Tag Archives: modena hair institute

Drug-Induced: Is Your Medications Causing You Hair Loss?

Medications are designed to treat a wide range of health conditions, but sometimes they can have unwarranted side effects including changes in our hair. Changes in hair color, texture and you guessed it…even hair loss! Medication-induced hair loss, just like any other form of hair loss, can have a profound influence on men and women’s self-esteem. The good news is – once the medication is stopped, your hair loss most likely can be reversed. Now for the unwelcome news – many of us must take these medications to treat a more fundamental problem (i.e. thyroid problem) creating a vicious cycle of problems and frustration.
So, what do you do? While we don’t recommend you tossing your meds in the trash to save your hair, At Modena Hair Restoration, we would first suggest seeing your doctor who prescribed the medication and ask if there is an alternative without the pesky and unruly side effect of hair loss. If not, you’ll have to find treatments to supplement this bothersome side effect.
Drugs can induce a wide spectrum of hair loss ranging from barely detectable hair loss to irreversible baldness. This is caused by interrupting the normal cycle of hair growth. It’s important to understand the 3 diverse cycles:

  1. Anagen phase – 90% of your hair is in this phase for 2-5 years, the hair grows. This is considered the “active growth” phase.
  2. Catagen phase – which lasts 2-3 weeks, the hair is preparing itself for the final phase of Telogen. This is also known as the “transitional” phase.
  3. Telogen phase – which last about 3 months, the hair rests, older hairs are shed and then replaced by new hairs. This is also known as the “resting” phase.

Medications can lead to two specific types of hair loss:
Telogen Effluvium – being the most common type of medication-induced hair loss, usually appears a few months after starting the medication. This causes the hair follicles to go into their state of rest (Telogen) and fall out prematurely.
Anagen Effluvium – this type of hair loss occurs in the Anagen phase of our hair growth cycle when the hairs are actively growing. It prevents the matrix cells (which assist in producing new hairs) from dividing in a normal fashion. This is a more severe form of hair loss that is mostly seen in patients taking chemotherapy drugs causing them to lose most-if not all the hairs on their head and can even affect the eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair.
Culpable Medications known to cause hair loss:

  • Acne medication (retinol in acne medications)
  • Antibiotics and antifungal medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Oral Contraceptives
  • Anticoagulants or “blood thinners”
  • Immunosuppressant medications

Possible Treatments (dependent on the type of hair loss):

At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan prevents and treats hair loss caused by medications with a custom medical management regimen to fit patients specific needs. By visiting with a reputable specialist alike Dr. Yazdan early, you can make a plan of attack for prevention and treatment. While hair loss may still occur, your preemptive approach can considerably lessen the overall impact.

For information on medical reasons for acquiring a hair transplant click here.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Hair Loss: Importance of Seeing a Hair Restoration Physician

When you first begin to notice hair loss, it can be tempting to rush to your Primary Care Physician right away to consult them. From there, you might find that you are referred to a dermatologist or even an endocrinologist – but this isn’t always the right course of action for you, or your hair.
There are so many subdivisions in hair restoration surgery that it is incredibly important to see a doctor who specializes in the field, not one who carries out several types of cosmetic procedures with “hair restoration” being one of them.
If it makes you feel more comfortable and at ease, by all means – start with your Primary Care doctor. However, I urge you not to stop here and to seek the help of a hair loss specialist.
Why NOT to go to a Dermatologist:
Dermatologists are often the first “port of call” if you will and come after your PCP – this is generally where a PCP will refer us.
While it can be enticing to think that you are in excellent hands with a dermatologist, this can frequently be misleading. Dermatologists are experts in their field, habitually, but this is often times not hair. For this reason, not all Dermatologist are ‘up-to-date’ with the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of your hair loss. There are endless amounts of hair loss vitamins and pills promising to regrow your hair and make it thicker – but a hair loss specialist will be able to give you the best advice that is tailored to you and your specific needs.
There are many distinct causes of hair loss, so making sure that you are getting the correct treatment for your type of hair loss is paramount.
Why NOT to go to an Endocrinologist:
Endocrinologists are often another customary referral we get from our General Practitioner. Endocrinologists specialize in working with your endocrine structure – the system culpable for hormones and illnesses that result from hormonal imbalances we tend to get from time to time.
While hormonal imbalances are known to cause hair loss – making it probable to see this type of specialist, there are also countless diversified types of hair loss that are not caused by a hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is critical to see a hair loss specialist – to ensure that you are getting a correct and current report.
Why See a Hair Loss Specialist:
The first step in treating any medical problem is assessment and diagnosis. After all, only with a proper diagnosis in place can an adequate treatment method be recommended.
Using your medical history provided, as well as the physical assessment performed at a clinic, a leading hair loss specialist alike Dr. Yazdan can exhibit a better understanding of your hair loss and thinning. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan can offer you insight into the cause of your hair loss, as well as the likely outcomes should treatment be delayed.
Sometimes, hair loss can be a sign of a larger health issue or an underlying condition. In these cases, Dr. Yazdan will be able to 1) recognize this and 2) refer you to the right medical professional for further testing.
A few things Dr. Yazdan would be looking for include:

  • Dryness and/or scaling
  • Scarring
  • Noticeable patterns of loss
  • Hair follicle irritation/inflammation
  • Low-quality hair texture
  • Signs of infections (fungal or bacterial)
  • Signs of dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis
  • Excess sebum production

How to Prepare for Your Appointment
To get the most from your appointment, I recommend you plan ahead. Here are a few tips to get you started on your preparations:

  • Avoid styling your hair prior to your appointment
  • Avoid the use of hair products such as conditioners, gels, hair sprays, serums etc.
  • Jot down any questions or concerns and bring them with you
  • Bring any relevant health paperwork such as lab results

Not only will some of these preparations make the process transparent, but they can also lend themselves to improved assessment and diagnosis. While hair loss can be a devastating experience, the right professionals can help. Through a thorough evaluation and diagnosis, you can then move forward with the appropriate treatment and regain your hair and your life back!

Just as with anything in life, experience is imperative. It is important to seek a professional who specializes in hair restoration exclusively, as well as to meet personally with your physician of choice and have an in-person evaluation suited for your specific needs.
By visiting with a specialist early, you can make a plan of attack for prevention and treatment. While hair loss may still occur, your preemptive approach can considerably lessen the overall impact.

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Facial Hair Loss: Can a Hair Transplant be Performed on a Patchy Beard?

