If you’re an adult with male-pattern baldness in your close family members, you’re probably quietly asking yourself: Am I going to lose my hair also? If so, when will my hair loss begin? What pattern of hair loss can I expect?
You are certainly justified in asking yourself these questions because male-pattern baldness or hair loss in men is the form of androgenetic alopecia hair loss that occurs in genetically predisposed people. You can thank your parents for this one! The genetic predisposition is hereditary and unfortunately, runs in families.
The fact that androgenetic alopecia is hereditary does not mean:
Every family member will be affected by pattern hair loss
Male-pattern baldness will follow the same pattern in all male relatives
Male-pattern hair loss will occur roughly the same time in all family members it affects
Predictability of hair loss may come in future years once research can identify the specific gene or genes associated with androgenetic alopecia. Although the timing and pattern of this form of hair loss cannot be predicted with utmost accuracy, there are well-documented probabilities to consider. Southern California and Las Vegas Hair Restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan would examine a patient’s male-pattern hair loss and includes the probabilities in his assessment.
Have you ever heard of conditions “skipping” generations? That goes for genetic hair loss as well. A classic study of pattern hair loss in adult men is called the Norwood-Hamilton classification which presents hair loss in seven categories, with additional sub-categories. This classic study showed 1,000 adult men with male-pattern hair loss. Some of their findings included:
All patterns of male-pattern baldness tend to increase with age
In types I and II, the patterns have the least cosmetic significance and had highest affects on men aged 18 to 40 years.
As you can see in the photo below, Type I is a minimal recession of hair from the frontal hairline near the temples with Type II essentially being a continuation of Type I.
“The Monk’s tonsure” Norwood Hamilton Type III pattern of hair loss becomes more common with age. Type III male pattern hair loss plus recession of hair from the forehead (Type IV and V) also becomes more common as men age.
Type VII, also known as the most severe pattern of hair loss, did not show incidence in men under the age of 30 in the Norwood study, and becoming more prevalent in men over the age of 60.
With this in mind, your hair restoration surgeon will need to find out if your hair loss is at the beginning or end of your hair loss, whether or not it is progressive hair loss and if so, how rapidly the progression will take place and the extent. Your family’s history of male-pattern balding may assist in estimating the probabilities for your future hair loss. Dependent upon the stage of hair loss and other deciding factors, you may be an excellent candidate for an FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant procedure as well as many non-surgical treatments that are also available to you. Finding a skilled and reputable hair transplant physician is paramount when considering any hair restoration procedures.
At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible ethnic hair restoration outcome and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Buyer Beware: Warning of Unlicensed Hair Restoration Services Technicians & Assistants Illegally Performing Hair Transplants
22nd, March 2018
For Immediate Release
Las Vegas, Nevada
Currently, we’ve seen an accelerated increase in hair restoration physicians preying on vulnerable patients. Reports have exposed clinics in the Las Vegas region in which physicians+ are bringing in assistants, allowing them to illegally perform surgery under the credentials of licensed doctors. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Amir Yazdan has had a great deal of patients coming from Las Vegas in hopes to repair their botched hair transplant surgery at a considerably higher rate. ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) reports hair restoration surgery is at an all-time high with almost 600,000 surgical hair restoration procedures performed in 2016. This is a 60% increase in just two years.
Patients seeking a hair transplant surgery should take drastic precautions and thoroughly research whether their hair restoration physician is an experienced and reputable surgeon and that all aspects of the surgery – from start to finish, are in fact being performed by the doctor and not a technician.
Warnings from the ISHRS caution individuals that may be buying unsafe, illegal procedures performed by technicians and assistants, not qualified surgeons. In recent years, an alert from the ISHRS shed light on the growing trend or epidemic, rather, of illegal hair restoration practices and the severe ramifications it could hold for unsuspecting consumers.
Patients are being lured by attractive and cost-effective hair transplant surgeries, but then there’s the classic “bait and switch” imitation happening where the actual surgery is illegally being performed. Doctors are stepping in momentarily, only to allow their technicians to hijack nearly the entire surgical operation. Leading to countless risks and complications including infection, severe scarring, cysts, low graft survival rate, failure of regrowth etc. This is a dangersome practice and places patients at serious risk. Unfortunately, this problem isn’t unique to Las Vegas, it is growing and effecting parts of the United States as well.
Although hair transplants are advertised as minimally invasive, would you allow a physician’s unlicensed technician perform your eye surgery? There is no arguing that your hair restoration surgery should be any different. Your hair restoration surgeon should be involved in the entire process and much of the work should never be delegated to technicians as they do not have the skill nor the qualifications to perform the surgery themselves.
“No one should think that even a minor cosmetic surgery isn’t surgery, as medical decisions need to be made constantly during cosmetic procedures and some type of medication is administered to the patient that needs to be monitored and, in some cases, adjusted during surgery,” says the ISHRS in a media release.
More information regarding wariness and safety measures can be found at Modena Hair Restoration and ISHRS.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
This is a very broad question yet one of importance to many patients we see. Some men and women are satisfied with one hair transplant, and some patients may want more depending on many different variables. For example, a simple hairline restoration – 1 surgery should be sufficient. However, depending on the rate of your receding hairline in the future, you may need a second surgery down the line to fill in the lost native hairs.
The complex answer depends on your hair history and several other factors including the quality (i.e. the surgeon performing your hair transplant) of your procedure and your desired goals, you may be satisfied with the results of your initial hair transplant, not needing to return for additional treatments.
Here we’ll discuss the essential factors contributing to the number of treatments you may or may not need. In general, Dr. Yazdan’s first hair loss treatment session is designed to add density to the patient’s hair, provide coverage to balding areas, and to add a permanent frame to your face.
Depending factors on the number of hair transplant(s) necessary: The extent of your hair loss – There is a maximum amount of grafts that can be harvested in a single procedure to minimize the risk of scarring and maximize survival rate. ‘Mega Hair Transplant Sessions’ are considered advertisement tactics – which is another term for ‘overharvesting the donor zone’ and should never be advised. The projected hair loss rate – This can be determined at the time of your consultation once evaluating the scalp and your family history of hair loss. The amount of donor hair you canspare – Typically your donor hair is harvested from the back of the scalp between the ears considering this area is known to be DHT resistant. (DHT is the #1 leading cause of hair loss) Yet, some men and women have thin or sparse hair in this region. An in-person evaluation can considerably help your surgeon in choosing the appropriate harvesting technique whether it be an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or the traditional FUT/Strip (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. Donor hair characteristics – Shape, size, and color matter. This includes donor hair thickness, shape (i.e. curly, straight, wavy) and color. For example, African American hair transplants can be much more demanding as the nature of their hair can be denser and tends to curl or twist as it grows under the skin. Medical considerations – There are many medical conditions and medications that can alter your hair loss and the progression rate. Identifying your hair loss dilemma is first and foremost before proceeding with a hair transplant. The doctor performing your hair transplant – The quality of your procedure plays a vital role in your hair restoration results. Finding a hair transplant specialist that is well-qualified with an artistic eye can optimize your hair transplant outcome. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
It would be best to have a meeting with a skilled hair transplant surgeon that could evaluate your hair loss pattern and come up with a master plan of action that best meets your needs.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
At Modena Hair Restoration, we understand the importance of hair loss sufferers being informed about hair loss and hair thinning and it’s causes, hair restoration procedures, and scientifically proven therapies to prevent and even stop your scalp from shedding too much hair. But what about precautions and red flags to look out for regarding physicians and the performance of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT/Strip surgery procedures? With the incline in botched hair restoration surgeries and bad outcomes, we recognize many patients are being misguided by inaccurate or confusing messages and advertisements.
