Tag Archives: FUE hair transplant

Hair transplant recovery – surgery post-op – what you need to know

Congratulations on getting through your hair transplant procedure! Now comes the hard part – taking care of your scalp and grafts so you can achieve the best results possible.
While it can be tricky to adjust to the sensitivity and neediness of your newly transplanted grafts, there is no need to fret. Below, we’ve compiled a few tips for you on how to get through your hair transplant recovery period easily and successfully. Please make sure to follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions carefully.
It is normal to experience slight pain and discomfort for a few days immediately following surgery. This is normal and can be treated with over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
Bleeding or oozing from the follicle sites may occur during the night. This too is normal. Be sure not to scratch or pick the scalp at all. Your body is working hard to heal your scalp. Be patient and let it go through the scabbing process.
Applying ice to the forehead may help in reducing swelling and numbing minor pain. Be sure the ice does not touch the newly transplanted grafts.
You may begin shampooing your scalp a couple of days after the surgery. Be very gentle and use a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo. Do not use your nails or finger tips whatsoever, rather lather around the area and allow the suds to gently fall or sit on the scalp. Additionally, make sure the water is on a very gentle stream. We recommend using a measuring cup to gently pour water on the scalp. The pressure of the water straight from the shower head could cause damage to the grafts.
After approximately 1 week, you may begin to use your finger tips to wash your hair. Use very light pressure in circular motions to clean the scalp. Make sure the pressure from your fingers and water is very gentle and light. After 2 weeks, you may return to your regular hair washing method with regular pressure.
Rogaine and other hair products should not be used for 2 weeks following surgery. Hairpieces should not be worn for at least 1 month.
Exercise (even very light) should be avoided for 10 days. Moderate to intense exercise can resume after 14 days. This avoidance of exercise is due to the rise in heart rate causing pressure on the scalp and possibly dislodging the grafts.
If you have any concerns regarding your hair transplant or have noticed shock loss, excessive bleeding, prolonged swelling or pain, or any sign of infection, do not hesitate to call your hair transplant surgeon immediately. While these scenarios are extremely rare, you can’t be too careful.
It is very important you heed your doctor’s instructions very carefully. Detailed instructions are given to you after the surgery is completed. Please keep in mind the success of your hair transplant rests on how well you take care of it.

Hair transplants then versus now

Hair transplants have changed a lot over the years. Hair transplants were first developed in the 1950’s but didn’t gain popularity until the 1980’s.
Due to the newness of the technology available and the lack of experience of the doctors at the time, the results of these hair transplants were not too favorable. Grafts or “plugs” were taken out of the donor zone, and placed sporadically in the balding areas. This haphazard placing of grafts led to the appearance of the hair being ‘plugged’ in. Many individuals were left with their hair looking very doll-like.
Thankfully, hair transplant technology has advanced tremendously over the past 40 years. Specially crafted tools are used to extract and place grafts. Grafts are now placed closely together, just like our natural hair is, which gives the transplanted hair a nice, natural, and blended look. Experienced and qualified hair transplant surgeons are now able to leverage their skills and techniques to give the best and most natural looking hair outcomes possible.
Unfortunately, not all surgeons are up to date on the latest techniques. Some less experienced surgeons are still using the plug technique as is illustrated below.
Most individuals seeking hair restoration are not looking for this plug-like look. Your best defense against a botched hair transplant surgery such as this one, is to research research research. While hair transplants are considered a non-invasive cosmetic procedure, when they go wrong they can make a drastic difference in your overall appearance. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, read reviews, and study the before and after pictures of your prospective surgeon.
If you are the victim of a botched surgery and would like to learn more about what options are available to you to fix your hair, give us a call today. Here at Modena, we specialize in reparative hair transplant surgery.