Say bye-bye to patchy facial hair! If you’re one of the millions of sparsely-bearded men on the hunt to fix your patchy beard, it’s important to strive for actual, proven methods. With that said – is a hair transplant one of them? The simple answer is YES, you can now get the beard you always wanted…
You may have heard people saying that “it’s all in the genes” and there’s nothing that can be done to fix a patchy beard, right? Wrong. That certainly isn’t the case and with the evolution of hair transplants and a skilled hair restoration surgeon like Dr. Yazdan, a beard hair transplant is a minor and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that repairs a patchy beard…or any facial hair for that matter!
“Facial hair loss is an extremely common problem, especially on the area of the cheeks. The cheek area has considerably weaker blood flow than the area of the upper lip and chin, this means that over time less nutrients and our beard-growing hormones – testosterone and DHT – make it to the cheek area, resulting in patchy, thin facial hair” Dr. Yazdan explains.
“The cold, hard truth is that not all beards are created equal. For every Hugh Jackman, there are at least a dozen sad, scruffy Keanu Reeves out there” Yazdan facetiously adds.
Just as with a hair transplant on the head, the donor hair for a facial hair transplant comes from the back or sides of your scalp, and in most cases, using the FUE technique. Depending how much facial hair loss you have and the look you’re going for – the traditional FUT/strip hair transplant may also be recommended. Which site and technique are used generally depends on the amount of hair needing to be transplanted and which part of the donor area Dr. Yazdan feels will yield the closest countertype of facial hair; sometimes it’s the back of the scalp, while other times it’s the sides of the scalp – between the ears. Dr. Yazdan will oftentimes harvest hairs from the very back of the head to match the mustache and goatee region as well as the cheeks while donor hairs from the sides are mostly used for the sideburns and posterior part of the cheeks. Once the grafts have been transplanted, the hairs are permanent and typically grow just like the rest of your facial hair with similar texture and other characteristics. The transplanted hair can be trimmed, shaved, and groomed just as you would other facial hair.

As a well-qualified and experienced hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan uses modern technology and technique to extract and transplant a combination of single and two-hair grafts in order to optimize density while maintaining a natural look that cannot be detected by the naked eye. It’s also crucial for the surgeon to be tactful in his/her artistry in placing the grafts in the correct angle and direction of your natural facial hair. For our salt-n-pepper patients in which gray hair is also needed, Dr. Yazdan strategically extracts and distributes gray hairs to intermix with your natural hair color in order for a nice, even flow to your new and improved beard.
Tip #1: We understand not everyone is ready and willing to seek a hair restoration physician for their facial hair loss, so we’ve included a non-surgical proven treatment to regrow that splotchy beard – combining the use of Minoxidil (FDA approved for hair loss) with GroMD’s Follicle Activator Spray has shown remarkable results in facial hair regrowth and density.
Tip #2: Just like going to the barber for your haircut, you’re best off bringing in a photograph of the style and shape you desire. This way you and your surgeon of choice are on the same page and you can dictate how you want your new beard to look.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link .

3 Ways to Deal with a Hair Transplant at Work

Undergoing a hair transplant procedure can be nerve-racking and even daunting for some patients. While most men and women who undergo a hair restoration surgery with a world-renowned hair transplant surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan are very happy once their results grow in, dealing with the first few months can make patients anxious, especially if you work in an office environment. So how does one manage and maintain privacy at work during the first several months post-surgery?  In this article, we will discuss 3 solutions for maintaining or resolving any concerns over public attention.
Option 1 – Partial shave or full buzz cut:
In many cases, Dr. Yazdan’s hair transplant patients can conceal any signs of a hair transplant surgery simply by partially shaving the recipient area and keeping the rest of the hair untouched.  When styling your hair a certain way, most (if not all) signs of surgery can be effectively camouflaged. Two fitting examples of a style that could be used would be a “side sweep” or “side part”. Not every hair restoration patient is able to grow their hair out and, in this case, some patients choose to completely shave their head and let all their hair grow out in unison.
Option 2 – Topical hair loss concealer:
Depending on how long the patient has before they return to work, there are a few different types of hair loss concealers on the market today that we recommend trying out while waiting ever-so-patiently for your new locks to grow out. One solution we recommend at Modena Hair Institute is hair fibers. Hair fibers are magnetically charged and attach to miniaturized hairs and the fibers bind to each follicle, creating the appearance of added fullness. The other type of hair loss concealer we recommend is a hard-packed powder formula – also known as “hair-shadow”. Hair-shadow matches the color of an individual’s hair to their scalp and minimizes the contrast between scalp and hair. This provides an ‘illusion’ of denser looking hair. If you went with an all over buzz cut, hair shadow will be your best friend while going through the transformation. If you decide to keep your hair at a longer length, sprinkling hair fibers on the scalp is a great solution in concealing your hair transplant. Both hair fibers and hair-shadow are easy to use and washes out in the shower.
Option 3 – Be Honest:
This option may be the least favored but certainly the least troublesome. Being honest and upfront with co-workers and friends highlights a real concern that men and women around the world go through each day; and that is hair loss! Most people have their own issues and insecurities that cause them to be self-conscious. In general, a hair transplant patient may get a few questions regarding their experience.  After a period, people will move on and likely forget it all together. Being honest can be very liberating and with so many men and even women suffering with hair loss each day, taking an honest approach about your hair transplant may be enough to inspire a change in someone else’s life!
At Modena Hair Institute, we understand that surgical procedures may not be for everyone, and it is paramount to feel confident and comfortable with not only the process, but the surgeon of your choice. Do bountiful research prior to jumping the gun and making any decisions. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.


For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Understanding How Hair Transplant “Grafts” Mature into New Healthy Hair

You may have heard the term “graft” if you’ve been considering a hair transplant surgery.  But how does that pertain to hair since ultimately, that is what you’re trying to obtain with this procedure?
A hair “graft” is just a scientific term for a single hair or group of hairs conjoined together in a single unit with the assistance of scalp tissue. For example, in today’s gold standard, follicular units come in groups of 1, 2, 3, and sometimes 4 hairs. Yet, a 4 haired follicular unit is still a “graft” as is a one haired follicular unit graft. In yester years, follicular units could reach upwards of 15 hairs per graft. These were called “plug” hair transplants. Thankfully, todays modern technology has allowed us to harvest much smaller grafts to be transplanted, yielding a much more natural look if done correctly. This can be accomplished using either FUE or FUT/strip hair transplant methods.