The lists below were developed to inform and protect patients seeking hair restorations surgeries and treatments by interpreting essential components that should raise red flags and should not be taken lightly. This also helps the ISHRS members from using prohibited, inaccurate, perplex and misguided information.
The following phrases are misleading marketing and advertisement tactics by Dermatologists and Hair Restoration physicians deceiving the public:
“Scarless surgery”
“No incision”
“No cutting”
“No touch”
“Pain free”
“Eliminates the need for additional surgeries”
“Hair multiplication”
The following are a misrepresentation of credentials & violating property rights: Imprecise Credentials – Incorrectly claiming to be a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). Misrepresenting Photographs – Publishing photographs of other doctors’ patients in any form that suggests they are patients of the publishing practice. Copyright and Trademark Violations – Republishing of the photographs, trade names, logos, publications, and trademarks of another surgeon or practitioner without concession is violating the owner’s copyrights and/or trademarks. ISHRS Trademark Violation – The use of ISHRS members logo by anyone other than full members are in violation with the ISHRS’s Trademark Use Policy.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
While the hair transplant industry is booming and we’re seeing more people turning to surgery to correct their hair loss; we need to be advised of the good, the bad, and the ugly! While there are medications designed to treat hair loss, many people are opting for the more permanent and lasting solution to their problem. As time has progressed, surgeons have continued to perfect the technique of unit extraction and transplantation. This has done wonders for all the hair loss sufferers out there in terms of not only restoring their hair – but their self-confidence as well.
In this guide, you’ll learn what you need to know about hair restoration before you embark on a procedure, so you don’t end up with unnatural, noticeable, and downright ugly looking hair – to be frank.
Let’s explore 6 concepts that can potentially make a hairline, and an overall hair transplant result look fake and unnatural.
Hairline is too straight (vertical) – This being a cardinal sin. When a hairline loses its ‘micro-rugged’ appearance, the hair pattern can come out looking simply ridiculous and obvious that it’s artificial. You want it to look truly ‘irregular’ (for lack of a better word) upon close inspection. What causes a straight or vertical hairline? This is 100% due to the skill of your physician. Transplanting hairs isn’t as easy as one may think- it takes skill and artistry to angle the site making in a proper manner in order to achieve a natural flow.
Unnatural grafting – this one combines a host of technical errors that include too large of grafts (i.e. 4 hair grafts or more) in the front hairline, the angles of the grafts being improperly too high, pitting from placing the grafts too deep, grafts being squeezed down causing compression because the grafts do not fit in the previously made sites.
Punch size – in terms of hair restoration, size matters! Punch size refers to the size of the tool used in an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) in order to harvest grafts from the donor zone. Larger punch tools require larger sites to be made at the recipient area, in this case, your risk of scarring can increase dramatically. Many physicians either don’t feel competent enough to perform a successful hair transplant using smaller punches or they find it easier and quicker to use a larger punch instrument when extracting thousands of grafts, making it less taxing on them, yet, your paying the price with less than satisfying results! You’re risk of scarring goes up, while your grafts success rate goes down. Many physicians label their punch tools ‘A & B’ so you can’t see the size they’re using. Don’t let them fool you! Dr. Yazdan is one of the few hair restoration surgeons out there that are willing and able to get clean, crisp 1-2 hair grafts easily using some of the smallest punches.
Shape and position of the hairline is off– when the shape of the hairline (made by the physician) does not match the normal shape of a man or woman’s hairline, it can be a dead giveaway that a hair transplant was done. In addition, if the physician positions the hairline down too far (i.e. the forehead), this can also prove to be an aesthetically unpleasing appearance. Hairlines should almost always rest on the transition from the forehead to the scalp and not any lower. Another common mistake inexperienced physicians tend to make is not evaluating the hairline from the side profile as well. The slope of the hairline should taper off as the hairline goes back and if not done correctly, can be another dead giveaway.
Hairline doesn’t match the temples – when the hairline shape and the degree of recession are not matched, your results could look very unnatural. Rebuilding the temple to match the hairline can be an important part of the hair transplant procedure. Forcing the hairline too far anteriorly would mismatch the degree of the temple recession.
Hair plugs – let’s not forget to mention the use of hair plugs back in the day. The unsightly appearance of hair plugs… the fundamental problem with the unnatural-appearing hair graft is the graft size. Hair plugs use upwards of 20 or more hairs in a single graft which meant using a punch instrument of 1.5-1.7mm. Nowadays, some of your most experienced and highly qualified surgeons such as Dr. Yazdan use a punch size of 0.7-0.8mm extracting 1-3 hair grafts – smaller punches and smaller grafts spread out make for a much more natural look.
Can a botched hair transplant be fixed? In these cases, you’ll be happy to know that a botched hair transplant procedure can be fixed. A knowledgeable and experienced surgeon can fix the issue, however its not easy and will end up costing you more in the long run so try to avoid this and learn from other people’s mistakes-not your own!
For such procedure, you’ll want to find a board-certified surgeon who is experienced in hair restoration. This is important, because the process of hair transplant restoration has its own techniques and methods. Unfortunately, there’s no quality control with inexperienced doctors using assistants or technicians to basically run their clinics. You don’t want your head of hair to end up in the hands of a rookie surgeon becoming one of his or her many, guinea pigs! In addition, it requires a special skill in order to work around scarring and other issues associated with a bad or botched hair transplant.
If you do choose to undergo a hair transplant, we recommend you take the time in finding the right surgeon. A hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure, you want to be sure to choose a surgeon with experience and expertise. While cost is important to consider, it’s obvious, you do ‘get what you pay for.’
Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, adds, “My goal when I perform a hair transplant procedure is to make it almost impossible for another experienced surgeon in my business to recognize the hairline is ‘fake’ even with those of the most trained eyes.”