Medical Management of Hair Loss

What is the medical management of hair loss?
Medical management of hair loss refers to utilizing various methods and tools to maintain your current hair and even potentially re-growing hair for those who are experiencing recent mild hair loss.
While most individuals who are experiencing hair loss are concerned mainly with the areas of hair loss, there’s one very important reason you should be just as concerned with maintaining the areas you still have hair: PREVENTION.
If you’re not actively working to prevent future hair loss, your hair loss will continue and worsen as you age. Dr. Yazdan believes proactively fighting hair loss is the only way to stall the hair loss process and protect the hairs you have now. The best way to do that: medical management.
Medical management methods and tools range from more aggressive methods like PRP therapy and laser therapy, to more prolonged and maintenance-minded methods like prescription medications such as finasteride, topical products such as minoxidil, and shampoos such as nizoral.
The great thing about these medical management tools is that many can be used in conjunction with each other and even with hair transplant surgery. In fact, utilizing multiple methods or adding them to your surgery can increase the efficacy of each method and your overall results tremendously.
But before you can get started, you should first see if you’re a candidate for medical management. While most individuals experiencing hair loss can benefit from medically managing their hair, it won’t help everyone reach their specific goals.
You should meet with an experienced and certified hair restoration surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for medical management and what methods specifically would help you reach your goals.
Here at Modena, in addition to specializing in FUE and FUT/Strip methods of hair transplant surgery, we also specialize in various methods of medically managing hair loss.
If you’d like to learn more, give us a call today.

Case Study – Amazing Results Using FUT Method of Hair Transplant Surgery

There are many factors that go into determining your candidacy for hair transplant surgery. For example, the density of the donor area, the strength of the surrounding hair, the involvement and efficacy of medical management, and the severity of the hair loss, just to name a few.

When all of these factors work together in a patients favor, we see great results like these.


This patient presented with severe receding and balding of the crown. Although the degree of his hair loss may make this patient appear much older, he was only his late 20’s at the date this picture was taken. Utilizing approximately 3600 grafts, Dr. Yazdan was able to restore this patients hair line and fill in the crown.

Results are shown after 1 year post-surgery. The patient now has an appropriate hair line with good density throughout the crown.

The patient now looks like a new man.

Men: Restore your hair – Restore your confidence

According to recent research by Psychology Today, hair loss is a major concern for the majority of men. Even though the study showed that almost 90% of women didn’t care about hair loss in men, men estimated over 50% of women wouldn’t find a balding man attractive.
This same study found that overall, men are more concerned with losing their hair than losing their sanity. Considering the seriousness of mental illness, this statement allows us to see just how important and relevant hair loss is to men today.
Most men develop their confidence and self-esteem in their early 20’s, when most men happen to still have a full head of hair. As men age and lose their hair, that confidence plummets.
The tricky thing with confidence is that its about being comfortable in your own skin. Regardless of the issue, not feeling comfortable or like yourself can wreak havoc on your self-esteem.
Our hair plays a big role in our overall appearance. If you look at two pictures of an individual one with hair and one without, they would hardly look like the same person. A full head of hair equals youth, health, and confidence.
Interestingly enough, it’s been found that just attempting to do something to resolve hair loss positively effects self-esteem and confidence.
Luckily, thanks to advancements in hair restoration, there are many options available to help men restore their hair and in turn, restore their confidence.
Here at Modena, we specialize in the medical management of hair loss, alternative methods to re-growing hair, as well as FUE and FUT/Strip methods of hair transplant surgery. If your hair loss has caused your confidence to dip, do something about it today and schedule a hair loss consultation. The road to restoring your confidence is closer than you think.

FUE vs. FUT/Strip – which hair transplant surgery method should you choose?

Many individuals researching hair transplant surgery as an option to restore their hair loss, have come across the two main methods of hair transplant surgery: FUE and FUT/Strip.
Before you can assess which method of surgery is best for you, you must first understand how the two methods work.
The FUE method of hair transplantation works by excising one hair follicle at a time from the donor area using a very small circular scalpel. These follicles are then transplanted one by one into the recipient area. When done properly and using the proper tools, these incisions are so tiny that once healed cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is why the FUE method of hair transplantation is sometimes referred to as virtually scarless.
The FUT/Strip method of hair transplantation works by excising a thin strip of the scalp in the donor area. Grafts are then microscopically dissected from the strip and placed in the recipient area. The area where the strip was removed is closed using modern tricophytic donor closure technique. When done properly, the scar is very fine and easily covered by the existing surrounding hair.
Typically, the FUT/Strip method of hair transplantation produces more grafts. Because there is a small scar left behind by the procedure, this method is more suitable for someone with a slightly longer hair style. Therefore, the FUT/Strip method is ideal for someone who has a slightly longer hair style and is need of a high number of grafts to reach their hair goals.
In general and when done properly, the FUE method is hair transplant is scarless. That means when the procedure is done and the patient is healed, no one should be able to tell you had a hair transplant surgery. This would be the ideal method for someone who likes to wear their hair short and doesn’t have advanced and severe hair loss/balding.
In order to determine which surgical method is best for you, you should meet with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. During a consultation, you and the doctor can work together to pick the most effective hair transplant method for your hair type and goals.
If you’d like to schedule a consultation to determine your hair transplant method, give us a call today.

