Our patient travelled to us from the state of New Mexico sharing that he had done a lot of research on a hair transplant surgery, and wanted to meet with Dr. Amir Yazdan to receive an unbiased surgical recommendation.
Being that Dr. Yazdan regularly performs both FUE and FUT/Strip surgeries he discussed both options with this patient and went over the pros and cons of each hair transplant surgery method. Ultimately the patient decided to move forward with the FUT/Strip procedure. This method allows Dr. Yazdan to harvest more grafts in one sitting which meant we could address both the patients empty crown area as well as his hairline.
Almost a year later our patient has returned to share his life changing results.
To find out which method is best for you schedule a free surgical consultation with Dr. Yazdan at Modena Hair Institute by emailing info@modenahair.com or call (949) 374-2563
This patient came to our office here at Modena Hair Institute in Newport Beach, California stating he was not necessarily unhappy with his hairline, but was interested in finding out how it could be better and most importantly, keep it from getting worse.
After conducting a full medical management consultation with this patient which involves discussing topical solutions, shampoos, medications, and hair loss treatments such as PRP. Dr. Yazdan then explained the hair transplant process. Being that this patient’s hair loss was localized to just the front of his hair an FUE hair transplant was performed with 2,448 grafts extracted by hand by Dr. Yazdan and his team.
1 year later his results show a great improvement in overall density and fullness as well as a restored and rejuvenated hairline. By also following a medical management protocol in combination with the transplant our patient was able to maximize his results and make his existing hair stronger and healthier.
For more information regarding a hair transplant procedure email us at info@modenahair.com or schedule a consultation at 949.374.2563.
Our patient came to us expressing that he was unhappy with the results of a previous Strip/FUT procedure done at another clinic. Not only did he get less than satisfying results from the transplant, he also was left with a scar that was visible because he wore his hair on the shorter side. He expressed he was told from the previous clinic that the scar would not be very noticeable no matter at what length he chose to wear his hair. Here at Modena Hair Institute we advise patients who are considering the Strip/FUT method that their hair should be kept at a 3 clip or longer for the scar to not be noticeable.
To help improve the appearance of this scar Dr. Amir Yazdan recommended using a combination or scalp and beard hair as donor areas to improve the appearance of the scar while also adding density and correcting his hairline. After 1.5 years from his scar repair surgery our patient can now wear his hair at his preferred length and hairstyle with his previous scar being hidden. While many patients worry that beard hair won’t blend in with scalp hair you can see from the photo that the different types of hair blend seamlessly.
It is worth noting that scar tissue is not necessarily healthy tissue due to a decrease in vasculature or blood supply. Transplanting into scar tissue can help promote vascularity which improves the tissue and makes it more viable. After assessing this patient’s full results he shared that his scar was less red and raised which is a common benefit we see at our clinic after a scar repair procedure by Dr. Yazdan.
For more information regarding a scar repair procedure email us at info@modenahair.com
Before and after patient photo of an Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Claire’s Testimony: I contacted Modena Hair Institute because I was so distressed about the way I looked. I had plucked my eyebrows from an early age and unfortunately, they hadn’t grown back. I had blonde eyelashes and barely any eyebrows. I had no confidence or self esteem and always felt ugly compared to everyone else. I felt I didn’t have a face, just lots of skin. I was also allergic to make up which made the situation even worse.
I made myself get up and make an initial consultation with Modena. Although I was struggling with my image, I was obsessively dreaming about how I would look with new and natural looking eyebrows. Would they be too dark and masculine looking? How painful was the procedure? What if it didn’t work for me and I looked even worse after the surgery?
That is when my husband and I sat with Dr. Amir Yazdan and discussed the procedure, why I wanted it and how many grafts he thought I would need. As well as the design and expected aesthetic result. I was thrilled and excited.
The aim of the procedure was to produce natural-looking eyebrows by removing hair from the back of my head and then grafting it into an eyebrow shape above my eyes. This is known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), which is now the gold standard of hair transplantation.
The procedure itself was fast, about three hours, and was not bothered in the least. I also did not experience any complications afterwards.
Dr. Yazdan escorted me back to my room after surgery and ensured I was comfortable and explained what to expect over the next few weeks. I was given a spray that I had to spray on my eyebrows on a daily basis. He also gave me a care package and recommended dietary and sleep habits that would help calm and relax me.
Overall, I feel like I earned a new face. It’s been that important to me!
At Modena Hair Institute, we’ve written extensively on the need for greater consumer literacy and transparency within the hair transplant industry.
We even created and distributed a consumer alert module which details the medical qualifications and professional standards that any potential hair transplant patient should look for in a reputable clinic.
This month at Modena we saw a patient from Austin, Texas for a hair transplant repair procedure. Sadly, he had described an all-too-familiar situation, which involved an unlicensed, uncertified and inexperienced clinic, advertising itself as ‘best in the industry’. His hair transplant procedure left him with less density, transplanted hairs that grew in the opposite direction and a pluggy final look.
Consumer literacy needs to be at the heart of the new revolution in hair transplant efficacy and industry trust. There are thousands of online channels which may offer advice and insight into the hair transplant industry, but most will lack substance and authoritative rigor.