Each hair per graft consists of a single follicle below the scalp. When the hair begins to shed after a surgical hair restoration, the follicle remains behind and goes dormant for several months. Three to five months following, those follicles begin producing new hairs that grow just like your natural hair does.
It’s important to note, that waiting until a greater portion of your hair has transferred from your head to down the drain is not the best idea. The average hair transplant patient has an available donor on the back of the scalp of approximately 5,000-8,000 follicular unit grafts. It wouldn’t be possible for patients with a Norwood class 5 or higher to be a suitable candidate for a full hair restoration as there wouldn’t be enough density.

We don’t have an endless supply of donor hair as some may think. Thus, donor hair must be used and transplanted strategically and artistically using the skill and experience of your hair restoration surgeon. An experienced surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan can cover the most ground and add density to your most critical areas. Critical areas typically include reconfiguring a natural looking hairline and the immediate areas behind it along with other areas as defined by the patient’s goals and desires.

Ultimately, patients and hair restoration physicians should discuss all these things prior and work out a suitable hair-game plan the patient will be satisfied with. Short and long-term goals should be discussed, especially since male pattern baldness (MPB) is progressive and subsequent procedures may be desired or needed to meet all existing and future goals.
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Different Types of Hair Transplant Surgeries: The 3 Most Common Methods of the Twentieth Century

Hair loss problems can be caused by a plethora of assorted reasons. While this can seem alarming, in many cases hair loss can be reversible once the problem is identified and a solution has taken place. However, there are many instances in which new hair growth becomes impossible due to permanent damage to follicles of the scalp. For these patients, typical hair treatment tips and tricks just won’t cut it and a more permanent solution is needed.
Thanks to science and modern technology, hair transplant surgery has made hair restoration possible for (almost) everyone! However, if you wish to take the route of a hair transplant, you should first educate yourself on the hair transplant methods that are commonly used today. Leading hair restoration surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan, have even pioneered through the industry by developing tools that offer precision allowing him to yield some of the most natural hair transplant results out there! Now let’s get into the 3 most common hair transplant methods making headway in the twentieth century.
Scalp Reduction
Scalp reduction is one of the earliest hair transplant methods that yielded successful results. In this method, scalp from the balding area is surgically removed. In most cases, this area consists of the crown and the top of the head. Once this area is removed, the scalp area that still bears hair, is then stretched over to cover and replace that shiny bald patch (think Donald Trump). This hair transplant method worked well for patients who had a good amount of healthy donor hair on the back and sides of their scalp. Today, this method is seldom used due to the advancement on hair transplant procedures such as the next 2 we will discuss.

Follicular Unit Transplantation also known as “FUT” or the “Strip” Method
For the last several decades, FUT has remained one of the most popular and successful hair transplant methods used in our times. This method not only makes the hair look exceptionally natural, but also allows the hairs to function in a natural manner. For this procedure, Dr. Yazdan and his team use high resolution stereo microscopes when dissecting the strip of tissue harvested from the donor area. This largely reduces the risk of hair damage.
Sometimes, the extraction of a donor strip can leave a linear scar on the back of the scalp, which over the years has inclined more men and women to side with the most advanced hair transplant method out there today – the FUE method.
Advantages of FUT:

  • Larger areas of baldness can be covered in fewer sessions
  • The transection rate may be lowered providing superior results. (the transection rate also depends highly on the skill of your surgeon)
  • The survival rate may higher

Follicular Unit Extraction also known as “FUE”
FUE is very similar to FUT. However, the difference here is that FUE does not require the removal of a complete strip of scalp tissue and is much less invasive. In fact, during an FUE hair transplant procedure, each individual hair follicle is extracted from the back and sides of the head using small punch tools and are then grafted to the recipient area where balding and thinning has taken place.
One of the major advantages of FUE is that there is minimal scarring and damage to the donor area when performed properly. There’s no strip of tissue being removed, less bleeding, less risk of scarring, and a natural looking appearance all around! This method has offered our patients over the years with more flexibility over the type of hairstyles they wish to keep.
Advantages of FUE:

  • This method does not involve the removal of a strip of scalp tissue, there are no incisions or stitches
  • There is no linear scar on the back of the scalp

At Modena Hair Restoration, we want you to make an informed decision when choosing not only the right method that suits your specific needs, in addition – the right surgeon is just as important, so we’ve added a few quick pointers to help you choose a clinic and physician for your next hair restoration procedure.

  • The surgeon specializes in Hair Transplant surgeries with extensive expertise
  • The surgeon performing your procedure is a member of the ISHRS
  • The surgeon only performs 1 surgery per day
  • The surgeon performs the surgery – not allowing his or her technicians to take over
  • The surgeon extracts by hand – not a mechanical robot such as the Artas or NeoGraft

Remember, while a hair transplant is considered minimally invasive, this is still a surgical procedure that takes many years of skill and artistry to make it look natural and undetected by the naked eye. For more information regarding helpful tips, read our blog topic – Hair Transplant: Consultation Questions to Ask Your Surgeon.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Can Wearing Hats Cause Hair Loss?

Is there any truth to the old wives’ tale that says wearing hats can subsequently lead to hair loss? Maybe the rigmarole stemmed from so many balding men that used to wear hats to cover up their hair loss or maybe it/s because people think that hats have a negative effect on scalp circulation? We’re here to tell you in truth – hats do not cause or contribute to your hair loss! No need to hang up your favorite baseball cap, you can carry on wearing hats even on a daily basis without it affecting the amount of hair on your head.
A clear majority of us men and women that bear with balding or thinning issues ‘suffer’ from what’s called androgenetic alopecia – a predisposition for receding hairlines, thinning hair and that pesky bald spot in the center of your scalp. Unfortunately, people with androgenetic alopecia can’t escape the inevitable; it’s in their genes. That is to say, if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen! No matter what, the blocked production of DHT will interfere with the natural hair cycle. It doesn’t make any difference if a person with androgenetic alopecia or “pattern-baldness” wears hats…they’ll still lose their hair. Likewise, a person who doesn’t suffer from male or female-pattern baldness is not going to cause a sudden onset of hair loss by wearing hats frequently. Fortunately now, there are ways you can slow it down with products such as Propecia (Finasteride), Minoxidil (Rogaine) and a DHT blocking shampoo such as GroMD Hair Loss Prevention shampoo.
With that said, theoretically – one of the only ways that wearing a hat could have any affect on hair loss would be due to sebum buildup. Sebum is the thick, oily substance excreted from oil glands that can build up on your scalp in extremely hot, humid and sweaty conditions and can create a stiff “plug” that cuts off the hair follicle’s circulation leading to clogging of the pores in the scalp which can cause hair growth to slow down or even stop. This is completely preventable by simply washing the hair regularly in those warmer temperatures.
Speaking of circulation being conducive to hair growth, couldn’t wearing a hat disrupt follicle circulation? A hat would have to be extremely tight and be worn for a long amount of time before it started affecting the scalp’s circulation. If you’re comfortable wearing hats…we say wear them! There’s no way it will affect your hairs growth.
In contrary, hat-wearing may actually be beneficial to hair growth. Hats offer your scalp and hair protection against the sun – which can cause hair loss. Healthy hair grows quickly, and hair that has spent extensive amounts of time soaking up those harmful sun rays is less likely to be as healthy. Hats also protect the scalp from sunburn, which has shown to lead to slower hair growth.
If you feel so compelled, you can let your friends know who insist that your everlasting Dodger cap is going to leave your head shiny and glistening by the end of your 30’s…that it’s just an old wives’ tale.
If you’d like to find out hair restoration options, we offer both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions at our clinics.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Can a Hair Transplant Surgery Make Your Forehead Appear Smaller?