Case Study – Botched Strip FUT Hair Transplant Surgery Repaired by Dr. Yazdan

Patient presented 1 year post-op with a scar that was the result of a botched Strip/FUT hair transplant. The patient was not satisfied with the results his previous surgeon had given him. As you can see, the scar is thick, wide, and very obvious. In addition, there was poor graft survival rate in the recipient zone. This patient had traveled abroad to get his surgery in an attempt to save money.

The appearance of our hair is directly tied to our confidence and self-esteem. Its no surprise that hair loss results in a lower self-confidence. When we are examining the effects of a botched surgery, the harm it has on an individual’s emotional and mental state is heightened. They go into a hair transplant surgery thinking the issue causing them stress will be resolved. Instead, they come out worse than before. The patient in this case study was extremely upset about the results of his surgery, rightfully so.

Dr. Yazdan took his case as a scar repair procedure. As seen in the before picture, the patient had no hair growth in the scarred area due to scar tissue. Dr. Yazdan transplanted grafts into the scar so that hair could grow in that area and cover the appearance of the scar. As seen in the after pictures, the patient now has full hair coverage throughout the scarred area. The patient states they feel immensely better, having a new sense of restored self-confidence and self-esteem.

Don’t let this be you! While hair restoration surgery is minimally invasive, it is still a medical surgery. That means your surgeon needs to be qualified and experienced. Do not hesitate to research and ask questions. A good hair transplant surgeon will take the time to walk you through the process and share their results with you. If you’d like to learn more about scar repair options, give us a call.

Botched Hair Transplant Surgery – How to avoid it happening to you

Unfortunately, botched hair transplants are becoming increasingly common. Every week we see handfuls of patients for consultations seeking a corrective hair transplant or scar repair procedure done.
Botched hair transplant surgeries often leave the patient’s hair looking worse off than before. Botched can refer to the scar left by the Strip/FUT incision, extreme shock loss in the donor area, or a minimal-nonexistent survival rate of the transplanted grafts.

Don’t let this happen to you! There are many ways you can avoid ending up with a botched hair transplant surgery. I discuss two of those ways below.
First, and most importantly, do your research. Below is a list of useful questions to ask your prospective hair transplant surgeon:

  • How many years of experience do you have transplanting hair?
  • Do you use a machine or hand tools to assist you in extracting and placing grafts?
  • What size punch tool do you use?
  • Do you have any before and after pictures?
  • Do you have any testimonials?
  • Are you certified by the ISHRS?
  • Will you be the one actually performing my surgery?
  • What percentage success rate do you have for graft survival and overall successful outcomes for hair transplant surgeries?

Second, consider the cost benefit analysis. While a cheaper cost for surgery sounds ideal, its true what they say about getting what you pay for. Most cases of botched surgeries are a result of someone choosing a cheaper surgical option, whether that means going abroad or choosing someone with inferior credentials. Although you may save money in the short term, you end up spending more than you would have if you’d chosen the right surgeon the first time when you have to pay for a second surgery to repair your botched hair transplant.
While there are methods to correct a bad hair transplant or repair a bad Strip/FUT scar, not everyone is a candidate for these options. The best way to avoid this scenario is to take every precaution prior to your first surgery. It is much easier to do a surgery right the first time than it is to try and repair a botched one.
Here at Modena, we stand by every surgery we do. Feel free to browse our before and afters as well as our repair case studies. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have during a consultation. Save yourself the time, money, and stress of trying to repair a botched surgery and get it done right the first time.