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
One in every three men from Middle Eastern derivation suffers from hair loss and hair thinning making it a major concern for Middle Easterners – according to statistics from the ISHRS, leading to a huge increase in the number of hair restoration procedures performed. The term ‘Middle Eastern’ surrounds a broad range of countries including Iranian (Persian), Lebanese, Turkish, and Israeli to name a few. Although these countries are diversified, they all tend to have similar physical attributes that unify those of a Middle Eastern heritage. Middle Eastern Hair Loss Causes:
Your genes have a major say-so in your hair growth and hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia, also known as ‘hereditary’ hair loss is the most common culprit behind premature balding and thinning. Take a look at your family members – if balding and thinning is common among them, it’s probably safe to assume you are prone to the issue as well. Environmental reasons can also affect your locks – climate and water changes can do major damage to one’s hair. Conditions such as heat and desalinated water are big contributing factors. Heat and sun exposure make the hair brittle and prone to breakage. It also contributes to faster ageing – which is also connected to hair loss. Middle Eastern Hairline Design:
Middle Eastern hair tends to be thicker, coarser and habitually darker than what is found on someone from the West and otherwise. This commands an approach that is ethnically sensitive which will help ensure a natural-looking result in these difficult cases. In addition, the hairline design must be fashioned with a cultural sensitive technique. Beverly Hills & Orange County Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan performs both artistically and technically precise surgical methods to specifically address Middle Eastern patients. However, no matter what the variables, Dr. Yazdan’s skillset includes designing hairlines that naturally fit each patient’s age, gender, stage of hair loss, head shape and facial features, in addition to their ethnicity in order to create aesthetically pleasing results! Hair Transplant Method for Middle Easterners:
There are two methods used to perform ethnic hair transplants. In the FUT/Strip technique, Dr. Yazdan excises a thin strip of tissue from the back of the scalp and the tissue is then dissected under a microscope. The dissected grafts are now ready for transplantation. In an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant procedure, Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest punch sizes to harvest each graft individually from the back of the scalp. In terms of the two procedures, the grafting transplantation process is the same – it’s how the grafts are obtained that makes them different. Dr. Yazdan is skilled in the traditional FUT/Strip method as well as the modern FUE approach.
Is Scarring Likely in Middle Eastern Hair Transplants:
Scarring or keloid scarring tends to be more prevalent in African Americans and Asians rather than patients from Middle Eastern descent. Although the traditional FUT/Strip method leaves a linear scar at the donor site – most Middle Easterners fashion their hair long enough to where the scar goes undetected. In recent years, FUE has become the modern approach to hair transplants as it has significant advantages including minimal scarring at the donor site. Hair Transplant Recovery for Middle Easterners:
Recovery following an ethnic hair transplant is no different than that following any other type of hair restoration surgery. Most patients can return to usual activities within 24 hours, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a week to avoid any potential injury or increase the risk of bleeding. Most patients choose to take a few days off following surgery to fully recover, but it is not a requirement to do so. Cost of a Middle Eastern Hair Transplant:
The cost of an ethnic hair transplant will vary from patient to patient, based on several factors. These factors include the extent of hair loss, coverage area, hair density and other variables that may affect the number of grafts required as well as the method(s) used during the procedure. During an initial consultation with Dr. Yazdan, he will assess your hair transplant needs and will provide you with detailed information regarding how much your ethnic hair transplant costs based on your unique needs. The cost of a hair transplant is not specifically affected by differences in ethnicity, but rather by a selection of variables deemed necessary to meet your specific hair restoration needs. Middle Eastern Hair Restoration in Southern California, Las Vegas & Worldwide
Although Dr. Amir Yazdan performs ethnic hair transplants in Southern California and Las Vegas, his exceptional reputation, especially as it relates to ethnic hair restoration, draws patients from around the world. For patients traveling to California for hair transplants, Dr. Yazdan offers a concierge service to help with travel and lodging accommodations. Modena Hair Restoration Can Help You Find a Permanent Solution to Hair Thinning & Balding Concerns:
A reliable hair transplant surgeon should have the good call for judgment and sensitivity to the patient’s ethnicity. Training and skill are also key aspects for a hair transplant surgery to be successful for each patient coming from different ethnic backgrounds and Dr. Yazdan specializes in these unique hair restoration procedures.
Dr. Yazdan personally performs each ethnic hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible ethnic hair restoration outcome and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
By knowing what is needed to create natural results for patients of each ethnic type, Dr. Yazdan provides the most aesthetically pleasing results to coincide with each patient’s unique characteristics.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
No two patients who come to Modena Hair Restoration are alike. Each has different concerns and each need different treatment plans when it comes to hair loss or thinning hair. Dr. Yazdan consults with each one of our patients to come up with a plan of action. There are also differing patterns of hair loss between men and women. But what about different ethnicities? In this article we will discuss the diversity and distinctions pertaining to Asian Hair Transplants.
When you lay eyes on a person, one of the first features that come to attention or immediately observable is the hairline. With just one look, a person’s hair density, color and distribution can easily be remembered. That is why Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Specialist, Dr. Yazdan, sees to it that he considers a patient’s physical attributes and ethnicity in order to create a natural-looking result.
While researchers tend to classify hair into four ethnic groups: Asian hair, African American hair, Caucasian hair, and Middle Eastern hair- it’s important to note that there are differences in these groups. In general, Asian hair tends to grow quicker, has a lower density than other ethnic groups and tends to grow perpendicular to the scalp. Asian Hair Loss Causes:
Asians typically experience pattern baldness less than Caucasians as a whole, but the condition in the race is increasing. The increase of pattern baldness hair loss is unknown in Asians, but some theories include a more Westernized diet. Their hair follicles differ from Caucasians in that Asians have more dense hair follicles yet fewer hairs per square centimeter. While Asians have the appearance of greater density – fewer hair follicles need to be taken into account for a hair transplant procedure. Asian Hairline Design:
Many Asians, particularly males have blunter foreheads and as a result require a more rounded versus peaked hairline design to create a natural and proportionate hairline. In Asian hair transplantation, the typical characteristics of very thick, straight black hair set off against a pale skin background dictates that hair implants be placed at very low angles to appear natural. However, no matter what the variables, Dr. Yazdan’s skillset includes designing hairlines that naturally fit each patient’s age, gender, stage of hair loss, head shape and facial features, in addition to their ethnicity in order to create aesthetically pleasing results! Hair Transplant Method for Asians:
Each ethnicity requires slight variations of how grafts are harvested and implanted in order to execute ‘ethnically appropriate’ results. Dr. Yazdan customizes his skill and technique for each patient to meet the needs of a patient’s unique attributes, including ethnicity. He also goes to great lengths to harvest donor hair in a way that minimizes discomfort while maximizing harvest yield and quality, employing both linear harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE) methods as appropriate.
Hair density and distribution is something that the surgeon must also investigate. This determines the amount of hair that can be found in a square centimeter of scalp. This will be affected by the groupings of hair follicles and the conformation of follicular units. Establishing the usual density that is specific to a person’s ethnicity can also tell the surgeon how many hair grafts should be harvested.
Is Scarring Likely in Asian Hair Transplants?