It is perfectly normal for us to prefer certain facial features over others. If you find yourself self-conscious about having a large forehead then first of all, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Whether you were born that way or over the years you’ve begun to see one of the tell-tale signs of aging – a receding forehead where the hairline slowly retreats further back onto the scalp – many of us have been there.
If you struggle to love the way your forehead makes you look, there are plenty of beauty tips and tricks both men and women can try. For example, contouring the hairline is a great and simple tip to help create the ‘illusion’ of a smaller forehead – you can use hair shadows, colored dry shampoos etc. to pull this off like a pro. However, some people are looking for a more permanent solution to their hair loss or receding hairline so for the sole purpose of this article we will elaborate on how a hair transplant procedure can dramatically lower the hairline turning your 5-head back into a 4-head!
A much more permanent solution for reducing the appearance of a large forehead is a hair transplant. This is done either using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both procedures take place under local anesthesia and the method used would be determined by Dr. Yazdan’s recommendations and what he decides is appropriate for the patient’s specific needs. If your desired outcome is to bring the hairline forward, then the hair follicles would be harvested from a recipient area also known as the donor site (i.e. back of the scalp) and are then transplanted to the front of your hairline, thus, commanding your hairline forward and reducing the size of your forehead. So, in simple to answer the question posed in this article topic – YES, a hair transplant can and will reduce the appearance of a large forehead.

Lowering the hairline or a forehead reduction procedure via a hair transplant can be quite tricky and takes an exceptionally skilled surgeon who takes the necessary time it requires in order for the patient to get NATURAL looking results. For example, this type of procedure requires ultra-refined microscopic surgery with dense packing of grafts using some of the smallest punch tools – Dr. Yazdan is known for using some of the smallest size punch tools to yield hair transplant results that go non-detected by the naked eye. The needle size, incisions, the direction in which the sites are made on the forehead as well as the artistry your surgeon uses to draw out the shape and form of the hairline all come together and are equally as important as the next for an unrecognizable new and improved hairline!

At Modena Hair Institute, we understand that surgical procedures may not be for everyone, and it is paramount to feel confident and comfortable with not only the process, but the surgeon of your choice. Do bountiful research prior to jumping the gun and making any decisions. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
If you’d like to find out hair restoration options, we offer both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions at our clinics.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Can a Hair Transplant Get You Ahead in the Workplace? Just Ask These Celebrities Who’ve Come Out on Top After Hair Restoration Procedures

Don’t let these male celebrities fool you – they haven’t always had their flowing locks! Celebs are constantly being put under a microscope to look their best, so it comes as no surprise that these male stars are opting for some surgical assistance when it comes to losing their locks. Today, we live in a day and age were the better we look, the better we FEEL, and the better we feel can lead to endless possibilities in life! Whether it’s getting that job promotion, getting (or keeping) the woman of your dreams, or just being able to look in the mirror with confidence and say, “I look good today.” Whatever the motivation may be, a hair restoration procedure can significantly improve your overall quality of life.
Hair Restoration is becoming more accepted than ever, even outside the celebrity scene, and men no longer need to be ashamed of undergoing hair transplant surgery. In fact, the hair transplant industry has increased over 40% in the last 8 years. Can you blame these men for wanting to maintain a youthful appearance? We certainly don’t think so!
When people ask us if a hair transplant is truly effective, we say – just ask Jeremy Piven and how a hair transplant boosted his acting career and even charting him in 2005 as The World’s Sexiest Man! In truth, a picture (or movie for the purpose of this article) speaks a thousand words so we compiled some of our favorite male celebrities whose career have sky rocketed after opting for a hair restoration procedure.
Though these photographs of celebs and their hairlines speak for itself, we’ll still discuss a few..
Matthew McConaughey – one man known for his gorgeous appearance and thick lustrous hair. It wasn’t always like that! He had his hair in his youth but by time 1999 rolled around, we started seeing the signs of his receding hairline. Look at him now! As far as career – what has this hunk accomplished since undergoing a hair restoration?
Ranked on the “Coolest Actor Ever”
Ranked on “Celebrities Who Should Run for President”
Ranked on “The Best (Male) Actor Working Today”
Ranked on “The Best Actors in Film History”

Jeremy Piven – His earlier roles in the 90’s is firm evidence of his male-pattern baldness that started taking place with signs of a severely receding hairline and exhibiting obvious thinning density. It’s even quite possible he used other hair remedies in combination to a hair transplant, such as a Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) that compliment an FUE or FUT/Strip procedure by “filling-in” any gaps that are left behind by an inadequate supply of healthy donor hairs.
Golden Globes Winner
Emmy Awards Winner
Behind the Voice Awards Nominee
Gold Derby Awards Winner
Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominee
Best Supporting Actor

Mel Gibson – An Icon known for his hair…think back to Braveheart days. Around the same time his career started to decline, as did the quality of his hair but he sure did turn that around with his alleged hair transplant!
Ranked on “The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History”
Ranked on “Best Actors in Film History”
Ranked on “The Coolest Actors Ever”
Ranked on “Celebrities Who Should Run for President”
John Travolta – Miraculously, his once thinning head of hair is now just as thick and full as it was in Saturday Night Fever days.
Ranked on “The Best Living Actors”
Ranked on “Actors Who Peaked in the 90’s and Deserve to Make a Comeback”
Ranked on “Celebrities Whose Deaths Will Be the Biggest Deal”
These handsome celebrity men have had a ‘secret’ weapon in their back pocket – turning their worst hair into their best hair! While we can’t confirm that any of these men had a hair restoration procedure performed, we just have to assume that their path to balding was aided by science and a top hair restoration surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan because most human beings don’t lose hair and miraculously get it back. There’s no magic pill here – just a minimally invasive FUE or FUT/strip Hair Transplant can do the trick for most. (Read more on what a hair transplant can do for you here)