Some of the forums and channels we’ve vetted and found trustworthy are:
Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute recently appeared on The Bald Truth to make further comments on consumer literacy and running a hair restoration clinic the right way.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Due to a lack of sufficient regulation in the hair transplant industry, clients must be very careful. When talking with different clinics, look at the doctors experience, make sure you look at before and after pictures, talk with actual patients and find out about the experience of the technicians that will be assisting the doctor. In fact, on this last point, the importance of an experienced and technically masterful clinical team cannot be understated. An Expert Hair Transplant Needs an Expert Team
Hair restoration requires a high level of specialized skill on the part of both the surgeon and the assistant team. Recipient-site problems can manifest from either surgeon or assistant error. The surgeon can create an unnatural hairline due to lack of knowledge of natural hair-loss patterns or badly executed recipient sites. He must also be cognizant of how hairs naturally are angled on the scalp to re-create a pattern that appears natural when making recipient sites. Assistants can also greatly contribute to the success or failure of surgery in their task of graft dissection and graft placement.
As hair restoration procedures grow in popularity and accessibility, there has sprung up a dangerous class of doctors and clinics who have no business even approaching a patient’s scalp. These clinics simply hire poorly trained or unlicensed technicians to perform substantial aspects of hair restoration surgery – this is both unethical and dangerous.
Unlike almost any other cosmetic procedure, an excellent hair transplant requires an excellent team. The surgeon is part of the equation, but he or she is not the sole player in the game. The surgeon is part of a dedicated and specialized team. At Modena Hair Institute in Newport Beach, Dr. Amir Yazdan is responsible for hairline design, donor harvesting and closure, and recipient site creation; Dr. Yazdan’s team, however, is responsible for graft dissection and placement. Having an excellent team is mandatory.
Almost any surgeon or physician can claim to do hair restoration, but very few do it well. An expert hair transplant surgeon will know if the client is a proper candidate for such a transplant, he or she will be very discerning about how to do the surgery, what will suit the natural structure of the face, and more. Knowing as much about safety regarding when to transplant and when not to is very important. We believe that good judgment must involve both understanding the medical aspects of hair loss (types of hair loss that you can’t operate on, medical management, etc.) as well as surgical expertise (artistry and technical skills). Finally, ethics is key. Beware of False Advertising
Too many clinics have hard driving salesmen to push you to do a case that the surgeon might otherwise think is dangerous or inappropriate. Ethical judgment on when not to operate is very important. Some clinics will prop up an eloquent sales campaign and web presence to sell consumers a trap. Over the years we’ve sadly received many patients seeking to repair and correct the damage done by bad hair transplant procedures. Understanding What You Need
At Modena we recommend being evaluated by a board-certified transplant surgeon like Dr. Yazdan to discuss your medical and family history to better understand the nature of your hair loss and possible treatment options. A careful and experienced hair transplant doctor will scrupulously plan, design and execute on coverage options which you will find most pleasing and attractive.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
As a long-standing member of the prestigious International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, board-certified physician, Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute, is excited to be accepted into the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS).
The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is the only society ever to be recognized by Consumer Reports, Consumer’s Digest and Web M.D. for its commitment to hair transplant patient education and safety.*
As the only IAHRS member in the Orange County and Las Vegas area, acceptance into the society demands practitioners meet high ethical standards, own decades-long experience and a visceral commitment to the art and science of hair transplantation. Its elite membership seeks to represent only the best in the discipline – the true leaders in the field of hair transplant surgery.
As we usher into the 2019 year, it’s important to review the implications of the growing popularity of the hair restoration and hair transplant industry. While new pioneering research and medical innovations have improved the way hair restoration is understood and conducted, many non-specialist clinics have opportunistically sought to seize a growing share of the market.
A host of clinics are offering FUE and FUT procedures as a menu item alongside breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and other peripheral cosmetic operations. As Joe Tillman of Hair Transplant Mentor warns: “These technicians aren’t even employees of the clinics, as many times they are simply outsourced technicians that come in to do the job and then leave when the job is done.”
This effectively means that patients act as guinea pigs for trainees who are operating machines that can barely execute a decent job. Operations of the aforementioned kind often result in gross, botched, or unnatural-looking hairlines.
Many clinics who have no business even approaching the scalp of troubled patients, are emboldened by the promise of easy money and a new source of revenue. Some even prop up an eloquent sales campaign and web presence to sell consumers a trap. Over the years we have sadly received many patients seeking to repair and correct the damage done by bad hair transplant procedures.
To prevent patient mistreatment and misinformation, Dr. Yazdan seeks to recommit himself to world-class hair specialization and expertise by affiliation with august institutions and prestigious societies like the IAHRS and ISHRS. Commitment to these societies is crucial to promising medical and surgical prowess of the highest purity.
Dr. Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the groMD hair restoration product line, and passionate advocate for patient care. As director of Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan has pioneered sophisticated hair transplant methods and instrumentation, specifically with regard to Follicular Unit Extraction. His hair restoration efforts have focused on patient care and post-op success.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
A nationwide survey in 2017 asked women how much facial hair, if any, looked best on a man. The majority of women answered that heavy stubble was the most attractive and light-stubble or clean-shaven was comparatively less attractive.
Of course sex appeal is not the only motive behind growing out a nice, clean and full beard – a man’s beard gives off many masculine and positive vibes. Confidence. Wisdom. Virility. Courage. Strength. The bottom line is that nothing quite says ‘I’m a man’ like a beard.