The tendency for scar formation also differs for every ethnicity. African Americans and East Asians can experience hypertrophic scar formation or keloids after hair transplant surgery. A keloid, or keloid scar, is an overly aggressive healing response to a wound. If there is a specific genetic history of scarring or keloids, Dr. Yazdan may suggest performing a small test session to assure that no scarring occurs. With all patients who have a linear excision (FUT/Strip method), Dr. Yazdan performs a closure technique that minimizes tension – which is often the cause of a wider scar improperly performed by an inexperienced physician. Dr. Yazdan can also inject PRP – platelet rich plasma which encourages healing and decreases these risk factors. Hair Transplant Recovery for Asians:
Recovery following an ethnic hair transplant is no different than that following any other type of hair restoration surgery. Most patients can return to usual activities within 24 hours, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a week to avoid any potential injury or increase the risk of bleeding. Most patients choose to take a few days off following surgery to fully recover, but it is not a requirement to do so. Cost of an Asian Hair Transplant:
The cost of an ethnic hair transplant will vary from patient to patient, based on several factors. These factors include the extent of hair loss, coverage area, hair density and other variables that may affect the number of grafts required as well as the methods used during the procedure. During an initial consultation with Dr. Yazdan, he will assess your hair transplant needs and will provide you with detailed information regarding how much your ethnic hair transplant costs based on your unique needs. The cost of a hair transplant is not specifically affected by differences in ethnicity, but rather by a selection of variables deemed necessary to meet your specific hair restoration needs. Asian Hair Restoration in Southern California, Las Vegas & Worldwide:
Although Dr. Amir Yazdan performs ethnic hair transplants in Southern California and Las Vegas his exceptional reputation, especially as it relates to ethnic hair restoration, draws patients from around the world. For patients traveling to California for hair transplants, Dr. Yazdan offers a concierge service to help with travel and lodging accommodations. Modena Hair Restoration Can Help You Find a Permanent Solution to Hair Thinning & Balding Concerns:
By knowing what is needed to create natural results for patients of each ethnic type, Dr. Yazdan provides the most aesthetically pleasing results to coincide with each patient’s unique characteristics. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each ethnic hair transplant in his Beverly Hills & Orange County surgical clinics at his surgical centers, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible ethnic hair restoration outcome and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
There is an aspect of hair restoration that isn’t often mentioned, but which is of massive importance: how ethnicity plays a part in the creation of a natural hairline and the process in which grafts are extracted from the donor zone.
While researchers tend to classify hair into four ethnic types: Asian hair, African American hair, Caucasian hair, and Middle Eastern hair – it’s important to note that there are differences in these groups. In general, African American hair has a slower growth pattern, is slightly denser and tends to twist around as it grows. The reason that African American hair grows much curlier than other ethnicities is because the hair follicle is in fact curled under the skin. This presents a particular challenge to the hair transplant surgeon because the extraction of the follicle needs to accommodate the curl under the skin. When performing follicular unit extraction (FUE), Beverly Hills & Orange County Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, will use his own handmade punch so he can encircle the follicular unit and then follow the curve to safely extract the follicular units without transecting the grafts. Dr Yazdan is skilled in both sharp and dull punches he constructs by hand to minimize damage to curly haired follicles in order to decrease risk to the follicles.
Finding a surgeon who is highly skilled and educated on the differences will improve your results by a landslide. Here we’ll discuss several major aspects of an ethnic hair transplant. African American Hair Loss Causes:
Though those of African American descent experience pattern baldness less than Caucasians, it is still the main cause of hair loss. Traction Alopecia is also considered a main cause in African American hair loss. In short, Traction Alopecia hair loss is self-inflicted from gradual hair thinning over many years of forceful pulling on the scalp. Examples of this include but not limited to: hair weaves, wigs, extensions, corn rows or tight braids etc.
African American Hairline Design:
Hairline shape and height is a principal factor in your overall hair transplant satisfaction. This allows the surgeon to judge the best position for the hairline. For example, African American patients have straighter hairlines which would not suit well if fashioned on Caucasians.
Adding to that, the angle of hair emergence is also different for every ethnic group. Some grow at a more perpendicular angle while others grow more parallel to the scalp. For instance, patients who are of African descent naturally have tightly curled hair which makes FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) more difficult to perform and requires an expert FUE surgeon. Hair conformation which shows whether hair is straight, wavy or curly is also a very critical part in how the surgeon will arrange the hair grafts, Dr. Yazdan is sensitive to this specific characteristic so that optimal appearance is achieved. Hair Transplant Method for African Americans:
Each ethnicity requires slight variations in how hair is harvested and implanted in order to achieve the most ethnically-correct and natural-looking results. Therefore, Dr. Yazdan does not apply a blanket approach to his hair restoration technique and instead customizes his technique to specifically meet the needs of each patient’s unique attributes, including ethnicity. However, no matter what the variables, Dr. Yazdan’s technique for ethnic hair transplants includes designing hairlines that naturally fit each patient’s age, gender, stage of hair loss, head shape and facial features, in addition to their ethnicity. This will create the most visually appealing two-dimensional and three-dimensional results that will age well over time. As proper methods differ from patient to patient, Dr. Yazdan also goes to great lengths to harvest donor hair using his own surgical instruments with sharp, dull and trumpet punches performed with motorized and manual technique in a way that minimizes discomfort while maximizing harvest yield and quality; employing both strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE) methods as appropriate. In most cases, especially for males, Dr. Yazdan, favors the FUE procedure vs. the linear strip extraction (FUT) method to avoid visible scarring and to accommodate the shorter hair styles of African American males. Is Scarring Likely in African American Hair Transplants?
One of the more significant concerns is keloid scarring and, in some cases, the tendency to form keloids seems to run in families. A keloid is a growth of extra scar tissue where the skin has healed after an injury. Although the cause is not known, keloids are equally common in women and men, yet people with darker skin are more likely to develop them.
If there is any history of keloid scarring, here at Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan will typically perform a very small test session to assure that you do not have this healing characteristic. In general, because of the greater vascularity of the scalp many times patients with a history of keloid scarring on other parts of the body will not form keloid scars in the scalp. With Dr. Yazdan’s experience in various ethnic transplants – he understands how to approach the procedure while ensuring that there would be minimal or less visible scarring. To see how the skin responds to surgery, your surgeon can perform test runs to check the potential for scar formation.
Ethnicity also comes in to play when it comes to a person’s scalp thickness and elasticity. If your hair transplant surgeon proceeds with the FUT method and removes too wide of a strip – this can cause an obscene looking scar if not performed properly by your physician of choice. Hair Transplant Recovery for African Americans:
Recovery following an ethnic hair transplant is no different than that following any other type of hair restoration surgery. Most patients can return to usual activities within 24 hours, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a week to avoid any potential injury or increase the risk of bleeding. Most patients choose to take a few days off following surgery to fully recover, but it is not a requirement to do so. Cost of an African American Hair Transplant:
The cost of an ethnic hair transplant will vary from patient to patient, based on several factors. These factors include the extent of hair loss, coverage area, hair density and other variables that may affect the number of grafts required as well as the method(s) used during the procedure. During an initial consultation with Dr. Yazdan, he will assess your hair transplant needs and will provide you with detailed information regarding how much your ethnic hair transplant costs based on your unique needs. The cost of a hair transplant is not specifically affected by differences in ethnicity, but rather by a selection of variables deemed necessary to meet your specific hair restoration needs. African American Hair Restoration in Southern California, Las Vegas and Worldwide:
Although Dr. Yazdan performs ethnic hair transplants in Southern California & Las Vegas, his exceptional reputation – especially as it relates to ethnic hair restoration, draws patients from around the world. For patients traveling to California for hair transplant surgery, Dr. Yazdan offers a concierge service to help with travel and lodging accommodations. Modena Hair Restoration Can Help You Find a Permanent Solution to Hair Thinning & Balding Concerns:
A reliable hair transplant surgeon should have the good call for judgment and sensitivity to the patient’s ethnicity. Training and skill are also key aspects for a hair transplant surgery to be successful for each patient coming from different ethnic backgrounds and Dr. Yazdan specializes in these unique hair restoration procedures.