Hair growth in scar tissue

Many people who have had injuries on their scalp or face find that there is a lack of hair growth where the scar resides. But, why is that?
The scalp is similar to the skin in that it is made up of layers of dermis. When the tissue is damaged as a result of a trauma, the underlying hair follicles that reside in the tissue endure damage as well. This is why individuals who have scars on their scalp often complain of a lack of hair growth in that area.
Over time, as the tissue heals and repairs itself, we can sometimes see new hair growth in the scarred area in some patients. But, this process can takes years, if it happens at all. Unfortunately, what usually happens is the scarred area is left with no hair, which can highly affect the overall appearance of our hair and beard.
This can be particularly upsetting to individuals with large and apparent scars. These scars can be a result of a fall, a poorly done weave, or even an FUT strip hair transplant procedure. The scar is made more obvious due to the absence of hair in that area.
The important thing to keep in mind is that every body heals differently. Some individuals may be prone to deep scar tissue and keloids, while others rarely scar. Additionally, various factors can play a role in the healing process such as the depth and severity of the scar tissue.
Thankfully, there are options for those who are suffering from scar tissue on the scalp or beard. A hair transplant procedure known as scar revision surgery involves transplanting hair follicles into the scarred area. The newly transplanted follicles grow in the scar tissue, coming in naturally and covering the visibility of the scar.
Here at Modena, we’ve seen great results with scar repair surgery. If you’d like to learn more about this procedure, give us a call.

Using the sauna to promote hair growth

Saunas offer many health benefits such as flushing toxins, boosting the immune system, and aiding in recovery post-work out. But did you know they can also stimulate and promote faster hair growth?
An additional benefit of saunas is that they increase blood flow to the skin. Increased blood flow to the skin also means to the hair follicles. Blood is known as a transporter, meaning it carries nutrients we need such as oxygen and minerals. When there is more blood flowing to our skin and hair providing the nutrients our bodies are craving, we see an increase in hair growth.
One downside saunas may have on our hair has to do with the heat. Extremely hot environments can cause our hair to lose moisture. This means the hair can feel brittle and dry and we can see an increase in breakage. If you are going to use to sauna regularly to stimulate hair growth, you will also want to make sure you’re taking care to retain your hair’s moisture.
To prevent damage to your hair as a result of loss of moisture, consider applying a deep conditioner prior to entering the sauna. The conditioner acts a barrier to the heat while also giving your hair a deep conditioning treatment. When you’re finished with your sauna session, simply rinse out the conditioner.
While saunas may be a great natural way to stimulate hair growth, they are not a miracle cure for hair loss. When we experience progressing or sustained hair loss, our follicles actually die off. Unfortunately, there is not yet a cure to revive dead follicles. When our hair loss gets to this more advanced stage, our options turn to surgical and nonsurgical methods of hair restoration, such as PRP therapy and laser therapy.
If you are experiencing hair loss and would like to learn more about the surgical and nonsurgical options available to you, give us a call. We have over ten years of experience in advanced hair restoration techniques.

How important is punch size in FUE hair transplant surgeries?

For those of you who have been researching hair transplant surgery, you’re probably familiar with the term ‘punch size.’ For those of you who are unfamiliar, punch size refers to the size of the tool that is used to extract and sometimes make new places for the transplanted follicles to rest on the scalp.
Common punch sizes used by hair transplant surgeons range from 0.75mm-1.0mm. Recent evidence on the use of larger punch tools has shown that they increase the risk for scarring. One of the great things about the FUE method of hair transplant surgery is that it has minimal risk for scarring. Using a larger punch size negates this benefit. Most experienced hair transplant surgeons, including Dr. Yazdan, agree the smaller the punch size the better.
Some doctors who still use the larger punch size claim that the larger punch allows them to extract follicles containing 2, 3, and 4 hairs. The truth is, punch size has little to do with what type of hair follicles that can be extracted. What plays a bigger role, is skill and experience. More often than not, these doctors lack the expertise needed to extract follicles containing multiple hairs using a smaller tool.
The other scenario where we still see larger punch sizes being used, is with robotic devices. Robots and automated tools can’t be as precise as a tool operated by a human hand. Therefore, they utilize a larger punch size in an attempt to increase extraction results. The problem with this is that the risk for scarring increases dramatically. Further, the success rate for transplanted follicles decreases dramatically due to the trauma induced by the large punch.
Here at Modena, we utilize a 0.7mm punch for extractions. When it’s time to transplant the follicles, we set aside the punch and utilize tiny incisions. This not only reduces the risk for scarring but reduces the risk of shock loss in surrounding existing follicles.
If you would like to learn more about our method of FUE hair transplant, give us a call for a free consultation.