Yet up to 45 percent of men report being unable to grow out a full and even beard. If you’re having trouble growing a beard, or if your beard is not as full and as lush as you’d like, it can be frustrating. Patchy or uneven beards are an extremely common problem because the cheek areas have considerably weaker blood flow than the area of the upper lip and chin, causing less nutrients and beard-growth hormones to stimulate the region over time.
While some men try hair growth serums, minoxidil or other creams to counteract facial hair loss, more and more men are turning to the easier, more robust and more permanent option of facial hair transplants.
A facial hair transplant is a minor and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that takes hair from the back of the head and transplants it into the bald or patchy areas of the beard.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, head surgeon at Modena Hair Institute in Newport Beach, California, said he has seen a 20 per cent increase in the number of procedures over the last three years as beards have become more fashionable.
A facial hair transplant is a great option for men who seek a thicker and fuller beard because a client can fill in as much or as little as is needed. Moreover, the transplanted hair can be trimmed, shaved, and groomed just as you would other facial hair. The procedure is safe, fast and extremely effective – just make sure to partner with a proper hair restoration surgeon. More on that below. A Note of Caution
While facial hair transplants can be an extremely effective and positive experience, partnering with a well-qualified and tenured hair restoration surgeon is very important. The difference between an expertly trained and experienced hair restoration surgeon and one with little expertise and experience will mean the difference between success and failure. Top doctors know well the horror stories of patients who are sold a cheap and sweet-sounding procedure, only to have their facial hair fall off or turn inflamed later.
An experienced surgeon will be tactful in his or her artistry when positioning and directing the transplanted hairs to fit your natural hair growth pattern. When doing research to find the right surgeon, make sure to ask these key questions:
Do you specialize in hair transplant surgery?
How many years of specialized experience do you have performing FUE and FUT surgeries?
How much actual work is done by you during the hair transplanting process?
Are you certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons?
As you continue on your hair restoration journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
“I felt completely naked without my penciled brows,” explains Ashley Wilkins, “which made life very difficult. I tried brow-growth serums, Rogaine, hair pills — anything I could think of. Nothing worked. I finally decided that getting a brow transplant was the solution for me.”
Growing up with wiry, loose or bushy looking eye brows causes many men and women to either thread them into shape, get them waxed, or constantly pluck and repluck them. All of this can cause tissue damage and unwanted friction.
Others like Ashley tried all of the above and even went further into over-the-counter products and add-ons. But these gimmicky products and services often proved to be just that – gimmicky. They aren’t permanent and require life-long corrections – like a college English paper from hell that never stops needing revision.
Doesn’t it make more sense to have one small procedure and settle the matter for good?
How does an eyebrow transplant work? The procedure involves the individual placement of single hairs in the natural growth pattern of your previous eyebrow hair. You simply create a stencil for your ideal eyebrows, petite or full, luscious or curvy, and the doctor fills out the hair pattern using your naturally growing hairs! The meticulous placement of as many as several hundred hairs can restore eyebrows to their most natural appearance. As seen below.
“I received a lot of criticism when I first told friends and family I was going to have eyebrow hair transplants,” Ashley explains. “No one understood — because their brows were all fully intact. Now, with all said and done, the friends who once judged me say I look amazing. They’ve completely changed their minds about the whole thing. I have never regretted my decision to undergo the surgery.”
“And, eyebrow hair transplants aren’t just for the over-plucked: People who suffer from scars, naturally sparse hair growth, or misshapen brows can all benefit. The process sounds daunting, but it goes by faster than you can imagine — and I promise you will never look back. I haven’t.”
Want to settle the matter for good? Contact Dr. Amir in Newport Beach at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Progressive Edge
Dr. Amir Yazdan takes personal pride in providing courteous and high-quality professional treatment for all his patients’ hair care needs. A zealous advocate of patient safety and hair restoration research, Dr. Yazdan combines advanced scientific knowledge with over a decade of critical experience to contrive innovative treatments options for his patients. He spends most of his time looking for better ways to treat hair loss. Dr. Yazdan is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, and ISHRS member. He fuses the best of today’s medical approaches to give you superior care and a better, more enhanced you. Personal Commitment
Purposeful and personal attention over every surgery is Modena Hair Institute’s way of ensuring total patient comfort, happiness, and peace of mind. Apart from artistic precision and surgical mastery, Dr. Yazdan takes a complete-oversight approach to patient consultation, pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care. He is committed to helping each patient determine what solution best fits his or her individual situation, whether through hair restoration products or surgical solutions. At many hair restoration clinics, it’s anonymous technicians and assistants who will do most of the actual extraction and transplanting work. This effectively means that patients act as guinea pigs for trainees who are still learning all the particular and complex aspects of the hair restoration craft. Following Nature
The ultimate end and aim of hair transplant work is a natural looking hairline. When it comes to graft placement, Dr. Yazdan follows the rules of nature. There are ‘assembly line’ clinics and physicians who fall short of the personalized gold standard of hair restoration treatment and perform FUE and FUT procedures without a proper understanding of growth pattern, style, flexibility, and general look of a patient’s hair. We have potential patients who worry about their hair transplant looking ‘pluggy’ or fake (which can and will happen at inexperienced clinics!), but this will never happen at Modena because we follow nature’s flow pattern. A ‘pluggy’ look is the result of a surgeon who (guess what) uses plugs! Such an incapable and inexperienced surgeon did not use naturally occurring follicular units, and so the results were unsurprisingly bad. What’s important is that patients go to a doctor who specializes exclusively in follicular unit transplantation, one who has the knowledge, experience, and artistic detail necessary to produce a natural-looking hairline. Lastly, it’s paramount to keep in mind that hair restoration is a medical ‘art.’ Medical art combines medical knowledge, mastery of advanced surgical skills and techniques as well as a keen eye enabling the accurate reproduction of what occurs naturally. Mere educational or surgical competence is only half the story, you need artistic talent and capability as well.