Dr. Yazdan personally performs each ethnic hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible ethnic hair restoration outcome and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
For patients undergoing a hair restoration procedure to address hair loss or hair thinning, this is supposed to be an entirely life-altering (in an effective way) and exciting experience; so a botched or failed hair transplant can be especially demoralizing leading to depression and anxiety. Reputable hair restoration surgeons feel the same way and we do not wish for our patients to endure a failed hair transplant – which is why Beverly Hills & Orange County Hair Transplant specialist, Dr. Yazdan, spends a great deal of time and energy devoted to the planning process so that the likelihood of a failed hair transplant is minimized to the greatest extent possible.
During the procedure itself, one of the most common reasons for failure of a follicular unit graft is desiccation – dehydration of the grafts. This is the result of the grafts spending too much time outside of the body from the time it is excised from the donor zone (i.e. back of the scalp) to the time it is transplanted into the recipient site. Therefore, a reputable hair transplant surgeon will work with a team of medical professionals that includes nurses and surgical assistants, as this ensures that each and every follicular unit is suitable when it is transplanted into the recipient site.
In the pre-operative stage, Dr. Yazdan, would evaluate the ‘health’ of the patient’s remaining hair and its potential viability for transplantation. He then discusses the likelihood of the hair transplant procedure being a success based on the volume of healthy donor hair and tissue available – Any honorable surgeon wouldn’t proceed with a hair transplant without the obtainability of copious donor grafts likely to yield the results the patient is seeking out. Steps to Consider if Your Hair Transplant Has FAILED You:
Obviously, no one wants to endure a situation in which a hair transplant fails and must be corrected. In the instance in which a hair transplant fails, the patient should first take steps in identifying the cause for the failure. Certain behaviors or health conditions could play a significant role in causing a hair transplant failure, but your physician should have discussed any potentially adverse issues during the time of your consultation.
If the hair transplant has failed, you should take initial steps by researching a credible hair restoration surgeon with the goal of determining the cause of the failed procedure and to develop a course of action for correcting the issue once and for all. Reconstructing a failed hair transplant is no easy task and should only be left for the most suited physicians. Whether your transplant was performed in the past year or was performed over a decade ago; skilled hair transplant surgeons understand how to correct a previously failed hair transplant and can ensure that any future procedures are successful and yield a permanent solution with optimal results for the patient.
Again, we don’t want to see you go through this so try to learn from other people’s mistakes and not your own. However, if it’s already happened, there are still options for you! It’s easy to understand why a patient might be hesitant to return to the clinic responsible for a mishandled hair transplant. A patient in need of a corrective hair transplant procedure must seek out a skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in hair restoration and has access to advanced technology, methods, and tools and can perform the most innovative hair transplant procedures – FUE or FUT/Strip method.
When selecting your doctor, find one with a versatile skill set and a track record of success in correcting hair transplants. He or she should be able to provide specific examples of successful procedures and should evaluate your particular condition and discuss the different options that may be available to them. At Modena Hair Restoration, we offer a variety of potential options for our patients either solitary or in conjunction with an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT/Strip (Follicular Unit Transplant) procedure.
A patient who underwent a hair transplant (back in the 90’s) and no longer wishes to have the unnatural look of the outdated hair plugs can turn to a hair transplant physician capable of removing the original plugs and redistributing in much smaller, natural-looking grouping in the recipient site. This strategy ensures the old hair transplant is covered up and disguised while making optimal use of available donor grafts during the corrective operation. The same is true of a patient who underwent a procedure recently but is unhappy with the outcome, as a skilled specialist, Dr. Yazdan can artistically create a new hairline that is much more natural-looking and restores the confidence in the patient.
Any patient who is dissatisfied with the outcome of their hair transplant should still feel confident that they can achieve a permanent solution to their thinning hair or hair loss. Selecting the appropriate doctor is first and foremost – the most critical step in correcting a poorly done transplant. Patients should therefore exercise a great deal of caution and patience when meeting with your potential hair restoration surgeon. Be prepared with a checklist of important questions to ask your surgeon at the time of your consultation. A sizable percentage of procedures done at Modena Hair Restoration are repair procedures. Regardless of your previously failed hair transplant, Dr. Yazdan has the expertise, tools and surgical options accessible to significantly improve your cosmetic results.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Hair loss can be demoralizing and distressing, especially for 8-year-old Aolani who was stricken by a serious epidemic affecting our youth-bullying. Unhappy with her real hair, Aolani wore threaded extensions to school daily which caused her classmates to yank and pull on the hair creating traction. Unfortunately, this generated space under the scalp for severe infection. Festering for days if not weeks until her mother and grandmother had realized the infection existed-rushing her to the emergency room only to find out from the ER doctor that her case was equivalent to a 3rd degree burn and there’s a good chance the damaged hair would never grow back.
At a loss of what to do next- they reached out to television producers of hit tv show ‘The Doctors’ in hopes there would be a small miracle to restore Aolani’s damaged scalp. Thankfully, top hair restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan was called in to assess and correct the issue at hand with advanced PRP Cell Therapy of the scalp. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma, is a concentration of platelets using your very own blood that are high in growth factors and healing agents. Although PRP Cell Therapy has just recently hit the mainstream media for its clinical benefits, this treatment has been around for quite some time-hence why you may have heard of professional athletes using PRP procedures to accelerate their wound healing.
How Does PRP Cell Therapy Work?
Platelet Rich Plasma & Cell Therapy is a non-surgical injection treatment starting with an autologous blood collection-the drawing of blood from a patient. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge system separating into platelet rich and platelet poor plasma. The platelet rich plasma is now high in growth factors and is then injected by an experienced physician into the area of concern. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan performs an abundance of PRP procedures weekly, finding 3-4 treatments necessary in the first year for optimal results!
There are many women who could benefit from such treatments due to countless years of wearing hair extensions, wigs, or extremely tight ponytails pulling on the scalp which eventually leads to scarring of the hair follicles in a form of (potentially permanent) hair loss called Traction Alopecia.
“This procedure offers exciting new possibilities to promote and accelerate bone and soft tissue healing” says researchers from the University of Rochester.
Some doctors have been known to discredit the use of PRP as a regenerative therapy for hair regrowth, yet, aren’t educated enough in this approach or aren’t as experienced as some of your top hair restoration surgeons – as you can see in the video below, Dr. Yazdan’s results speak for themselves. The good news is that skilled physicians using modern medicine is making it easier for our bodies to regenerate themselves and as an advanced procedure, platelet rich plasma has played a vital role in this. This treatment has minimal risks and is effectively used to treat men and women suffering from hair loss.