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

The “Art” of Hair Restoration

It’s paramount to keep in mind that hair restoration is a medical ‘art.’ Medical art combines medical knowledge, mastery of advanced surgical skills and techniques as well as a keen eye enabling the accurate reproduction of what occurs naturally. Unfortunately, many prospective hair restoration patients assume that artistic ability is a given resulting from education and practice of established surgical techniques. Art and surgery are separate skills, and this must be taken into consideration when evaluating a doctor for your hair restoration surgery.
Unfortunately for patients, a substantial portion of Dr. Yazdan’s practice consists of repairing patients who have fallen victim to doctors with little or no artistic sensibilities.
With a hair restoration strip surgery (FUT), the strip is removed, dissected and the unused tissue is discarded. Nothing is placed back in the donor area and the edges are drawn tight and sutured. Even if there were no scar at all, this procedure causes distortion of hair direction and a loss of the naturally occurring gradation of hair shaft diameter. This gets worse as strip surgeons boast of “mega-sessions” above 5,000+ grafts. This requires the removal of a wider strip which results in even greater cosmetic problems for the donor area.
For example, if you watch the video below, you’ll see this patient came to us for a strip scar repair surgery after receiving two hair transplants performed at another clinic. This left him with an oversized linear scar and illustrated unsatisfactory results. With his head shaved down, these cosmetic problems become unmistakably obvious. FUT/Strip surgery often does an exceptional job of providing grafts for balding areas of the scalp – given the patient seeks a skillful and artistic hair restoration surgeon alike leading Southern California and Las Vegas hair transplant specialist, Dr. Yazdan. After examination of the scalp, Dr. Yazdan observed the patient has a poor donor supply which led him to use his artistic abilities in an FUE procedure utilizing hair from the back of the scalp as well as supplementation of the beard. The grafts were then placed inside the scar which requires meticulous skill of the physician and his team as the grafts have experienced a considerable amount of stress. Precise angulation and depth is critical, so the hair grows back in a very natural and organic way. (read more on how to avoid unnatural results)

Hair transplant tools and associated technologies have moved forward considerably over the last decade. FUE in the right hands with the finest surgical tools provides great and numerous advantages for the patient undergoing hair restoration. Dr. Yazdan has paved the way for developing his own set of tools and techniques that deliver advanced results for both men and women suffering from hair loss and balding.

For absolute superior hair restoration results, PRP + ACell or a Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can be performed in conjunction with an FUE or FUT/Strip method procedure. When used in conjunction with an FUE or Strip procedure, PRP + ACell have demonstrated quicker healing, accelerated new hair growth, and donor hair regeneration at the donor sites. Once healed, SMP can be added down the line for added density and to conceal any thinning or balding spots.

You now should have a better understanding of the importance in finding an artistically skillful and experienced hair restoration physician. Use your best judgment and you will be pleasantly surprised of what a hair transplant can do for you!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Reasons You’re Prematurely Graying

Salt and Pepper, Silver, Pewter, Charcoal – call it what you want to call it, but gray hair is gray hair! If you’ve come early to the graying game, you may blame genetics…
This happens to be one of the most common hair problems that everyone will have to face at some point in their lifetime – some people consider gray hair makes them look more distinguished, while for others, this is a nasty little sign that we’re aging! We want you to know the signs you may be prematurely developing gray or white hair and the best ways to deal with it fast.
Let’s face it, grey hair is inevitable with age. According to a recent study, about 50% of the population has gray hair by the age of 50 and nowadays, premature gray is known as one of the most common hair problems amongst young men and women. But why do some people go gray in their twenties while others don’t see the first signs of a little salt and pepper until their 50’s? “Hair goes gray when our color-producing cells stop producing pigment” explains Southern California and Las Vegas leading hair restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan. “Our bodies naturally produce hydrogen peroxide which can also build up in the hair, bleaching the color pigments.”
Scientists have put forth the effort in discovering the cause of gray hair. In fact, we get our hairs color from melanin, which is created by melanocyte cells that are found in our hair follicles. Contrary to mainstream belief, stress has not been shown to cause gray hair necessarily. Scientist still haven’t pin-pointed why some of us less fortunate ones go gray early, but when in doubt – blame your parents because genes seem to play the biggest role that we know of. Many environmental factors can also be leading contributors, including direct exposure to sunlight.
In addition, a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your thyroid glands can cause premature graying. If yours is caused by a vitamin deficiency, the fortunate news is that gray hair caused by these factors can actually be reversed, once the problem is corrected.
Other factors that could be causing you to go gray early in life include a hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, and pernicious anemia. It is also believed that a lack of iron, copper, or iodine also result in premature graying. For those of you who choose a more natural remedy, rest assured that fighting this sign of aging does not necessarily mean turning to chemical hair-dyes to recapture your youthful appearance. There are plenty of all-natural methods for reducing and even eliminating that unwanted gray.
Let’s go over a few things you can do NOW to keep your gray at bay:

  • Stop smoking
  • Drink up! Water that is..
  • Improve circulation
  • Add foods rich in Iron, B-12, copper and protein to your diet

Going gray can really affect one’s confidence when it happens; especially in your “prime” years. While some may choose to wear their lightened locks with pride, the battle against gray hair is on-going. And if all else fails…head to the salon and get yourself a fresh new color!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Preparing for a Hair Transplant? 5 Tips to Keep in Mind