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
We have more hair transplant clinics today in 2018 than we have ever had before. Yet, modern hair transplant patients are receiving some of the worst results the industry has ever seen. We don’t need to remind you that quantity does not entail quality. In this article we will explore why, with the great proliferation of hair restoration clinics across the nation and the world, has there been a rise in botched jobs and damaged hairlines.
As hair transplants and hair restoration practices grow in popularity and accessibility there has sprung up a dangerous class of hair transplant practitioners and technicians. For many this comes as a shock, that in 2018, with all of the scientific and technological advancements taking place in medical care, the hair transplant industry can be so infested with shady malpractice.
For one thing, as witnessed with pharmaceutical and other major industries, innovation and advancement of product inevitably means there will be those trying sell knockoffs and cheap substitutes.
This dangerous and greedy class of hair technicians seek to capitalize on a service so many people genuinely desire and need. Using flowery marketing tactics and savvy sales campaigns, these inexperienced and unskilled physicians lure in customers for cheap and faulty operations. Many crooked hair transplant clinics will sucker clients in with seductive-looking technology and highly scientific sounding brochures. An obvious fallacy, as we all know that having the best stereoscopic dissecting microscope or other fancy instrumentation does not confer ability or experience on the operating physician or technician. Yet most people often cannot help wanting to take advantage of a seemingly good deal and are thus caught in the trap.
British celebrity and MTV star, Kyle Christie, notoriously underwent an embarrassing and cosmetically gross hair transplant. A devastated but hopeful Christie now speaks about the importance of finding a proper physician who is ethically and technically pure. Christie’s unappealing, pointy, and pluggy looking hairline
Media personality, Yousef Erakat (stage name Fousey), who began experiencing male pattern baldness in his early 20s sought to recover his healthy hair look with scalp micropigmentation (SMP), but also suffered at the hands of an inexperienced and unethical clinic. After his scalp procedure, Yousef rushed to book another appointment at a different clinic to salvage what had been needlessly lost. In an interview following the incident Yousef’s words are an urgent reminder: “I made an appointment [but] I didn’t do any research, I didn’t check any reviews, I didn’t think about it.” Yousef removes head tattoo immediately after getting it
This abuse of hair restoration promises has crushed the spirit and confidence of so many people that it is causing industry outrage. The emotional toll and psychological repercussions of inexperienced and faulty hair transplant work has caused many men (and women) to spiral into a constant battle of obsessive perfectionism and low self-esteem.
Kyle Christie and Yousef Erakat suffered under bad clinics residing in America and the UK, but many who seek a cheaper alternative overseas are even more likely to experience dissatisfaction. Many individuals have been seduced by low prices and sweet promises by foreign hair transplant clinics as well: Turkey Hair Transplant Gone Wrong.
Perhaps most importantly, however, these surgical abuses and empty promises seriously impact and undermine the brilliant hair transplant work performed by ethical and leading hair care physicians.
The hallmarks of a bad hair transplant procedure are always coarse, scarred, uneven, and fake looking hair. The hallmarks of a good hair transplant, however, are much harder to spot, because the best physicians will give clients the most natural-looking hair possible. A seasoned hair transplant surgeon will consistently produce ultra-refined, dense, and natural looking hairlines. Expert clinics and expert physicians are rare, but they’re worth the research to find.
The best hair transplant doctors will also work tirelessly over many years to perfect their FUE and FUT method. Board certified physician Dr. Amir Yazdan, for example, developed his own propriety FUE extraction method and personalized set of instruments over the course of a decade. With every operation he continually refined and improved his method in order to provide patients with the greatest possible aesthetic outcome. Dr. Yazdan on ‘The Doctors’ TV show
Dr. Yazdan also oversees the entire hair transplant procedure to guarantee proper graft orientation, prevent hair graft loss, and ensure natural hair grouping design. Dr. Yazdan, like other top doctors in the industry, adamantly promote the ‘doctor only’ model of hair transplantation, and stress the importance of expert oversight from start to finish and even during post op.
True veteran hair transplant doctors will carefully assesses hair density, hair angle variance, hairline shape, hair grouping design, and other key elements in order to determine exact graft selection and placement sites.
Luckily, there are strong ways of separating the experts from the imitators. Highly reputable medical forums and review boards such as realself.com are indispensable.
Read our breakdown on how to vet hair transplant physicians and what to ask them: Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Surgeon
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
There are many non-surgical treatment options for those who are not looking for serious hair restoration work. Individuals experiencing mild hair loss or shedding often know about minoxidil (popular trade names include Rogaine), scalp micropigmentation (hair tattooing), or hair thickening shampoo and conditioners like groMD.
