many years to learn and should be left only for the highly skilled surgeons.
Overharvesting hair follicles in too small of a donor zone is another common fault of the robot. It isn’t able to decide how wide of an extraction zone should be created to prevent overharvesting from happening. Consequences include scarring, damage to the donor site and nearby hair follicles which can lead to a patchy appearance due to the trauma.
Click here for additional disadvantages of the ARTAS robot
In a nutshell, there are two main reasons the ARTAS is being used today in performing an FUE hair transplant. One being, inexperienced doctors needing assistance in extracting hair grafts. Two, more doctors are finding it “easier” on themselves to have a robot do all the dirty work so they’re not experiencing fatigue as well as it cheapens the cost of the procedure for the doctor (not the patient), yet all at the expense of the patient and their results being less than satisfying.
Many patients that undergo an ARTAS transplant will tell you they received vastly underwhelming results considering the expense, or are more than displeased left with scarring and a painful recovery.
At Modena Hair Institute, we recommend not dabbling with the idea of having the robot do your hair transplant. Save it (and your head of hair) for the ‘REAL’ professionals!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Strip VS FUE Method: Which is Best For Me?
In the world of hair transplant procedures, there are 2 methods used today and with the recent rise in hair transplants, people are wondering if there’s a difference and which one is best. Here we’ll discuss the comparison and differences, healing and recovery, and which would better suite your specific needs.
Procedure Similarities and Differences
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and Strip hair restoration are similar in the sense patients are given a local anesthetic to numb the area that is going to be treated and to help control the bleeding. Both surgeries are performed under high powered magnification in order to allow precise graft placement at the recipient site.
As the name suggests, Strip is performed by cutting a linear strip of hairs from the donor site (i.e. back of the scalp). Incisions are usually only so deep that harvesting the entire follicular unit is possible. Followed by, careful manual dissection of the hair follicles into smaller grafts. These grafts are then placed in the desirable areas where thinning or balding has occurred (recipient area).
While in FUE, tiny punches are made to extract individual grafts containing 1-4 hairs from the donor site therefore, there is no linear scar. Grafts are then cleaned, counted and separated to prepare for transplanting. With good instrumentation and considerable experience, both FUE and Strip can produce very similar growth results.
Healing and Recovery
When it comes to healing and recovery, both FUE and Strip are fairly similar in that the treatment areas usually heal just a few short days after your procedure and you are most likely able to return to work and your normal daily activities the very next day. In Strip, you may have a little more soreness at the donor site due to the incision. Dr. Yazdan recommends no strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for 14 days or as advised by your surgeon. Having several follow-up appointments with your physician are very important and play a significant role in your healing process and the success of your new head of hair. At Modena, we strongly advise post-ops to be the following day after your procedure, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months following.
Strip or FUE?
This can depend on many different factors and should be discussed with a well experienced Board-Certified Surgeon with high success rates in hair transplantation for a one-on-one consultation and exam. Based on your medical history and the severity of your condition, you and your doctor can make the best decision considering your specific needs.
In general, if the goal is to get the maximum amount of hair then the traditional Strip method might be the best choice. Strip harvesting is also a great option for patients who wear their hair longer and have good scalp laxity in order to make a large enough incision that it can be properly closed without creating problems such as scars. From a donor scarring perspective, if you ever plan to shave your head in the future or like to maintain a short haircut then you should probably lean towards an FUE transplant.
Ultimately, the results to both are comparable because the harvesting and implantation of the grafts and their survival rate highly depends on the expertise and experience of the physician performing the procedure. Both FUE and strip harvesting are excellent methods of obtaining grafts for hair restoration. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan is highly skilled and performs both techniques routinely.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
PRP: Fertilizer For Your Hair!
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been around for several decades and has been widely used in skin and wound healing. Hence why you may have heard professional athletes using PRP treatments to expedite their wound healing. As it gains traction, it is now being used extensively in cosmetic surgery, dentistry, sports medicine, and pain management. And yes, if your guilty pleasure is watching an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you’ve probably seen what the trendy PRP also known as the ‘Vampire Facial’ can do for your face as well!
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is your own blood plasma that is enriched with platelets. A concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains several different and powerful growth factors that stimulate the healing of bone and soft tissue, as well as…you guessed it, hair growth! The human blood contains stem cells and autologous blood products that contain essential and specific growth factors that aid in tissue regeneration and healing.
Dr. Yazdan favors PRP during a hair transplant procedure, whether it be an FUE or Strip transplant, as it helps with healing, accelerates the growth, and stimulates the existing hair follicles. “Think of PRP as fertilizer for the hair when used in conjunction with a hair transplant. It possibly increases the survival rate of the grafts as well as the growth with a decrease in graft shedding after a transplant” says Yazdan.
Evidence supports PRP therapy as a safe, and promising treatment to restore your hair by promoting hair growth. It is a favorable non-surgical treatment for both men and women experiencing pattern hair loss and hair thinning. PRP can be combined with ACell as an additional stimulant for improved results, as it helps facilitate the body’s ability to repair and remodel tissue. In our practice, ACell + PRP has shown very promising results. How is a ‘lunchtime’ PRP treatment performed here at Modena Hair Transplant? Upon arriving, a licensed nurse or surgeon will draw your blood just as though you were having a routine blood test done at your primary care doctors office. The blood is then spun in a sterile centrifuge system, which separates the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. The highly concentrated platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp area that needs a little T.L.C. and you can be on your way back to work! It’s as simple as that. That is, if it’s not combined with a hair transplant, of course.