At Modena Hair Restoration, we find it important to note- Advanced PRP Cell Therapy is just one of many treatments available for hair regenerative purposes. Dr. Yazdan offers many other treatments and medical management plans in order to continue an invaluable hair maintenance regimen.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Just as some men and women may need a liver or kidney transplant, there are patients who could reap the benefits of a hair transplant. While hair loss is not a life-threatening condition itself, severe or sudden hair loss caused by an underlying medical illness can vastly affect one’s body-image and self-esteem which may result in severe depression and anxiety.
As a natural inclination – people tend to think mental health is not as imperative as one’s physical health, in reality – the two are intricately interlinked. Here we’ll discuss some of the most common medical conditions that are the culprit to men and women’s hair loss. Thyroid Disease might arguably be known as the most common medical condition resulting in severe shedding of the hair. Hormonal changes caused by a defective thyroid gland can result in permanent hair loss if not treated in the initial stages. In the preliminary stages of this disease, the loss of hair may be controlled with various medications that regulate and correct the dysfunctional gland. In the more progressive stages, some of the effects of the disease become more aggressive and when this happens, a hair restoration procedure may become essential. Scalp infections, especially fungal infections can cause hair loss. Depending how severe the case has become, patients often become great candidates for medical management treatments such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or low level laser therapy along with an FUE or FUT/Strip Hair Transplant.
Medications can also have side effects including hair loss. It is widely known that chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer patients can wipe out your entire head of hair. Gratefully, this is generally reversible once the treatment has concluded. Medications for chronic illnesses such as arthritis, depression and heart disease can be a direct effect as well. Due to patients needing to take these drugs indefinitely, the resulting hair loss may become irreversible. Diabetes can also play a role in your hair loss. In fact, hair loss is generally an early sign that this disease is present – likely since the blood supply to the skin becomes compromised. Applicable hair growth requires adequate circulation and appropriate delivery of nutrients to the cells in the hair follicles. When this process is disrupted, hair loss may occur. While the damage can be reversed with a fitting medical management regimen, there are instances in which the balding becomes so severe in later stages, that it requires a hair restoration procedure. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus acts in a comparable way to diabetes; affecting the blood circulation to the scalp. In Hashimoto’s disease, some people experience thinning hair or copious amounts of hair falling out in the shower or sink. Changes is hair texture can make it dry, coarse, or easily tangled. Psoriasis can affect the entire body; when the scalp is impacted, psoriasis can be severe and result in scales, redness and sometimes itching. Although psoriasis typically does not cause ‘large’ amounts of hair loss – if the scaling on the scalp is very tight, the hairs’ diameter may change and cause breakage. Poor nutrition has also been known to cause hair loss due to insufficient protein and iron which is typically reversible with proper nutrition.
As with all other medical conditions that result in hair loss, the underlying cause must be treated and even so- it does not always automatically result in regrowth of the hair. If this has been present for a prolonged period, you may need to seek out an experienced hair transplant surgeon like Dr. Yazdan to assess your individual situation and concerns to find a proper surgical or non-surgical treatment plan that best fits you and your needs.
If you are thinking about a hair restoration procedure due to one of the medical conditions discussed, keep in mind – an FUE or Strip hair transplant can take up most of the day – from start to finish. It’s critical you do your research in finding a qualified hair restoration surgeon like Beverly Hills specialist, Dr. Yazdan, that only performs one surgery per day in order to take the appropriate amount of time required for an unrecognizable hair transplant. Many doctors will try and drive out 2-3 surgeries in one day for economic gain, all at the expense of patients. Hair loss can take a toll on one’s self-image; the last thing you need is a bad or botched hair transplant in addition.
Think your hair loss might be caused by a serious underlying condition? At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan specializes in the medical management of hair loss. Upon reviewing medical history and patient records, as well as testing and analyzing a small sample of the patient’s hair follicle and scalp tissue, he can determine the cause of your specific hair loss.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Transplantation of body hair in to the scalp has been an option to treat extensive cases of baldness with a poor donor scalp. In general, the preferred donor area to extract grafts for hair transplantation is the back of the scalp. Most of us have an abundance of donor hairs in this region – these hairs are also known to be DHT resistant, which is why it is the last area we lose our hair as we age. In some cases, other areas of the body such as the beard or chest, may be used as a source of transplantable hair follicles to accomplish one’s hair restoration goals.
Beard hair and other sources such as the neck, chest, and back are harvested most commonly using a minimally invasive FUE technique. Body hair transplant or BHT – is a reasonable option once your donor supply has been exhausted from the scalp if it is similar enough to your scalps hair to easily blend in – providing you with natural looking results. Why body hair transplant? Donor Replenishment – This is for those who have already had a few hair transplants in their lifetime and likely have exhausted most of their scalp donor hair, leaving this area not as dense as it once was. We typically see this in older men who have already had 2 or 3 hair transplants dating back to the old “hair plug” days where groups of 8 or more hairs were transplanted in a single site. Body hair transplant can ‘restock’ the weakened donor area due to previous hair transplant procedures. Linear Scar Concealment – One of the main reasons Dr. Yazdan performs body hair transplants on patients with extremely weak scalp donors is due to grotesque scarring caused by unskilled or inexperienced doctors using the traditional FUT/Strip hair transplant method. The Strip method is known to leave a linear scar on the back of the scalp where an incision was made to harvest grafts. If you find yourself in the wrong physician’s hands, you could be their next victim like you see in the photo below. Finding a well-qualified physician will most certainly minimize the risk of being butchered on the back of the scalp, however it is inevitable to have some scarring which can easily be disguised if you tend to have a longer hairstyle. Beard or chest hair follicles can be obtained and transplanted into the scar for concealment or repair purposes. Crown/vertex density – If our scalp donor hair is in short supply, beard hair may be an option and can be harvested and transplanted to the crown or vertex region to give your head of hair some thickness.
As an extreme example, it would be tactical to avoid the use of course, curly body hair for transplantation into the hairline in a patient with thin, straight scalp hair. As you could imagine- this would not look natural. Don’t allow a physician to talk you into this type of procedure for his or her own economic gain. There are plenty of inexperienced physicians out there willing to make you their next victim.
Here at Modena Hair Restoration, we’ve had hundreds of successful repair cases over the years. Keep in mind, body hair transplants require a specific set of skills and tools and isn’t every physicians cup of tea. Most don’t have the proper training or take the time necessary for a successful outcome, so you don’t end up scarred or botched – you wouldn’t want hundreds if not thousands of 1mm scars on your beard or chest, would you? Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest punch sizes available in order to keep scarring at a minimum and performs 1 surgery per day unlike other clinics who shorten their time with each patient in order to push out 2-3 surgeries per day -This certainly isn’t the type of clinic you want to consider for a procedure like this. Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, also advises looking into other options such as PRP, laser hair therapy and scalp micropigmentation for their added benefits.