Less widely known is platelet-rich-plasma therapy, a procedure that employs your own blood to stimulate dormant or transplanted hair follicles.
You may be asking: ‘How can your own blood grow your hair’?
Simple. Blood is primarily made up of two things: red blood cells and plasma (which contain white blood cells and platelets). The platelets in your body – micro blood cells that stop your body from bleeding – contain essential growth factors which can trigger skin cells to function.
But drawn blood itself is not sufficient to act effectively on one’s hair follicles, it must be mechanically spun in a centrifuge so that the red blood cells and plasma are properly partitioned. This spinning and partition process effectively produces a plasma that “contains three to five times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood and transforming growth factors”.
Dr. Amir Yazdan recommends PRP therapy on “The Doctors” TV Show:
Once this platelet-rich plasma is harvested, it is slowly and methodically injected into the scalp at the level of the hair follicle. The physician injects the plasma-rich shots at every half or quarter inch around the area of thinning or balding hair. These plasma injections “contain platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF) and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing.”
All PRP procedures, however, are not created equal, as the effectiveness of PRP treatments depend heavily on the physician’s expertise and method.
Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, for example, offers a highly advanced version of PRP therapy that is enhanced with a one-of-a-kind propriety protein called Acell. Acell “is a non-crosslinked, completely absorbable, acellular Extracellular Matrix (ECM) tissue proven to have regenerative properties.” The dual stimulating and regenerative effects of A Cell and PRP work to restore communication lines and reverse DHT’s thinning effects.
There are many hair restoration clinics that offer PRP therapy – which requires repeated sessions every two to three months to sustain – but few who offer the more advanced and significantly longer-lasting solution of PRP + Acell. PRP therapy alone does not stop the thinning process, but the combination of Acell and PRP therapy builds your native hair follicles with the aid of the matrix structure.
PRP + Acell therapy is an outpatient procedure performed in a hair restoration clinic, and the entire process takes only about an hour to perform. Happily, there is little if any medical risk and post-op maintenance involved, and the procedure is painless from start to finish.
Medically and scientifically backed, PRP + Acell has been known to stimulate cell regrowth, slow hair shedding, and aid during the hair restoration process. Acell enhanced PRP injections help patients with thinning hair by increasing their hair count, thickness, and growth speed.
Results from the plasma treatment can be seen within two to three months of the operation.
Always remember, however, all hair restoration practitioners are not equal. Research and compare physicians who are experienced in both male and female pattern baldness and in the application of PRP with Acell.
A Virtual Walk-Through of PRP Therapy
For all matters hair or hair loss contact Modena Hair at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Hair loss and hair shedding in women is a much more common phenomenon than public discourse on the issue lets on. Recent research tells us that approximately twenty-five million women suffer from hair loss in the United States alone. Even more striking, about 40% of women will display some degree of female pattern hair loss by the time they reach age 50. The National Institute of Health reports: “Fewer than 45% of women go through life with a full head of hair. Female pattern hair loss is the commonest cause of hair loss in women and prevalence increases with advancing age.”
Happily, hair loss prevention and treatment options have greatly grown in popularity, safety, and effectiveness.
There are potentially many causes behind hair loss in women – some of the most common include stress, unhealthy lifestyle choices and consistent usage of chemical sprays and gels. While the aforementioned causes can be found among men as well, certain female-only causes of hair loss may be associated with pregnancy, thyroid disorders and anemia.
Hair loss in women can be devastating for their self-esteem and emotional well-being. The best reaction to sudden or gradual hair loss is not to panic but to start down the road of effective research and proactive inquiry. Ask yourself: have there been any recent changes to my lifestyle that may be having an adverse effect on my hair? Has my diet changed, or perhaps my physical fitness regimen? Diet and exercise are often correlated with hair loss and so careful monitoring of both are important.
Beyond simple self-help methods, it’s highly advisable to visit a local (or non-local) hair loss specialist, as this is the strongest option for those who are unsure about the origin of their female pattern hair loss (also known as androgenetic alopecia), and are wanting expert diagnosis, treatment and medical advice.
A hair restoration physician will help you navigate treatment options and discover whether you suffer from chronic hair shedding exclusively or if there are a mixture of hormonal and genetic factors at play. This is important, because the nature of your physiology and hair loss pattern will determine what kind of treatment you need and to what extent. Beware, however, of inexperienced or poor practitioners, as small diagnostic errors may result in botched projects if one is not careful. Treating Female Hair Loss
Based on one’s medical diagnosis and consultation with a hair restoration specialist, medical management of hair loss or transplant surgery will be the solution, yet sometimes both are advised. Board certified physician and hair loss specialist, Dr. Amir Yazdan, for example, recommends over-the-counter minoxidil (Rogaine) to be applied in tandem with groMD shampoo and conditioner to patients experiencing thinning of hair.
More drastic hair loss cases where women exhibit balding or a gap widening on the topmost part of their scalp may require more advanced hair restoration treatments such as an FUE or FUT hair transplant. If a hair transplant is chosen as the best treatment option, it is the expert opinion of Dr. Yazdan and others in the know to recommend the FUT method above that of the FUE, because of visibility concerns and graft volume desires.