Now for those of you with a more severe condition of hair loss, PRP in conjunction with an FUE or Strip (FUT) hair transplant may be the right option for you and can yield amazing results when combined.
While PRP alone isn’t a magic pill, it is proven to significantly improve the coverage of the scalp where there are large numbers of weaker hair follicles, usually near the hairline and the crown of the head. It has shown excellent results for patients suffering from many forms of hair loss such as androgenic alopecia (or common pattern loss) and alopecia areata.
As a stand alone for hair loss, PRP can slow down hair loss and increase growth however, Doctor Yazdan recommends combining both methods together with medical management for superior results giving you that new head of hair that you always dreamed of!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Post Hair Transplant: SURVIVAL GUIDE
Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a unique and rare opportunity to show off the confidence you gain with your new look! However, there are some tips experts like Dr. Yazdan recommends, ensuring the best results possible. Failure to follow your post hair transplant procedure with the proper care can result in damage to hair and even further hair loss.
Ok, so now you’re getting ready for your hair transplant. How exciting! Here are some great, in depth tips to help you prepare and survive your recovery.
No Smoking and No Alcohol- You should not be consuming any alcohol prior to your transplant surgery and waiting at least 3 days after. Also, smoking is just a bad idea- smoking constricts blood vessels and thus leads to decreased blood supply and poor wound healing by lowering oxygenation in tissues.
Sleeping- Your sleeping situation is crucial, a semi-sitting position for the first several nights is a prerequisite. Feel free to spend the next few nights snoozing away on your Lazy Boy recliner would work just as well. The goal is keeping your head elevated to help reduce any swelling after the procedure.
The Morning After Surgery- Typically, most doctors such as Dr. Yazdan will have you come back the following morning for your follow-up to assess the affected areas. He will then give you ample information on how to care for the grafts during the healing period. Your surgeon should schedule several future appointments for the coming months to ascertain the grafts are healing correctly and ensuring your satisfied with the results. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan will schedule your future appointments for the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months following to keep a close eye on the progress of your new head of hair.
Ice Packs- Make sure to keep several ice packs on hand as you may have some swelling across the forehead, temple or ears. Not to worry-this is completely normal and just a part of the healing process. CAUTION: Never place the ice (or anything for that matter other than gauze) directly on the transplanted area following an FUE or FUT/Strip transplant procedure.
Pain Management (Different from Medical Management)- Generally speaking, most hair transplant patients experience minimal pain (if any) and discomfort is rarely noted. You may feel some tension or burning which will subside within the first week. If you should have some mild discomfort, Tylenol is sufficing to ease any pain you may be experiencing. If that doesn’t seem to do the trick, you can ask your doctor for a prescription for pain relief. Significant pain or discomfort is extremely rare, and you should call your doctor immediately if it persists.
Washing Your Hair- Your physician should supply you with some gentle shampoo, otherwise baby shampoo can be picked up at your local store. Find something with several natural ingredients with the least amount of additives to avoid any irritation of the recipient and donor areas. As a leading surgeon in Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan spent many years formulating the perfect hair loss prevention and regrowth shampoo recipe including a proprietary blend of DHT Blockers as part of medical management for all our patients. (for more information on GroMD shampoo please call our office today) Make sure to gently wash the hair as proper hair wash is essential and plays a key role in your outcome- your doctor should explain exactly how to wash your hair, however if you have any questions on proper care- do not hesitate in asking your doctor before proceeding. This is very important! Do not wash your hair or touch the transplanted area for the first 24 hours. It’s vital not to allow running water to flow onto your head at all during this time.
Scabs and Crusting- While this should stay at minimum, especially with an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and if your transplant is performed by a skilled surgeon. However, you may experience light scabbing in the days following your hair restoration procedure. It’s important to keep the area moist to reduce any irritation. You may use an ointment such as Aquaphor over the healing areas. Whatever you do- DO NOT pick at any scabs or crusting.
Avoid Strenuous Activity- I know this is a hard one for us Southern Californian’s as working out in the gym is just a natural part of our everyday existence, but this is a big no-no. Patients need to avoid all physical and strenuous activities that will make the heart rate rise above a resting position for at least the first week of recovery. Patients should also be careful getting in and out of their vehicles so that they avoid hitting, rubbing or grazing their heads. The hair follicles can very easily move or dislodge if you’re not careful.
Practicing Patience- The ‘hurry up and wait’ game, some would argue this being the most relevant tip for someone who is enduring a hair transplant recovery to simply, be patient! The first several months the grafts are still in their healing phase. The good news is, once you can get past the first 3-4 months you will start producing all the new hair you so badly desired and you can sit in front of a mirror to watch your hair GROW! Well, not exactly but you get the picture. At your 9-12 month mark your grafts should be finished producing hair and now you can reap all the benefits of looking decades younger! At this point, and with an honorable, well qualified surgeon, there should be minimal evidence that a hair transplant procedure took place. Even upon close inspection, no one will be able to tell without prior knowledge of it.
These are a few healthy tips to help you get through your hair transplant surgery with the best results and a faster recovery and to prevent infection from occurring. Every surgeon has their own regimen and it is always advisable to follow your doctors own post-op instructions.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link