Natural ways to prevent hair loss

While there are many medical methods to prevent hair loss thanks to advancements in hair restoration, there are also natural ways you can prevent hair loss in your everyday life.
Some of the biggest contributors to hair loss besides genetics and age are stress, environment, products, and diet.
Reducing stress in your everyday life can help reduce and prevent hair loss. Meditation, walking, yoga, and daily exercise can lower cortisol levels and in turn prevent hair loss.
The environment you create for your hair and the products you use on it contribute to the health of your hair. Tight hair styles that pull on the hair can harm the hair follicle. Additionally, hair ties can cause damage and breakage. Further, excessive use of hot tools like curling irons and straighteners can damage your hair.
A healthy diet with lots of water contributes to overall health and well-being. A healthy diet that provides the nutrients and vitamins your body craves will not only prevent hair loss but prevent other ailments as well and just plain make you feel better.
While improving stress levels and maintaining a healthy diet will help you prevent hair loss as well as promote a healthy life, tightening up these areas of your health won’t do much to reverse hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss at a rate you’re uncomfortable with, you may need to utilize some more advanced medical treatments to restore your hair. There are many nonsurgical methods such as PRP therapy, laser therapy, and shampoos and medications.
If you would like to learn more about reversing your hair loss and re-growing your hair, give us a call. Here at Modena we specialize in the medical management of hair loss.

Does a weak donor area make you incompatible for hair transplant surgery?

Both FUE and FUT/Strip methods of hair transplant surgery rely on a healthy and sufficient donor area to extract grafts from for transplantation. If your donor area does not contain enough healthy, strong follicles to extract, it can complicate the hair transplant. Possible complications are not being able to extract as many grafts as are needed or the follicles are too weak and do not withstand the trauma of transplantation, dying off once transferred.
It can be very upsetting and disheartening for someone who’s decided on hair transplant surgery to restore their hair loss to learn they do not have a quality donor area. Thankfully, advancements in hair transplant surgeries have made it possible to extract grafts from other areas of the body. The most common donor area for the majority of individuals is the back of the head near the base. But, in cases where there is not a suitable donor area on the scalp, body hair can be used, considering there is enough quality hair to extract. Common body hair donor areas are the chest, back, and even the beard.
Because body hair grows in differently than scalp hair, you can expect minor discrepancies in the way the hair grows in once transplanted. For most male hair transplant patients, this is not an issue.  Keep in mind that the rate of body hair growth may differ from the rate of your scalp hair growth. This can effect the way the hair grows in initially after transplantation. For most patients, we see desired results between 6 months – 1 year post-surgery.
Body hair transplants are a great alternative for those who are ready for hair transplant surgery but have a weak scalp donor area. Here at Modena, we’ve completed hundreds of successful body hair transplants. If you are interested in finding out if you are a candidate for body hair transplant surgery, give us a call today.

Hair transplants aren’t just for scalps – are you a candidate for a beard transplant?

It’s true what they say – we often want what we don’t have. Luckily, medical advancements have made it easy for us to get the bodies and traits we desire.
Hair transplants aren’t just for scalps anymore. We can use the same techniques done in traditional hair transplant surgeries to create the beard you’ve always wanted. FUE and Strip techniques can be used to extract hair follicles from the donor area. These follicles are then transplanted onto the face in the desired shape to create a nice, full, natural beard. The process is as simple and straight forward as a hair transplant procedure. And the healing time is similar as well.
Beard transplants aren’t just for those who are unable to grow a beard naturally. This procedure is a great and effective solution for those suffering from patchiness and thinning of the beard.
Here at Modena, we have given hundreds of men the beard they always wanted. If you’re interested in finding out if you’re a candidate for this revolutionary advancement in hair transplants, give us a call for consultation.

Shock loss – what is it and can it happen to you?

Shock loss is a condition which can occur after a hair transplant surgery. The pre-existing hair in the recipient and donor areas fall out, causing new and increased hair loss. As you can imagine, this is upsetting for many people, as they feel they look worse-off than pre-surgery.
Why does the hair fall out? Anytime we put our bodies through the stress of a surgery, our bodies experience a degree of trauma. Our bodies have different ways of dealing with this trauma such as fatigue and pain. With hair transplant surgeries, the surrounding and existing follicles can be traumatized (or shocked) by the transplantation of new follicles and can respond by falling out.
For most individuals that experience shock loss, the condition is temporary and the hairs return during the next growth cycle. This can take anywhere from 2-6 months. But for others, the shock loss is  permanent. This is the case when the hairs that have fallen out were on their way out anyways, meaning, they were due to fall out soon. The trauma of surgery gave them just the push they needed to fall out permanently and create new areas of hair loss.
There are many factors that play a role in whether you will experience shock loss. Firstly, the condition of your existing hair. Hairs that are weak are more likely to fall out. Secondly, the type of hair and hair loss you have. If you have hair that is thin and thinning throughout, you are more likely to experience shock loss. Those who are experiencing receding hair loss are less likely to get shock loss.
Regardless of your predispositions, a certified and experienced hair transplant surgeon can evaluate your hair and give their suggestions and expectations for surgery. Dr. Yazdan believes maintenance and prevention are two of the best tools in fighting hair loss. Treatments such as PRP therapy, laser therapy, and medications can work in conjunction with surgery to protect and nourish the existing and newly transplanted hair follicles and prevent future hair loss.
If you would like to learn more about surgical and nonsurgical hair loss options, give us a call.