The takeaway from all this is, even from casual observation, it may be easy to see that beard hair typically does not possess the same exact qualities as your scalp hair. Dissimilarities in texture, curl, caliber, length and even hair growth rates of body hair may be considerably different than scalp hair making this procedure difficult (at best) for many physicians out there. The use of this hair type requires a careful decision made with you and your surgeon of choice. If this seems to be your last and final option- we advise you choose your doctor carefully as this is a tricky procedure in order to make it look as natural as humanly possible. Good technical skill on your physician’s behalf is crucial and should be left only for the professionals.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Sorry to break it to you ladies, but females aren’t immune to hair loss either. Even though hair loss is typically thought of as something that only men are burdened with, plenty of women experience their fair share of follicular changes too. In fact, an estimated 40% of hair loss sufferers are indeed female! And by the time they reach 50, roughly half of all women will be dealing with some degree of female pattern hair loss.
Yes – you can blame your mother if you go bald or are starting to thin out. Most people don’t know that heredity plays a significant role in determining if and when you’ll lose your hair. Both your mother’s and father’s genes have a say in whether hair loss is a possibility in your near future, but surprisingly it’s the DNA you inherit from your mom that has the strongest influence! It’s estimated that approximately 30 million women experience hair loss as a direct result of their genetic make-up.
These sufferers have what is called diffuse hair loss, which is thinning in all areas of the head including the sides and the back of the head-which can create a problem as these are the areas that act as the donor site (in men) where the hair is removed and transplanted to the areas in need. Thus, if you try to remove the thinning hair and its accompanying follicles from the donor areas in attempt to transplant them at the recipient site.. these poor follicles won’t survive and will just fall out-making your hair transplant a waste of time and money.
Any doctor who attempts to transplant hair from an ‘unstable’ donor zone is unethical and is just trying to take economic advantage of the patient while they’re in a state of desperation.
Another ordinary form of female hair loss is traction alopecia, which is extreme tension or pulling of the hair for extended periods of time. Thus, making the hair follicles becoming weaker and weaker, and eventually falling out. The tension is caused from braids, weaves, hair extensions, wigs and tight hair ties. The bad news is this is a permanent type of hair loss in which the hair can no longer grow back. The good news is, you are highly likely to be a suitable candidate for an FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery. Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest sized punch tools during extractions using precise attention to detail, considerably minimizing the risk of scarring at the donor and recipient sites. Finding a surgeon you can trust is crucial… The last thing you’d want is an unsuccessful hair transplant and bad scarring!
If you fall under the category of diffuse hair loss- Don’t be too discouraged- it’s not hopeless and here at Modena Hair Institute, we have successful alternatives to restore your head of hair. Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan has had positive results treating this form of hair loss in women with advanced treatments such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and laser hair therapy.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Some hair loss after a hair transplant may sound like a contradiction but no need to worry- it is rare, yet perfectly normal if this happens to you. In terms of hair restoration, shock loss is the shedding of non-transplanted hair and is usually just temporary.
When hairs are moved from the back of the scalp (donor site) into the front of the scalp (recipient site), a proportion of the existing hairs may shed. This phenomenon is called shock hair loss. Shock loss is the loss of non-transplanted hairs after a hair transplant procedure. It most commonly occurs at the recipient areas but can also occur at the donor sites in some patients regardless of the hair transplant method-whether it be an FUE hair transplant or the traditional FUT/Strip method. The good news is… fortunately, shock loss is rare and is almost always temporary with return of the new hair.
The exact cause of shock loss is unknown but there are two main culprits. One is thought to be due to trauma of the scalp. The action of the surgery tools could have something to do with it, especially when trying to transplant amongst hairs where there aren’t sufficient gaps (i.e. the hair loss isn’t relatively bad enough).
The second reason this happens is possibly due to loss of blood flow to the area or the body’s inflammatory reaction to the surgery. Our body views a surgical operation as trauma and tries to repair the damage by attracting various cells and factors to the region, which consequently could affect the existing weaker hairs.
It is important to note that hair shedding after a hair transplant is a normal occurrence and is the body’s way of responding to the trauma it received during the hair transplant procedure. One of best ways to prevent this from happening is by going under finasteride treatment and a hair loss prevention regimen. (Lowering your DHT levels)
Here at Modena, we may recommend a hair maintenance regimen prior to having a hair transplant surgery as this has the potential to reduce the effect of potential shock loss. Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, has a proprietary countermeasure that he instills prior to beginning surgery which minimizes shock loss and the risk associated with trauma to the scalp. It is always important to follow your doctor’s pre-op and post-op instructions carefully. Medical management is highly advised and will improve your end results dramatically.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Have you ever undone a ponytail and found your scalp feels sensitive to the touch? Does your scalp itch after you’ve had braids or a weave put in? Have you ever taken painkillers because your hair is secured so tightly it’s giving you a headache?
If you answered yes– these are signs that your hair is under way too much tension. Your head is trying to tell you something…it’s time to listen! Traction Alopecia (traction hair loss) is a type of hair loss that stems from a variety of factors that lead to the hair being pulled. The constant tension in the affected area either pulls out the hair’s roots completely or causes the hair follicles to become inflamed. As time goes by, the damage to the follicles causes them to be fibrosed…and if you don’t put a stop to this, they will reach the point where they no longer produce hair, leading to permanent hair loss.
Anyone can be affected by traction alopecia – young or old, male or female. However, we do see it more often in certain ethnicities of the population, as they are more likely to use some of these cultural and historical hairstyles. For example, African American women and young girls are more likely to notice the problem due to braids and weaves. Watch Dr. Yazdan help actress Countess Vaughn with traction alopecia on The Doctors in Los Angeles, California.
What Are the Causes of Traction Alopecia?
Traction Alopecia is gradual and happens over time. It’s caused by putting the hair under constant strain or tension and is typically caused by one (or more) of the following:
Tight ponytails or braids
Tight cornrows
Hair extensions
Hair weaves and wigs attached with glue, clips or tape
Headbands worn day after day
Tight headgear such as helmets worn frequently that tend to rub or pull on the same area
Trichotillomania – an emotional condition of repeated pulling of the hair with hands
If you use or do any of the above, then you may find yourself heading down the road of traction alopecia- if you’re not already there.
Typically, you’ll start to see areas of thinning around the temples, behind the ears and even the crown. You also may start to notice that the part in your hair looks ‘wider’ than it used to be. If that’s the case, you are likely one of the many whom suffer from this type of hair loss. Can Traction Alopecia be Reversed?
Yes and no.
If traction alopecia is identified soon after the first hairs are lost, then regrowth can often occur-provided the hairstyle that caused the traction is stopped immediately. Sometimes, the hair can grow back entirely on its own, other times you may need to give your hair an extra boost with a treatment such as PRP.