Check out this easy video presentation, where Dr. Yazdan explains the persuasive advantages of the FUT procedure:
If you’re suffering with hair loss and would like some information on how we might be able to help, please contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or by visiting Modenahair.com.
The internet is an unparalleled resource for checking surgical reputations and verifying medical truth claims. Medical practices the world over have recognized this shift in patient knowledge capabilities and sought to give the public unfiltered access to their purported talents, surgical history, and client testimony through reputable online forums.
One of the most popular and reputable online forums used by patients and cosmetic practitioners worldwide is the website RealSelf. Listed as one of the top doctors on realself.com, board-certified physician Dr. Amir Yazdan, stresses the importance of patient-physician research when he says: “online consumer review forums like RealSelf are a quick and excellent way for patients to verify a physician’s truth claims. Don’t be seduced by doctors who label themselves as ‘experts’, ‘visionaries’, or ‘leaders in their field’, make sure to check their customer reviews, Q&As, transplant success rate, and most of all, whether they specialize exclusively in hair transplant procedures.”
Sites like RealSelf allows users to ask doctors questions, write treatment reviews, and share photos of their experiences.
Finding the best FUE hair transplant surgeon in your area (although sometimes a non-local option will serve you much better) really comes down to effectively researching the hair restoration practice and asking critically relevant questions concerning their procedure, method, and history. A fuller list of questions to ask your hair transplant physician will follow.
At many hair restoration clinics, it’s the technicians or physicians’ assistants who will do most of the actual extraction and transplanting work. This effectively means that patients act as guinea pigs for trainees who are still learning all the particular and complex aspects of the hair restoration craft. Operations of the aforementioned kind often result in aesthetically imperfect, botched, or unnatural-looking hairlines.
Asking critically relevant questions of the different hair restoration practices you survey is the first major step towards weeding out superficial offers. The key questions to ask a hair restoration surgeon are:
Do you specialize in hair transplant surgery?
How many years of specialized experience do you have performing FUE and FUT surgeries?
How much actual work is done by you during the hair transplanting process?
Are you certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgeons?
Choosing the right hair transplant surgeon comes down to feeling safe and secure with a specialist who has outlined and executed your surgical design thousands of times. Unique assessment of every patient and total oversight during the entire procedure are also imperative. Top RealSelf doctor Amir Yazdan, for example, oversees the entire hair transplant procedure to guarantee proper graft orientation, prevent hair graft loss, and ensure natural hair grouping design.
Go from a place of understanding less to a place of understanding more, check out RealSelf Q&A with Amir Yazdan, MD as well as Dr. Yazdan’s RealSelf Patient Reviews.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
The problem with online research and online hair ‘experts’ is how often misleading and false their information is. Many hair restoration practices will wax knowledgeable about the who, what, and where of proper hair transplant procedures, often urging you to contact one of their ‘hair loss specialists’ for guidance. Very often this is a rhetorical ruse, employed to give the illusion of impeccable expertise and time-honored success. The reality is much less spectacular.
Whenever you’re urged to contact a crew of hair loss specialists, beware, plurality signals a lack of expertise. The best hair care treatment you can possibly receive will come from an individualized and personalized consultation with a veteran hair transplant physician or surgeon.
For example, at Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, inquiring clients always meet with board certified physician and specialized hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Amir Yazdan, for a personal solution to their hair loss troubles. A successful FUE procedure at Modena starts with a detailed examination and technical analysis of the patient. Such important background factors as the genetic endowment of the individual, health history, and health of donor site are examined. Dr. Yazdan discusses Traction Alopecia with Countess Vaughn on The Doctor’s TV Show.
The safety of FUE transplant procedures, therefore, heavily depends on the experience and expertise of the guiding physician, their operating method, and the nature of their instrumentation. For increased precision and minimal incision marks, Dr. Yazdan will use a micropunch as small as .7mm diameter in order to extract follicular units out of the donor area and implant them into the hairline gently and with perfect artistry.
Although FUE procedures are known as the safest and least invasive of existing surgical restoration options, tragedy can strike if surgical misapplication and misjudgment caused by poor operative care occurs.
What are the risks associated with having a hair transplant operation done by unlicensed technicians, physicians assistants, or inexperienced FUE surgeons? This list covers only a few:
Hair loss
Botched appearance
Wrong direction of hair growth
Plugged graft look
Unnatural looking hair
FUE hair transplantation is usually sought after for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, but can be a treatment option for many types of hair loss. Follicular unit extraction (FUE), when performed by a master physician skilled in hand-crafted precision instrumentation – not major surgical instruments or automated robots – is a completely safe and confidence-boosting procedure.
Make sure that you do your research, follow the guidelines set out above, and ask critically relevant questions of every hair restoration clinic you survey.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
A cheap hair transplant may prove to be exactly that – a cheap substitute for a very specialized procedure carried out by a suitably experienced and skillful hair loss physician.
The hair restoration industry is growing like wild fire as more and more men and women seek assistance with their hair loss concerns. As the demand for services like hair transplants, PRP therapy, and scalp micropigmentation rises, so does the number of “businesses” offering such services. Some clinics even offer hair transplants and other hair restoration procedures at a bargain, and let us warn you – you don’t’ want to be shopping for a low-cost hair restoration procedure or treatment of any type that’s easier on the pocketbook unless you’re prepared for the unruly results that comes with it that even your top hair transplant surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan are unable to fix – this isn’t the case always but many times, patients with a botched hair transplant must be turned away due to several factors including insufficient donor hair remaining.