Does it really matter which hair transplant surgeon performs your surgery?

The answer to this question is a resounding – yes! Not all hair transplant surgeons are created equal. The last thing anyone who is seeking a hair transplant surgery wants is to come out of the surgery with a worse situation than before. We’ve seen this time and time again: quality matters. It is much more difficult to fix a botched surgery than it is to do it right the first time. This can happen if you don’t do your due diligence in researching an expert hair restoration surgeon.
So how we can make sure our potential hair transplant surgeon is the right fit?
First and foremost, do your research. A qualified surgeon with expertise will have before and after pictures, plenty of information on their practice, and positive reviews.
Next, ask lots of questions. It is important to know what types of surgeries your doctor performs, if he does them by hand or machine, and what his success rate is. A qualified hair restoration surgeon will be more than happy to answer any questions, making you feel comfortable and confident in proceeding with surgery.
Above all else, utilize your resources. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons is the leading authority on hair loss. If your potential doctor isn’t a member of the ISHRS, there may be a reason; it’s possible they may not be certified as a hair transplant surgeon.

Dr. Yazdan is not only a member of the ISHRS but he has over 10 years of experience with hair transplants and has conducted thousands of successful surgeries. There are a plethora of case studies, before and after pictures, and testimonials available right here on our website.
While hair transplant surgery is minimally invasive, it is important to realize that is a surgery requiring extensive medical expertise. Protect your hair and appearance and ensure your surgeon is qualified, has had proper training, experience, and certifications.

Can a medical condition be causing your hair loss?

While most hair loss is caused by a hereditary condition called male-pattern and female-pattern baldness, some cases may be caused by more serious medical conditions.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many medical conditions that can be at the root of your hair loss problems. I’ve outlined some of the more common hair loss causing medical conditions below.
Thyroid problems/Hormonal imbalance: Many individuals don’t realize the important role hormones play in hair growth. When our hormones are imbalanced or going through rapid changes, this can cause our hair to thin, fall out, and even stop growing all together! Constant hormone imbalance can be a sign of a thyroid condition.
Alopecia Areata: Alopecia is a medical condition in which a patient’s immune system attacks their own hair follicles. This causes smooth bald patches to present on the scalp.
Infection: Although we don’t often think of our scalp being the same thing as our skin, our scalp is in fact made up of epidermis and dermis. Our scalp is therefore susceptible to infections, just like the rest of our skin. Infections can penetrate the scalp and cause patches of hair loss.
Chronic illnesses: Any ongoing chronic illness can cause hair loss. More serious conditions such as heavy metal poisoning, sarcoidosis, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and lupus can cause hair to become brittle and fall out.
Medications: Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications. Drugs used to treat arthritis, depression, heart issues, high blood pressure, and even birth control have been shown to cause hair loss.
Think your hair loss might be caused by a more serious underlying condition? Dr. Yazdan specializes in the medical management of hair loss. Upon reviewing medical history and patient records, as well as testing and analyzing a small sample of the patient’s hair follicle and scalp tissue, he can determine the cause of your hair loss. Give us a call for a consultation and find out what’s causing your hair loss today.

2500 FUE Hair Transplant Grafts – 6 Month Follow Up

This is a before and 6 month after 2500 FUE hair grafts were performed in one session by Dr. Yazdan . Patient is a 33 year old male with Norwood Class 6 hair loss. His hair is black, fine texture with average density.  His results will continue to improve over the next 6 months.  Patient sent in his own followup picture as he lives out of state in New York and has not returned for a formal followup evaluation.

Before and 6 months after 2500 FUE hair grafts.