Hair loss is a big concern for most adults as it reminds us that our youth – and hair is slowly withering away. And when natural home remedies, chemically-induced products and hair loss treatments fail to work their ‘magic’, a hair transplant may be last resort for most of us. Unlike using ointments for hair growth which is quite simple, a hair transplantation is a tedious process that should be done under the guidance of an expert hair restoration specialist alike Dr. Yazdan to avoid any serious risks or complications that can arise.
In many cases, patients have been ‘duped’ by small time or shady clinics due to negligence, ignorance and even false advertisements. If getting a hair transplant is on your mind, follow these expert tips by leading Southern California and Las Vegas hair restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan.
#1 Choose an expert: This is first and foremost. Most people think that getting a hair transplant is a regular cosmetic treatment and can be done from any local clinic or hair expert. But this is certainly not the case as it is a medical procedure which is to be done only by a hair restoration surgeon or dermatologist. And hence, it is imperative to choose an expert.
#2 Not all experts are qualified: Hair loss can be very traumatic, but one should not compromise on the quality of the service when undergoing hair transplantation. Hair transplant treatment and other cosmetic procedures, like Botox and fillers, are now available even at small-time clinics and alike. Many “experts” who perform these procedures are either non-medical professionals or under-qualified doctors. It is important to understand that hair transplantation requires medical expertise and therefore, one should approach only a certified hair transplant physician with a reputable background. There are many ‘big-name’ hair transplant companies out there that wheel & deal several patients a day, not taking the necessary time a hair transplant requires. Dr. Yazdan prides himself on only one surgery per day, utilizing a long-standing and dedicated team throughout the entire procedure.
#3 Do not fall for advertisements: Ideally, when someone is looking for hair transplantation, they should never go by ads in newspapers or clinics offering lower prices. One should approach a qualified hair restoration surgeon who provides the treatment that meets your expectations and who has an infrastructure to support the kind of treatment you are looking for. As WebMD suggests – stay away from the big-name clinics that advertise on television, radio, etc.
#4 Look for a qualified doctor with a set team of professionals: Hair transplantation is not a solo act, no matter how experienced the physician claims to be. When a hair restoration specialist performs a hair transplant, there’s typically a group of a 4-6 technicians and assistants that make up a team. Yet, some physicians prefer to use “travel technicians.” When using travel technicians, both the surgeon and technicians can’t be nearly as efficient as a set team of professionals that has been with the surgeon for a long period of time. Moreover, all of them are present until the entire procedure is complete. Clinics offering cheap hair transplants compromise on patient’s safety, use poor support and hardly have experienced experts to perform the procedures.
#5 Do proper research: One should do a detailed research about the clinic and the doctor and choose a properly trained and licensed hair transplant specialist. Never compromise on the quality or safety as for a successful treatment, both these factors are equally important. Patients should check the proven track record of the surgeon who is going to perform the procedure rather than the price cut they offer.
While emphasizing on the dismal state of the medical profession, where there isn’t enough quality control on the sprouting cosmetic clinics doing such risky procedures – we can’t stress enough the importance in finding the right doctor that suits your needs without compromising your health and the quality of your hair transplant results. (Read article- Questions to Ask Your Surgeon)

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Top 5 Vitamins for Luxurious Hair

Not only are vitamins and nutrients essential for a healthy body and bodily function, but they also play a key role in keeping the hair on our heads from shedding. A high-quality multi-vitamin is important and of course, a healthy diet is essential, however, many suffer from nutrient deficiencies due to underlying conditions such as a thyroid problem- both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and a hormonal imbalance. Some people will require additional supplementation to bring us back up to optimal healthy, luxurious hair.
The truth is hair loss can be a complex process that generally involves various genetic, hormonal and even environmental factors. Just like our skin, the hair follicle is subject to the aging process! Sometimes hair loss can even be due to a vitamin deficiency. Fortunately, Modena Hair Institute is here to tell you it can easily be corrected by adding vitamin-rich foods to your diet or supplementation. Some vitamins have antioxidant properties that help ward off factors of hair loss, and some vitamins help the body balance hormone levels – another factor that puts a halt to your hair growth!
Try Dr. Yazdan’s Top Natural Healthy Hair Vitamins

  1. Fish Oil – Oils rich in fatty acids have been used extensively in both animal and human studies to evaluate the effects it has on hair and skin health. Omega-3 fats nourish the hair, support hair thickening and reduces inflammation that can lead to hair loss. In one study, almost 90% of participants reported a reduction in hair loss and an improvement in hair diameter and hair density after a 6-month study of men and women suffering from male and female-pattern baldness.
  2. Zinc – Zinc compounds have been used for decades as a natural way in treating hair loss conditions such as Telogen Effluvium and Alopecia Areata. Zinc is also a potent inhibitor of hair follicle regression, and it accelerates hair follicle recovery. Dr. Yazdan considers zinc one of the most important vitamins for hair growth!
  3. B-Complex – Biotin and Vitamin B5 have been used as natural alternatives to hair loss. Biotin benefits your hair by rebuilding the hair that has been damaged by heat, whether it be exposure to sun, blow drying or ironing. Vitamin B5 supports the adrenal glands, which also help stimulate hair growth.
  4. Iron – Several studies have examined the direct link between an iron deficiency and hair loss, some suggest that an iron deficiency may be related to Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia, Telogen Effluvium and diffuse hair loss with women being at a higher risk of hair loss due to an iron deficiency. Load up on your spinach and collard greens ladies!
  5. Vitamin D – Hair follicles are highly sensitive to hormones. In the scientific world, it is well-known that Alopecia Areata is commonly found in patients with a vitamin D deficiency. Direct sun is the best way to absorb your essential daily intake of vitamin D, however, using topical solutions and eating vitamin D-rich foods such as salmon, halibut, whitefish and mushrooms can also increase your vitamin D levels.

To reverse hair loss and increase hair strength, Modena Hair Restoration also recommends adding a hair loss prevention shampoo to your hair care regimen for optimal benefits! GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo can give you the added boost you need in restoring your hair and confidence! Try it RISK-FREE with a full money back guarantee if you’re unsatisfied with the results.
If you feel your heading down a slippery slope of unruly hair and bad health, a simple nutrient testing can be performed to reveal any deficiencies in all, those nutrients necessary for hair health!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

The Bald Truth: Debunking Hair Transplant Myths (Part 2)

Myth #7: An Unlimited Amount of Hair Can Be Extracted from the Scalp.
Fact: Don’t let false advertisements fool you with this one. The amount of hair that can be extracted depends on your donor hairs (I.E. the back of the scalp). There is a limitation of the amount of grafts that can be extracted in a single session so choose your hair restoration surgeon wisely and do your homework. If more than the safe amount of hair follicles are extracted, you run a higher risk of complications including the success rate (or lack of) the transplanted hairs, there will also be significant thinning in the donor area making it easily detectable that a procedure was performed. Choosing a reputable hair restoration surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan with high success rates is your best option for an aesthetically pleasing outcome.
Myth #8: Someone else’s hair is or can be used.
Fact: If you attempted this – your body would actually reject the hair unless the hair was coming from your identical twin. Alike a kidney transplant, hair transplants only involve the use of your own body hair whether the hair follicles are harvested from the back of the scalp (most common donor area), the beard, the chest, arms, legs, etc. Those hair follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area of hair loss.
Myth #9: Larger grafts produce more density than smaller grafts.
Fact: The density of the hair depends upon the number of grafts transplanted and not on the size of the graft. In fact, larger grafts may result in unnatural looking hair – think of the olden days when “Hair Plugs” were used. In fact, part of Dr. Yazdan’s practice is the repair of those unsightly hair transplants that used large “plug” grafts.
Myth #10: Hair Transplants Only Work on Men.
Fact: This myth has restrained many women from seeking a hair restoration surgery when in reality, they should understand that a hair transplant works effectively for both male and female-pattern baldness. Though baldness in women is slightly different from men and the supply of donor hairs are comparatively smaller in women – they can still seek a hair restoration specialist to see if they would be a suitable candidate.
Myth #11: You Must Take Medication Indefinitely to Keep the Transplanted Hairs in Place.
Fact: The reality is just the opposite. The transplanted hairs will be permanent, and you don’t have to take medication throughout your life for them to be permanent. The reason for this is that the transplanted hairs are DHT resistant. DHT is the hormone responsible for both male and female-pattern hair loss.