Think about it. For most people suffering from hair loss, the decision to undergo a hair transplant surgery is one of the biggest you will ever make. It can change your life for the good – or it can change it for the bad. It’s your responsibility to do your homework and find a reputable surgeon with a dedicated surgical team. For many, a hair transplant procedure is positive and is an extremely rewarding experience. For others that choose to ‘get a bang for their buck,’ well… this can lead to heartache and misery. There are plenty of hair loss forums, videos and threads out there proving this.
Don’t Let Them Take Advantage of Your Sensitive Problem
Hair loss is an extremely sensitive problem for both men and women and people become desperate to get back the hair they once had. They worry about whether or not they can afford such treatments and there are plenty of low-cost “bargain” clinics waiting to take advantage of this. We understand, it takes a lot of courage to seek help when it comes to balding, hair loss, or your hair thinning concerns – these cheap clinics do too, by luring people in with discount hair restoration solutions. Low-cost hair loss clinics are often being ran by immoral or inexperienced individuals who are not licensed or do not have the experience or qualifications to treat patients properly. They can offer cheap hair loss solutions because they cut corners and jeopardize the safety of patients. The Risky Business
Putting all your trust – and your hair – in one of these unethical clinics is a risky business. There is no way of knowing whether or not an unlicensed or inexperienced physician meets hygiene and safety standards…until its too late and you’re being treated for a scalp infection. Not only that, but your hair restoration treatment often can make you look worse than you did before. Board certified hair restoration specialist and ISHRS member, Dr. Yazdan, has had countless inquiries on hair transplant repairs because of these shameless clinics and we are alarmed by the number of patients we’ve seen who’ve had inferior quality hair transplants performed at outside budget clinics. Whether it’s been odd angling and position of the hair due to bad graft placement, terrible infections, or atrocious scars from an FUT/Strip surgery. INVEST IN YOURSELF
It may be tempting to jump on a good deal that comes across your computer screen when researching hair restoration surgery, however, be wise and stay far away from these. The last thing you want is to end up looking worse with an uneven hairline or a patchy crown due to physicians cutting corners at the expense of you! Consider a hair transplant as an investment in yourself and opt for a licensed and reputable surgeon who specializes in solely, hair restoration.
At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan is a board certified cosmetic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. You may have seen him consult and perform hair loss treatments on shows such as Dr. Phil, The Doctors, and is also a RealSelf top hair restoration surgeon. Put your ‘scalp’ in the hands of the professionals and you will get the results you desire and deserve. You’ve heard the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
Hair loss and thinning can have a dramatic impact on a women’s confidence and self-assurance. While it’s easy for females to feel alone in suffering from hair loss, it is actually quite common. It’s most common in women during and post-menopause, however, it can begin as early as a woman’s 20’s.
The key is to begin treatment or a hair loss regimen the moment you start noticing thinning, as most medications are shown to be most effective at the earliest stages of hair loss – Rogaine is one of them. Women’s Rogaine has the same formula as the men’s, the difference is the percentage of minoxidil (active ingredient) and recommended dosages to accommodate the differences in male and female sensitivity to the product. The American Hair Loss Institute has shown that minoxidil is often much more effective in women than in men – contrary to widespread belief. This means women need less to see growth. Women may also be more vulnerable to the side effects, which necessitate the smaller dosages. Thankfully, side effects are minor, and we will get more into that below. What does Rogaine do for Women?
The active ingredient in Rogaine for women (and men, essentially) is Minoxidil. Minoxidil widens the blood vessels and opens potassium channels, sending more oxygen, blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles. This will stimulate the hair follicles, promoting new growth and strengthening the hair. It is most effective at the onset stages of female-pattern hair loss, so try to start treatment as soon as you notice yourself starting to lose more hair than normal or if you start to see parts of the scalp due to the thinning of hair follicles AKA follicle miniaturization. What is the Active Ingredient in Rogaine?
Minoxidil was originally a drug in pill form called Loniten – used to treat high blood pressure. Patients who were prescribed this medication noticed increased hair growth. By turning minoxidil into a topical solution to be applied directly on the scalp and being introduced in Rogaine in 1992, the product has become FDA approved for over-the-counter use and is now even more potent and effective. It is also the only FDA approved drug for women’s hair loss, also known as female-pattern baldness or female-pattern hair loss. Rogaine Side Effects
Another popular belief about Rogaine for Women is that you’re going to grow hair in all the wrong places – this is exaggerated to say the least. Yes, some women have stated that they’ve grown unwarranted baby hairs past the hairline or on some parts of the face, but this is very rare and is most likely caused by improper distribution of the product, allowing it to drip down the face while applying onto the scalp. At Modena Hair Institute, we recommend wearing gloves while being very cautious as to where you are applying, only allowing it to reach the scalp and nowhere else, so just be careful. Although rare – other side effects include a dry scalp and minimal temporary shedding of the hair. Before you stop reading, don’t be alarmed… this isn’t only normal, but means it’s working! As the thin lifeless hair falls out, new healthy strands of hair begin to grow in place. Most female consumers find the benefits of having a thick head of hair outweigh the cons or minor side effects that come along with Rogaine. So, if you can withstand 2 weeks of some possible shedding, you’re in for a lifetime of Rogaine’s powerful benefits.