On the flip side – if the hair follicles have been so badly traumatized over a long period of time, no need to load up on the Biotin pills or Minoxidil because unfortunately, the hair will not be able to grow back. The reason for this is when you’re in the advanced stages of traction alopecia it is associated with the formation of scar tissue under the scalp. In this case, you’ll need to start thinking about a surgical hair restoration. Look for a board-certified surgeon specializing in hair transplants to discuss the options available to you as you may be an excellent candidate for an FUE or FUT/Strip transplant procedure in order to restore your hair to a healthy state. You and your hair are worth it!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
More and more people are falling prey to the problem of rapid hair loss. This has long drawn adverse effects like psychological problems and can lead to poor self-esteem. In case you fall in this category – we can understand how desperate or eager you may be to get the problem treated sooner rather than later by doing just about anything to have anyone fix your frazzled hair.
If you land in the hands of an experienced doctor, your hair transplant can show some impeccable results. On the flip side-landing in the hands of an uneducated inexperienced doctor, your hair transplant can show some grotesque results such as some of the ones in this article…
FUE involves randomly punching on the scalp area to extract the grafts, one by one. It is a time consuming and a lengthy procedure. Today we discovered some interesting videos via the internet of physicians putting out these ludicrous advertisements for hair transplant procedures. So, what happens if you choose the wrong hair transplant surgeon? Qualified, board-certified surgeons stress the important measures that must be taken into consideration when choosing the best doctor for you and your needs.
The fact that this doctor used a punch almost twice the size necessary is simply negligence and is certainly a violation of the standard most skilled doctors frown upon. Patients like this will come to us in order to fix the previous doctors botched work. Yes, every medical procedure has its risks. However, it’s your responsibility to do plenty of research when finding a doctor with an excellent reputation to minimize these risks and the complications that can manifest with an incompetent doctor.
At Modena we strive for the highest quality in hair transplants using punches and sites of some of the lowest sizes. As you can see in the image below, Beverly Hills hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan- creates sites and extracts hair follicles with such precision using some of the smallest punches. Additionally, Dr. Yazdan creates an artistically designed hairline that is best suited to your style.
But before you go in for a hair transplantation, it is important you check the credentials and competence of the hair transplantation surgeon. Dr. Yazdan performs all of his transplant procedures-unlike other clinics, you might see the doctor for a short period of time meanwhile technicians are doing most of the work! Dr. Yazdan also only performs 1 surgery per day, taking the time it requires for a successful and natural looking result. Don’t fall victim of a bad hair transplant- once the damage is done, it is very tricky to reverse.
More possible risks and complications include the following:
Persistent Numbness from Nerve Damage
Poor Growth
Unnatural Look/ Unnatural Hairline
With this said, most skilled hair transplant physicians will try to minimize the risk and complications, so these risks aren’t much of a factor for the qualified surgeons out there. Yet some people just want to find the cheapest or nearest hair restoration clinic or want to travel abroad for surgery due to the decrease in cost without thinking of these risks.
Any form of medical or surgical procedure entitles the patient to have full transparency coming from his or her doctor. We advise you to take the time to do your research and choose your doctor wisely. (Questions to ask at your consultation)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
More men and women are turning to hair transplant surgeries to correct their male or female pattern baldness. While there are medications and such designed to treat hair loss, many people are opting for a more permanent solution to the problem.
The idea of knocking decades off their appearance or possibly out of sheer desperation- patients will ‘jump the gun’ and go for the closest or cheapest clinic to help restore their youth, regrettably all they walk away with is an empty pocket book and more problems than what they started with. Take this gentleman for example, who went to a nearby hair transplant clinic in Colorado for an FUE procedure and without doing extensive research on the physician- ended up paying double the cost in the end to have a skilled reconstructive surgeon fix the previous clinics mistakes.
In this patient’s case, the size of the punch used is far larger than what a skilled hair transplant doctor would have used, resulting in oversized wounds covering his hairline as well as the donor site (back of the scalp). Once healed, these can become hundreds if not thousands of tiny scars surrounding what’s left of your hair. We often see doctors using these larger punch sizes because they prefer it for its ease of use, as its much faster and untroublesome for physicians with the lack of experience and skill – all at the patient’s expense. Additionally, we see botched hair transplants from clinics using robotic machines such as the ARTAS that can only perform with a punch size of 1.2mm or greater and are also being utilized for hair transplant surgeries by inexperienced doctors considering it’s not as demanding or taxing for them. And unfortunately, these machines still cannot be as precise as a hand-held punch.
One of the main reasons patients opt for an FUE hair transplant (rather than the traditional Strip method) is for it’s minimal risk of visible scarring. However, using a 1.0mm punch or greater negates the entire concept of being less invasive with minimal scarring.
Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yazdan uses some of the smallest punches possible staying between 0.7mm-0.8mm and based on our experience, there are very few doctors willing to use a 0.8mm punch or smaller. Typically, an unskilled physician would never discuss the size of the punch in front of the patient, so they’ll label their punch tools “A & B” during surgery so the patient doesn’t know the size they’re using and have no way of measuring the punch.
Dr. Yazdan creates his own punches meticulously by hand and sharpens them with a laser. “I know the exact inside and outside diameter of my punches and I’m happy to measure them for patients” says Dr. Yazdan.
Helpful Tip:
At the time of your consultation, take a caliper measuring device (which can be found on Amazon for $15) and ask the doctor to measure his punch size. We can assure you many doctors “0.8mm” punch size turns into a 1.3mm punch real quick!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
ScalpMicropigmentation is a new and popular trend for disguising hair loss and hair thinning. Yet if done incorrectly, can have you looking like a character from “The Lego Movie” – leaving you with extremely unnatural and aesthetically displeasing results. The goal of this non-surgical procedure is to camouflage your hair loss or thinning concerns, not make them more prominent and noticeable.
Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as SMP is used to fill in between thinning hairs or to add the impression of more hair between transplanted hair, not as an alternative to a hair transplant!
If you are indeed receding at the hairline, a better option may be to go with an FUE or Strip method hair transplant followed by SMP in the coming months once your new hairs start to grow in. The hair transplant will give you the real 3D hairs while scalp micropigmentation gives you an even fuller and thicker looking appearance for optimal results. By just placing numerous dots of pigment to create a frontal hairline will not look natural so please – don’t try this at home or with your local tattoo artist.
While SMP is a procedure similar to a tattoo, it should not be performed by a tattoo artist or a clinic technician. The procedure requires specialized training and should be performed by a certified physician who understands and takes into account your hair loss issues. It is considered a non-surgical procedure, however, SMP is performed by hair restoration surgeons and staff who are specially trained in a clinical setting – Not in your friend’s garage.
SMP is a combination of art work and technical skill. And as you can see, not every artist can pull off a realistic look. In addition, always make sure to ask your specialist what type of ink (pigment) they are using, many will buy their ink from China or use India inks and these often carry heavy metals in them. Dr. Yazdan only uses organic pigments that carry no hard metals or arsenic – ensuring the safety of our patients is first and foremost.
If you decide to go with a SMP or in combination with a hair transplant, it is important to be on a preventive regimen to slow further hairline recession. GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo rapidly reduces the shedding of hair in as little as the first four weeks. We’ve seen impeccable results with continuous use. (GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo)
Make sure to consult with an experienced, certified micropigmentation specialist prior to making any treatment decisions. (more on scalp micropigmentation)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link