Myth #12: Hair Transplantation Surgery is Very Painful.
Fact: Most people don’t realize that a hair transplant surgery – both FUE and FUT/Strip method are carried out under local anesthesia and you will suffer from little to no pain during the procedure and after its completion. At most, you may feel a little discomfort, but most patients can enjoy a movie or read a book while the procedure is taking place. Most patients can expect to get back to their normal everyday lives within just a few days.

Still have more doubts? No need to worry – a transparent and confidential consultation with a top hair restoration surgeon can evaluate the health of your hair and scalp to give you your specific treatment options of both surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to give you peace of mind. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan will carefully access the donor area, check if the new hair in your scalp will grow after treatment and will match the texture & quality of your existing hair and then decide whether you are suitable for a hair transplant surgery or not.

For more Hair Transplant myths vs facts, read part I of this article.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

The Bald Truth: Debunking Hair Transplant Myths (Part 1)

Men and women who are currently suffering from hair loss, balding and thinning may have ‘thought’ about hair transplantation at one point or another, however, few people have the heart of a lion to undergo such treatment. Despite latest research showing that the hair transplantation market is growing rapidly, many still have false notions about the procedure. This has prevented many balding men and hair thinning women to take the initial steps to restoring their hair and self-confidence. Read on as world-renowned Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, reveals 6 common myths and the opposing facts related to a hair transplant.
Myth #1: A Hair Transplant is not affordable.
Fact: The cost of a hair transplant depends on numerous factors and some surgeons will charge by the number of grafts transplanted – hence why the price can vary. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan doesn’t believe in this approach and charges by case. Though a hair transplant can be a little costly, its certainly affordable and can change your life and the way you perceive yourself forever.
Myth #2: The results are unnatural.
Fact: Yes, in the beginning of times hair transplants did not look so natural with the use of “Hair Plugs” however, we have come so far in cosmetic surgery over the past few decades. In the hair transplant industry today, your results are determined by the artistic skill and experience from your hair restoration surgeon. A skillful surgeon can determine the proper angle and location to create the best plausible artistic outcome. Read how to avoid unnatural results here.
Myth #3: The larger number of grafts transplanted in a single session, the better your results.
Fact: While the goal may be to move as many hairs as possible in one session, “Mega-Sessions” however, are not advised because of certain risks. Mega-sessions that are too large run the risk of sub-optimal growth and scarring. Read our article on the risk of mega hair transplant sessions here. It’s important to have a consultation with skilled hair restoration specialist to determine the cause of hair loss and whether or not you are a candidate for a hair transplant procedure.
Myth #4: Its better have a hair transplant at the initial stages of hair loss, not when you’re older.
Fact: Generally speaking, there is a greater chance of having a successful hair transplant outcome when a patient is a little older rather than younger. It’s common for men to start seeing hair loss and even a receding hairline in their early to mid-twenties. At this time, the pattern of hair loss is still unpredictable, and the hair loss has a greater chance of being extensive in the future and may require more surgeries in the years to come. Read more about Hair Transplant Age here.
Myth #5: Robots such as the ARTAS or NeoGraft give you better results than the human-hand.
Fact: Although many people see newer technology as being “state of the art” this is by far the truth in this case. A laser hair transplant done by a robot or mechanical device is not the route you want to go and are not generally used by the most experienced hair transplant surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan. In fact, they were created to assist or guide inexperienced or “green” physicians from grimly mistakes yet, both the ARTAS and NeoGraft have their fair share of grimly risks as well including poor graft growth as a result from the laser damaging the tissue and concerns of the NeoGraft’s suction tears the tiny graft from the connecting fat tissue which leads to transection of the grafts and significantly impacts graft hair growth. You can read more about the use and dangers of robotic machines doing hair transplants here.
Myth #6: FUT is the better method than the opposed FUE method for hair transplantation.
Fact: Any qualified & educated surgeon who has both FUE and FUT/Strip technologies available at their clinic will not necessarily favor one method over another. Each method is patient specific and is employed based on the requirement of the patient. Sometimes even a combination of the two is used in order to achieve the best possible long-term results.

Still have more doubts? No need to worry – a transparent and confidential consultation with a top hair restoration surgeon can evaluate the health of your hair and scalp to give you your specific treatment options of both surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to give you peace of mind. A good surgeon will carefully access the donor area, check if the new hair in your scalp will grow after treatment and will match the texture & quality of your existing hair and then decide whether you are suitable for the surgery or not.

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Case Study – Facial Scar Repair via FUE from Dog Bite

In this day and age, we all strive for perfect skin and a healthy body, free of flaws! However, those accidents, injuries, surgeries, acne and even dog bites can leave you with unpleasant scar formations. If you’ve ever had a wound on your scalp or face, you may wonder how the wound is going to heal and whether or not the scar will grow hair. There’s good news and then there’s the unfortunate news…

The unfortunate news is that scar tissue happens to be a lot different than your regular skin. Scars are made up of abnormal collagen piled up in the location of injury. Unlike in ‘normal’ skin, this abnormal collagen isn’t stacked up in nice, clean ‘sheets’ of tissue. The abnormal tissue has a deficiency of regular glands found in normal skin…glands that produce natural oils, glands that generate hair etc. As a result, scars can’t actually grow hair themselves, and in this case, the patient needed some assistance with a facial scar revision procedure.

Now onto the good news (as you can see in the photos) – yes, this can be fixed and hair growth under and through a scar is possible with a scar repair procedure. This case study exhibits a 22-year-old patient who was once the victim of a dog bite leaving with him an undesired facial scar highly affecting the appearance of his beard due to the absence of hair where the scar has made its existence.