As with most things in life, consistency is crucial for optimal results. We like to tell our patients – it’s like brushing your teeth every day, you do it to maintain healthy teeth and gums, right? For most of us that will experience some form of hair loss and/or thinning in our lifetime, we must maintain a hair care regimen for a healthy head of hair!
Please note – while Rogaine works wonders for many women suffering from genetic hair loss, this product is not meant for treatment of other causes of hair loss (i.e. hair loss due to an underlying illness). We don’t want you to waste money on a product that may not be right for you – we highly recommend seeing a hair restoration specialist to have an evaluation prior to using Rogaine. This will ensure your hair loss is in fact hereditary and just part of the ageing process rather than something more serious.
Still not sure if Rogaine is right for you? Luckily, there are other treatments for women that suffer from hair loss. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan offers treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), Low-Level Laser therapy, and GroMD’s haircare system including a DHT blocking Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray.
*Hair Tip: For optimal results and to get your hair back without feeling self-conscious about throwing your hair up in a quick pony-tail – mixing Rogaine with GroMD’s Follicle Activator Spray has worked wonders for both men and women hair loss sufferers.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link
If you’ve been sliding down a slope of thinning hair or a balding crown and have begun your hunt into hair restoration and ways to revamp your tresses, you may realize just how daunting of a subject it can be. Between all the ‘medical’ terminology and companies trying to sell miracle cures, figuring out what really works can feel like looking for a diamond in the rough!
So, what actually works? Are products like Rogaine the answer to all my problems, or is a more natural means to regrow hair viable through vitamins? And how do these methods compare with actual procedures for hair loss such as a hair transplant? If you’re feeling adrift when it comes to hair loss – no need to call a search-and-rescue, Dr. Yazdan and his team of experts at Modena Hair Restoration are here to help. Hair Growth Products
Despite what you may have read online, there is no “magic pill” for hair growth. Increasing your vitamin intake into your diet or using products like snake oil to cure your balding issues simply have not shown enough proof of their effectiveness quite yet. If stopping hair loss was as simple as taking a vitamin, everyone would have a full head of hair; hair thinning women and balding men walking down the street would be virtually obsolete.
As of today, there are only two products approved by the FDA for treating hair loss; Yes, Minoxidil or better known as Rogaine is one of them and can be found over-the-counter. The second FDA-approved hair growth product is Propecia or its generic name – Finasteride which can be prescribed by a reputable hair restoration specialist, alike Dr. Yazdan. When used in conjunction, these two products are clinically proven to combat thinning hair, prevent future hair loss and are even proven to regrow those luscious locks you once had.
Propecia has shown its effectiveness in many clinical trials to regrow hair in men and some women, while Rogaine can significantly slow down hair loss and can encourage the growth of new hairs. When combined, Propecia and Rogaine can make a noticeable difference for those experiencing mild to moderate hair loss. For those experiencing more severe hair loss or looking for a more permanent solution, hair restoration procedures such as an FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant may be a better solution depending on your needs and desires to have a thick and full head of hair.
Another product that has shown its effectiveness in fighting off hair loss and even regrowth is GroMD’s DHT blocking Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray. No need to add any additional steps in your hair care regimen with this one as the DHT fighting ingredients come in the form of a product we already use daily – shampoo. Read more here on how elevated levels of DHT are the #1 culprit to men and women’s hair loss today. Hair Restoration Procedures
Opposed to hair growth products, hair restoration procedures including hair transplants do not seek to solve or target the underlying causes of hair loss. Rather, a hair restoration surgery takes your own healthy donor hair – natural hair from the back and sides of the scalp and transplants them in receding hairlines and bald spots of concern. If done correctly and by a highly skilled hair restoration surgeon such as Dr. Yazdan, the results are natural-looking hair that blends in unnoticeably with your surrounding hair. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are the two most advanced hair restoration methods to date. Dr. Yazdan routinely performs both FUE and FUT/Strip procedures yielding truly transformative results for those experiencing hair loss and in need of a self-confidence boost!
Other options like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) have also been shown to make a compelling difference in hair loss and balding in both men and women. Dr. Yazdan performs both PRP and LLLT daily as they have both shown and proven to be two powerful and effective hair loss fighting options without going ‘under the knife.’
How Do They Compare?
In a sense, comparing products vs. procedures is like comparing apples to oranges. They have different effects and solutions in treating hair loss. Hair growth products like Minoxidil/Rogaine, Propecia and GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray can make an impact as you start to notice your hair thinning. The main goals with these 3 products are to STOP and PREVENT hair loss in its earlier stages. These 3 are considered great hair loss regimens. For best results, you’ll want to begin treatment at the onset of hair loss to stop it in its tracks! Hair restoration procedures can restore lost hair by harvesting and transplanting healthy follicles from elsewhere on the scalp but won’t do anything to prevent further hair loss. Both hair growth products and hair restoration procedures are advantageous options for those combating hair loss, but the perfect option for you truly depends on your individual hair loss and your desires. Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link