Claire’s Testimony: I contacted Modena Hair Institute because I was so distressed about the way I looked. I had plucked my eyebrows from an early age and unfortunately, they hadn’t grown back. I had blonde eyelashes and barely any eyebrows. I had no confidence or self esteem and always felt ugly compared to everyone else. I felt I didn’t have a face, just lots of skin. I was also allergic to make up which made the situation even worse.
I made myself get up and make an initial consultation with Modena. Although I was struggling with my image, I was obsessively dreaming about how I would look with new and natural looking eyebrows. Would they be too dark and masculine looking? How painful was the procedure? What if it didn’t work for me and I looked even worse after the surgery?
That is when my husband and I sat with Dr. Amir Yazdan and discussed the procedure, why I wanted it and how many grafts he thought I would need. As well as the design and expected aesthetic result. I was thrilled and excited.
The aim of the procedure was to produce natural-looking eyebrows by removing hair from the back of my head and then grafting it into an eyebrow shape above my eyes. This is known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), which is now the gold standard of hair transplantation.
The procedure itself was fast, about three hours, and was not bothered in the least. I also did not experience any complications afterwards.
Dr. Yazdan escorted me back to my room after surgery and ensured I was comfortable and explained what to expect over the next few weeks. I was given a spray that I had to spray on my eyebrows on a daily basis. He also gave me a care package and recommended dietary and sleep habits that would help calm and relax me.
Overall, I feel like I earned a new face. It’s been that important to me!