Considering the appearance of our face is directly tied to our confidence and self-esteem, this took a toll on our patient’s quality of life and decided to turn to Southern California and Las Vegas leading Hair Restoration Specialist, Dr. Yazdan for the repair of his facial scar. In this patient’s case, a simple and effective FUE hair transplant procedure was the best option and works well in scar tissue. Dr. Yazdan carefully and artistically angles the hair in a manner that you can no longer tell a facial scar ever existed. As seen in the photo below, our patient returned for his 1-year follow-up appointment to boast about his new appearance that gave him his confidence back!

At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan takes great pride in his work and patients. Utilizing a dedicated surgical team, yet always being involved every step of the way to ensure the best possible results.

Wait…there’s even more good news! In recent years, we’ve discovered that stem cells encourage new hair growth making PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma a great alternative to reproduce hair growth through scar formations. Read more on advanced PRP treatments here.

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link

Is Alcohol Robbing You of Good Hair?

Unfortunately, our hair is not alike fine wine and does not get better with age…or alcohol! While alcohol itself does not cause hair to fall out, it certainly contributes and depending how much you drink, it can play a bigger role than you think!
Ever had “cotton-mouth” after a night of drinking? We all know alcohol causes dehydration of the body, but what about dehydration of your hair? Truth be told – dehydration related to alcohol causes dry, brittle hair and even may cause dandruff on the scalp. Making dry, brittle hair more likely to fall out or break off and dandruff can make your hair loss even worse.
Sapping your hair of essential vitamins and nutrients – alcohol destroys folic acid, folic acid is a necessary vitamin we need to uphold healthy, strong hair. Excessive alcohol intake can lower your iron levels, leading to a hair loss condition called Telogen Effluvium. The hair goes into a ‘remission’ state causing it to fall out far too soon. New growth is stunted, creating a vicious cycle of no growth as well as losing your existing hair.
Boozing also decreases the levels of zinc in our bodies. With zinc being essential for healthy hair growth, low levels of zinc are known to speed up the aging process of the hair, causing more to fall out. Excessive alcohol also burns up vitamin B and C, and no…a Screwdriver is not a reliable source of vitamin C!
In our heavy drinkers, it’s very well-known that alcohol leads to liver damage, but did you know liver damage can stunt hair growth? This is mainly due to the fact of the reduced intake or preservation of nutrients – fewer nutrients, less hair growth.
So, to answer the question, yes…alcohol plays an indirect role in hair loss!
Hair requires constant nourishment to stay healthy and grow well. While everyone reacts differently to using alcohol, the time to start worrying is when your normal pattern of hair loss changes. At this time, it may be fitting to make an appointment with a leading hair restoration specialist alike Dr. Yazdan who can treat alcohol-related hair loss and stunted growth.
Your best non-surgical hair loss treatments can consist of a hair loss prevention shampoo such as GroMD that stimulates the follicles and nourishes the scalp, leaving room for survival of your frazzled, damaged hair. Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia) are two highly effective medications approved by the FDA in treating hair loss by decreasing the production of DHT. Depending on the severity of your hair loss and the psychological toll it can take on one’s appearance, Advanced PRP injections and low-level Laser Therapy can be added to your hair care regimen for optimal results!
Now we’re not saying you need to lay off the booze completely – after all, a glass of red wine is good for the heart! However, adopting healthier habits and starting a healthy hair care routine can not only prevent further hair loss from occurring, it can also help in new hair growth leaving you with healthier, thicker strands of hair.


For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Why Does Hair Loss Develop in the Spring and What Can You do to Prevent it?

With spring in full effect, not only are the flowers waking up for new life but so is your hair. The life cycle of the cells changes which leads to their accelerated revival! Consequently, the skin begins to peel, and hair loss occurs. Don’t worry – there is nothing wrong with you, this is just a natural occurrence. With that said, are there ways to prevent losing those luscious locks before summer? Yes!
Spring hair loss is habitual and part of the development of the hair follicles and generally ceases within 5-7 weeks. The follicle of each individual hair goes through 3 phases in their life cycle. Anagen (active growth phase), Catagen (transitional phase), and Telogen (resting phase). In the Telogen phase, the hair shaft breaks off while the follicle remains in the resting state from anywhere between 2 and 12 months, it then ‘wakes up’ and the cycle starts all over. Here are some common culprits that play a role in your hair loss during the spring season.
Climate Conditions:
According to research, the major cause of hair loss in spring is due to climate conditions, which affect your hormonal imbalance in the body which in turn affects the stages of hair growth. Under the monopoly of elevated temperatures and sun, this increases the number of hair follicles in the resting phase.
Clogged Pores Affect the Scalp:
Clogged pores aren’t only a headache for your face – another common reason for accelerated hair loss during the spring season is due to clogged pores on the scalp. This is caused by perspiration under the influence of increasing temperatures outdoors. The passage of moisture and nutrients to the root is blocked, thus, the hair detaches preventing natural hair growth to occur.
Sun Exposure:
Excessive exposure to sun or even the rain can also contribute to hair loss in the spring, especially if your hair is thin, damaged and exhausted. The UV rays adversely affect the surface of the scalp penetrating deeply, damaging the DNA of your cells. On another hand, raindrops actually transfer dirt from the air to the hair and actually ‘wash’ the essential nutrients that are important to your hairs health.
How to Manage Your Hair Loss in the Spring:
It’s important to remember that the change of the seasons is stressful and taxing on the body by itself which inevitably can affect your physical appearance. Particularly, it is very crucial to take preventive measures against your hair loss. The best way to do so according to research, is to include a specialized range of treatments and/or preventives better known as a hair care regimen.
At Modena Hair Restoration, Southern California and Las Vegas Hair Restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan, would recommend a hair maintenance regimen or ‘medical management’ program for you to follow perpetually. A proper hair care regimen for most hair loss sufferers is similar to the care of your teeth – you maintain them every day to keep your dentist away!
It is highly recommended to use a shampoo such as GroMD that contains powerful stimulating and strengthening ingredients that reinforce the collagen bonds in the root, strengthen the hair fibers, meanwhile improving the blood circulation – the necessary conditions for healthy hair. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma and Laser Hair Therapy are advanced treatment options that have showed great benefits in the reproduction of hair growth for our patients at Modena. One of the ‘advantages’ of seasonal hair loss is that it spreads uniformly over the entire head, and not just locally.  So, don’t worry unnecessarily. Exhale the stress, get the right hair care products and treatments and enjoy the spring!


For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link